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The Florida Senate

HB 1805: Health Dept./Duties/Functions


Health Dept./Duties/Functions; transfers certain powers, duties, functions, & assets of Children & Family Services Dept. re child abuse & child protection to Health Dept.; transfers certain powers, duties, functions, & assets of DBPR re regulating public food service establishments to Health Dept.; transfers certain powers, duties, functions, & assets of Children & Family Services Dept. re substance abuse & mental health to Health Dept., etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/1997 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/1/1998 House - Died, reference deferred, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1357 (Ch. 97-237), CS/SB 1646 (Ch. 98-137), CS/SB 1716 (Ch. 98-151)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/31/1997 House • Filed
    4/1/1997 House • Introduced -HJ 00369
    5/2/1997 House • Carried over to 1998 Session pursuant to House Rule 96, Introduced, not referred
    3/3/1998 House • CARRIED OVER; Introduced
    5/1/1998 House • Died, reference deferred, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1357 (Ch. 97-237), CS/SB 1646 (Ch. 98-137), CS/SB 1716 (Ch. 98-151)

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  • HB 1805, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (5)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 1929 (e1) Protection of Children/Teams/Program Albright Compare Last Action: 4/28/1998 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1646 (Ch. 98-137) -HJ 01476
    S 1646 (e1) Myers Compare Last Action: 5/22/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-137
    S 1716 (c1) Brown-Waite Compare Last Action: 5/22/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-151; See also CS/CS/SB 484 (Ch. 98-191)
    S 1936 Public Food Service Regulation Myers Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Health Care, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1716 (Ch. 98-151)
    S 2340 Indoor Air Quality Forman Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Health Care

    Citations - Statutes (78)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.165 Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    20.19 Department of Children and Family Services.
    20.43 Department of Health.
    159.27 Definitions.
    316.1955 Parking spaces for persons who have disabilities.
    381.006 Environmental health.
    381.0072 Food service protection.
    381.0101 Environmental health professionals.
    391.051 Qualifications of director.
    394.453 Legislative intent.
    394.455 Definitions.
    394.457 Operation and administration.
    394.4615 Clinical records; confidentiality.
    394.4674 Plan and report.
    394.4781 Residential care for psychotic and emotionally disturbed children.
    394.480 Compact administrator.
    394.50 Children's residential and day treatment centers.
    394.60 Transfer of patients.
    394.66 Legislative intent with respect to alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health services.
    394.67 Definitions.
    394.675 Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health service system.
    394.73 Joint alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health service programs in two or more counties.
    394.74 Contracts for provision of local alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health programs.
    394.75 District alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health plans.
    394.76 Financing of district programs and services.
    394.78 Operation and administration; personnel standards; procedures for audit and monitoring of service providers; resolution of disputes.
    394.79 State alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health plan.
    397.311 Definitions.
    397.321 Duties of the department.
    397.427 Medication treatment service providers; rehabilitation program; needs assessment and provision of services; persons authorized to issue takeout methadone; unlawful operation; penalty.
    397.706 Screening, assessment, and disposition of juvenile offenders.
    397.753 Definitions.
    397.754 Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Corrections.
    397.801 Substance abuse impairment coordination.
    397.821 Juvenile substance abuse impairment prevention and early intervention councils.
    397.901 Prototype juvenile addictions receiving facilities.
    399.01 Definitions.
    404.056 Environmental radiation standards and programs; radon protection.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    509.013 Definitions.
    509.032 Duties.
    509.035 Immediate closure due to severe public health threat.
    509.036 Public food service inspector standardization.
    509.039 Food service manager certification.
    509.049 Food service employee training.
    509.072 Hotel and Restaurant Trust Fund; collection and disposition of moneys received.
    509.091 Notices; form and service.
    509.092 Public lodging establishments and public food service establishments; rights as private enterprises.
    509.101 Establishment rules; posting of notice; food service inspection report; maintenance of guest register; mobile food dispensing vehicle registry.
    509.141 Refusal of admission and ejection of undesirable guests; notice; procedure; penalties for refusal to leave.
    509.142 Conduct on premises; refusal of service.
    509.151 Obtaining food or lodging with intent to defraud; penalty.
    509.162 Theft of personal property; detaining and arrest of violator; theft by employee.
    509.191 Unclaimed property.
    509.211 Safety regulations.
    509.2112 Public lodging establishments three stories or more in height; inspection rules.
    509.213 Emergency first aid to choking victims.
    509.214 Notification of automatic gratuity charge.
    509.215 Firesafety.
    509.221 Sanitary regulations.
    509.232 School carnivals and fairs; exemption from certain food service regulations.
    509.241 Licenses required; exceptions.
    509.251 License fees.
    509.261 Revocation or suspension of licenses; fines; procedure.
    509.281 Prosecution for violation; duty of state attorney; penalties.
    509.291 Advisory council.
    509.292 Misrepresenting food or food product; penalty.
    509.302 Director of education, personnel, employment duties, compensation.
    717.1355 Theme park and entertainment complex tickets.
    877.24 Nonapplication of s. 877.22.

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