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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 270: Firefighters & Police Pension TF

GENERAL BILL by Community Affairs ; Childers ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Dudley ; Dyer ; Silver ; Turner ; Jones ; Casas ; Forman ; Campbell ; Holzendorf ; Thomas ; Diaz-Balart ; Gutman ; Crist ; Rossin ; Brown-Waite ; Bronson ; Harris ; Klein ; Myers ; KURTH ; Meadows ; McKay ; Clary

Firefighters & Police Pension TF; amends & revises provisions re Municipal Firefighters' Pension Trust Funds & Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Funds; redefines "compensation" or "salary" for retirement; provides that certain benefits provided are minimum & may not be diminished by any other state, local, or federal benefits; modifies formula for calculating volunteer firefighter service retirement benefits, etc. Amends Chs. 175, 185.

Effective Date: Contingent
Last Action: 4/30/1998 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01222, -SJ 01522; Read second time -SJ 01328; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 01328; House Bill substituted -SJ 01328; Laid on Table, Refer to CS/CS/CS/HB 3075 (Vetoed by Governor); Refer to SB 1462 (Ch. 98-134)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    10/29/1997 Senate • Prefiled
    11/19/1997 Senate • Referred to Community Affairs; Ways and Means
    3/3/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Community Affairs; Ways and Means -SJ 00023; On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 03/03/98, 2:30 pm, Room-309C --Not considered
    3/9/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 03/12/98, 1:00 pm, Room-309C --Temporarily postponed
    3/12/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 03/17/98, 9:00 am, Room-309C --Temporarily postponed
    3/18/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 03/23/98, 3:00 pm, Room-309C --Temporarily postponed
    3/26/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 03/31/98, 1:30 pm, Room-309C
    3/31/1998 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Community Affairs -SJ 00408; CS read first time on 04/08/98 -SJ 00409
    4/6/1998 Senate • Now in Ways and Means -SJ 00408
    4/15/1998 Senate • Withdrawn from Ways and Means -SJ 00462; Placed on Calendar
    4/27/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00982
    4/28/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00982, -SJ 01092
    4/29/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01092
    4/30/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01222, -SJ 01522; Read second time -SJ 01328; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 01328; House Bill substituted -SJ 01328; Laid on Table, Refer to CS/CS/CS/HB 3075 (Vetoed by Governor); Refer to SB 1462 (Ch. 98-134)

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  • CS/SB 270, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/7/1998 at 1:38 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Community Affairs (Post-Meeting) 3/31/1998 (pdf)

    Related Bills (4)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 3075 (e1) Pruitt Similar Last Action: 4/30/1999 H Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State, I/S/C Bill( s) passed refer to SB 1462 (Ch. 98-134)
    H 3173 (c1) Retirement Funds Posey Compare Last Action: 4/27/1998 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to SB 1462 (Ch. 98-134) -HJ 01377
    S 266 (c1) Firefighters & Police Pension TF Childers Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to SB 1462 (Ch. 98-134)
    S 1462 Gutman Compare Last Action: 5/22/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-134

    Floor Amendments (21)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    263648 - Amendment
    Myers 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    514692 - Amendment
    Myers 4/30/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    150328 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    174364 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    205520 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    233598 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    341542 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    345216 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    361264 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    513232 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    685198 - Amendment
    Myers 5/1/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    022712 - Amendment
    Myers 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    064280 - Amendment
    Forman 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    120674 - Amendment
    Myers 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    132302 - Amendment
    Myers 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    171060 - Amendment
    Campbell 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    412070 - Amendment
    Williams 5/10/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    750416 - Amendment
    Campbell 5/12/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    800922 - Amendment
    Dudley 5/12/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    851356 - Amendment
    Dudley 5/12/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page
    882316 - Amendment
    Myers 5/12/1998
    1:00 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (84)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    175.021 Legislative declaration.
    175.032 Definitions.
    175.041 Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund created; applicability of provisions.
    175.051 Actuarial deficits not state obligation.
    175.061 Board of trustees; members, terms of office.
    175.071 Powers of board of trustees.
    175.081 Use of annuity or insurance policies.
    175.091 Creation and maintenance of fund.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.111 Certified copy of ordinance or resolution filed; insurance companies' annual report of premiums; duplicate files; book of accounts.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.122 Limitation of disbursement.
    175.131 Funds received by municipality or special fire control district; deposit in firefighters' pension trust fund.
    175.141 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    175.152 Contributions.
    175.162 Requirements for retirement.
    175.171 Optional forms of retirement income.
    175.181 Beneficiaries.
    175.191 Disability retirement.
    175.201 Death prior to retirement; refunds of contributions; death benefits.
    175.211 Separation from service; refunds.
    175.221 Lump-sum payment of small retirement income.
    175.231 Diseases of firefighters suffered in line of duty; presumption.
    175.241 Exemption from execution.
    175.251 Employment records required to be kept by secretary of board of trustees.
    175.261 Annual report to Division of Retirement; actuarial reports.
    175.291 Attorney for municipality or special fire control district to represent board of trustees upon request; option to employ independent counsel and other persons.
    175.301 Depository for pension funds.
    175.311 Municipalities, special fire control districts, and boards independent of each other.
    175.321 Application of ss. 175.101-175.121, 175.131-175.151.
    175.331 Rights of firefighters under former law.
    175.333 Discrimination in benefit formula prohibited.
    175.341 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking authority; investments by the State Board of Administration.
    175.351 Municipalities and special fire control districts having their own pension plans for firefighters.
    175.361 Termination of plan and distribution of fund.
    175.371 Transfer to another state retirement system; benefits payable.
    175.381 Applicability of ch. 86-41.
    175.391 Costs; attorney's fees.
    175.401 Retiree health insurance subsidy.
    185.01 Legislative declaration.
    185.02 Definitions.
    185.03 Municipal police officers' retirement trust funds; creation; applicability of provisions; participation by public safety officers.
    185.04 Actuarial deficits not state obligations.
    185.05 Board of trustees; members, terms of office.
    185.06 Powers of board of trustees.
    185.061 Use of annuity or insurance policies.
    185.07 Creation and maintenance of fund.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.09 Report of premiums paid; date tax payable.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.11 Funds received by municipalities, deposit in retirement trust fund.
    185.12 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    185.14 Contributions.
    185.15 Contributions; new employees.
    185.16 Requirements for retirement.
    185.161 Optional forms of retirement income.
    185.162 Beneficiaries.
    185.18 Disability retirement.
    185.19 Separation from municipal service; refunds.
    185.191 Lump-sum payment of small retirement income.
    185.21 Death prior to retirement; refunds of contributions or payment of death benefits.
    185.221 Annual report to Division of Retirement; actuarial reports.
    185.23 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking; investment by State Board of Administration.
    185.25 Exemption from execution.
    185.27 Roster of retirees.
    185.29 City attorney to represent board of trustees.
    185.30 Depository for retirement fund.
    185.31 Municipalities and boards independent of other municipalities and boards and of each other.
    185.32 Exemptions from chapter.
    185.34 Disability in line of duty.
    185.341 Discrimination in benefit formula prohibited.
    185.35 Municipalities having their own pension plans for police officers.
    185.36 Rights of police officers under former law.
    185.37 Termination of plan and distribution of fund.
    185.38 Transfer to another state retirement system; benefits payable.
    185.39 Applicability of ch. 86-42.
    185.40 Costs; attorney's fees.
    185.50 Retiree health insurance subsidy.

