CS/SB 2334: Children's Health Services
GENERAL BILL by Health Care ; Myers
Children's Health Services; transfers responsibility for children's mental health services & substance abuse services from CFS Dept. to Health Dept.; provides for membership of Advisory Board for Multiagency Service Network for Students with Severe Emotional Disturbances; redefines term "dept." for purposes of Fla. Mental Health Act, to include both CFS & Health Dept.; redefines term "dept." for purposes of community alcohol & drug abuse services, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died in Committee on Children, Families and Seniors
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 3/3/1998 Senate • Filed
3/19/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Health Care; Children, Families and Seniors; Ways and Means -SJ 00226
3/26/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health Care, 03/31/98, 9:00 am, Room-EL --Not considered
4/2/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health Care, 04/07/98, 2:00 pm, Room-EL
4/7/1998 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Health Care -SJ 00407; CS read first time on 04/08/98 -SJ 00414
4/8/1998 Senate • Now in Children, Families and Seniors -SJ 00407
5/1/1998 Senate • Died in Committee on Children, Families and Seniors
CS/SB 2334, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/10/1998 at 2:58 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Health Care (Post-Meeting) 4/7/1998 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location H 4357 Children's Health Services Casey Similar Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations
Location:Citations - Statutes (10)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 230.2317 Educational multiagency services for students with severe emotional disturbance. 394.455 Definitions. 394.67 Definitions. 394.91 397.311 Definitions. 561.121 Deposit of revenue. 984.225 Powers of disposition; placement in a staff-secure shelter. 985.06 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup. 985.21 Intake and case management. 985.223 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases. -
SB 2334, Original Filed Version Posted 3/18/1998 at 1:18 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Citations - Statutes (8)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 230.2317 Educational multiagency services for students with severe emotional disturbance. 394.455 Definitions. 394.67 Definitions. 561.121 Deposit of revenue. 984.225 Powers of disposition; placement in a staff-secure shelter. 985.06 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup. 985.21 Intake and case management. 985.223 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases.
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