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  • SB 270, Original Filed Version Posted 1/26/1998 at 1:45 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (82)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    175.021 Legislative declaration.
    175.032 Definitions.
    175.041 Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund created; applicability of provisions.
    175.051 Actuarial deficits not state obligation.
    175.061 Board of trustees; members, terms of office.
    175.071 Powers of board of trustees.
    175.081 Use of annuity or insurance policies.
    175.091 Creation and maintenance of fund.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.111 Certified copy of ordinance or resolution filed; insurance companies' annual report of premiums; duplicate files; book of accounts.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.122 Limitation of disbursement.
    175.131 Funds received by municipality or special fire control district; deposit in firefighters' pension trust fund.
    175.141 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    175.152 Contributions.
    175.162 Requirements for retirement.
    175.171 Optional forms of retirement income.
    175.181 Beneficiaries.
    175.191 Disability retirement.
    175.201 Death prior to retirement; refunds of contributions; death benefits.
    175.211 Separation from service; refunds.
    175.221 Lump-sum payment of small retirement income.
    175.231 Diseases of firefighters suffered in line of duty; presumption.
    175.241 Exemption from execution.
    175.251 Employment records required to be kept by secretary of board of trustees.
    175.261 Annual report to Division of Retirement; actuarial reports.
    175.291 Attorney for municipality or special fire control district to represent board of trustees upon request; option to employ independent counsel and other persons.
    175.301 Depository for pension funds.
    175.311 Municipalities, special fire control districts, and boards independent of each other.
    175.321 Application of ss. 175.101-175.121, 175.131-175.151.
    175.331 Rights of firefighters under former law.
    175.333 Discrimination in benefit formula prohibited.
    175.341 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking authority; investments by the State Board of Administration.
    175.351 Municipalities and special fire control districts having their own pension plans for firefighters.
    175.361 Termination of plan and distribution of fund.
    175.371 Transfer to another state retirement system; benefits payable.
    175.381 Applicability of ch. 86-41.
    175.391 Costs; attorney's fees.
    175.401 Retiree health insurance subsidy.
    185.01 Legislative declaration.
    185.02 Definitions.
    185.03 Municipal police officers' retirement trust funds; creation; applicability of provisions; participation by public safety officers.
    185.04 Actuarial deficits not state obligations.
    185.05 Board of trustees; members, terms of office.
    185.06 Powers of board of trustees.
    185.061 Use of annuity or insurance policies.
    185.07 Creation and maintenance of fund.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.09 Report of premiums paid; date tax payable.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.11 Funds received by municipalities, deposit in retirement trust fund.
    185.12 Payment of excise tax credit on similar state excise or license tax.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    185.14 Contributions.
    185.15 Contributions; new employees.
    185.16 Requirements for retirement.
    185.161 Optional forms of retirement income.
    185.162 Beneficiaries.
    185.18 Disability retirement.
    185.19 Separation from municipal service; refunds.
    185.191 Lump-sum payment of small retirement income.
    185.21 Death prior to retirement; refunds of contributions or payment of death benefits.
    185.221 Annual report to Division of Retirement; actuarial reports.
    185.23 Duties of Division of Retirement; rulemaking; investment by State Board of Administration.
    185.25 Exemption from execution.
    185.27 Roster of retirees.
    185.29 City attorney to represent board of trustees.
    185.30 Depository for retirement fund.
    185.31 Municipalities and boards independent of other municipalities and boards and of each other.
    185.32 Exemptions from chapter.
    185.34 Disability in line of duty.
    185.341 Discrimination in benefit formula prohibited.
    185.35 Municipalities having their own pension plans for police officers.
    185.36 Rights of police officers under former law.
    185.37 Termination of plan and distribution of fund.
    185.38 Transfer to another state retirement system; benefits payable.
    185.39 Applicability of ch. 86-42.
    185.40 Costs; attorney's fees.
    185.50 Retiree health insurance subsidy.

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