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The Florida Senate

HB 4199: Transportation Department

GENERAL BILL by Transportation ; Fuller

Transportation Department; corrects cross-references; repeals provisions re school bus stops, welcome stations, certain uncollectible debts owned by local government for utility relocation cost reimbursements, declaration of legislative intent, certain expenditures in Working Capital Trust Fund, & certain audits by Auditor General; deletes obsolete language, &, where appropriate, replaces such language with updated text; reenacts certain provisions, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Contingent
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died on Calendar
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/16/1998 House • Filed
    3/17/1998 House • Introduced -HJ 00234
    3/23/1998 House • In Economic Impact Council, pending ranking -HJ 00310
    3/24/1998 House • Placed on Economic Impact Council Calendar -HJ 00337
    3/31/1998 House • Read second time -HJ 00368
    4/1/1998 House • Read third time -HJ 00396; Passed; YEAS 116 NAYS 0 -HJ 00396
    4/7/1998 Senate • In Messages
    4/9/1998 Senate • Received, referred to Transportation -SJ 00432
    4/15/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Transportation, 04/20/98, 9:00 am, Room-301C
    4/20/1998 Senate • Comm. Action:-Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Transportation -SJ 00742
    4/21/1998 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00742
    5/1/1998 Senate • Died on Calendar

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  • HB 4199, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Transportation (Post-Meeting) 3/19/1998 (pdf)
    Transportation (Post-Meeting) 4/15/1998 (pdf)
    Transportation (Post-Meeting) 4/15/1998 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    801822 - Amendment
    Hargrett 5/12/1998
    12:26 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/1/1998 9:50 AM House 116 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (60)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.23 Department of Transportation.
    206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund.
    215.47 Investments; authorized securities.
    234.112 School bus stops.
    288.9607 Guaranty of bond issues.
    311.09 Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Council.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    334.03 Definitions.
    334.0445 Model career service classification and compensation plan.
    335.074 Safety inspection of bridges.
    335.165 Welcome stations.
    335.182 Regulation of connections to roads on State Highway System; definitions.
    335.188 Access management standards; access control classification system; criteria.
    336.01 Designation of county road system.
    336.044 Use of recyclable materials in construction.
    337.015 Administration of public contracts.
    337.139 Efforts to encourage awarding contracts to disadvantaged business enterprises.
    337.29 Vesting of title to roads; liability for torts.
    337.407 Regulation of signs and lights within rights-of-way.
    338.22 Florida Turnpike Law; short title.
    338.221 Definitions of terms used in ss. 338.22-338.244.
    338.222 Department of Transportation sole governmental entity to acquire, construct, or operate turnpike projects; exception.
    338.223 Proposed turnpike projects.
    338.225 Taking of public road for feeder road.
    338.227 Turnpike revenue bonds.
    338.228 Bonds not debts or pledges of credit of state.
    338.229 Pledge to bondholders not to restrict certain rights of department.
    338.231 Turnpike tolls, fixing; pledge of tolls and other revenues.
    338.232 Continuation of tolls upon provision for payment of bondholders and assumption of maintenance by department.
    338.239 Traffic control on the turnpike system.
    338.251 Toll Facilities Revolving Trust Fund.
    339.08 Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust Fund.
    339.091 Declaration of legislative intent.
    339.135 Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment.
    339.145 Working Capital Trust Fund; expenditure of such funds.
    339.147 Audits by Auditor General.
    339.175 Metropolitan planning organization.
    339.2405 Florida Highway Beautification Council.
    339.241 Florida Junkyard Control Law.
    341.051 Administration and financing of public transit programs and projects.
    341.052 Public transit block grant program; administration; eligible projects; limitation.
    341.321 Development of high-speed rail transportation system; legislative findings, policy, purpose, and intent.
    341.3333 Application for franchise; confidentiality of application and trade secrets.
    341.352 Certification hearing.
    343.64 Powers and duties.
    343.74 Powers and duties.
    348.0005 Bonds.
    348.0009 Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.
    348.248 Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.
    348.948 Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.
    349.05 Bonds of the authority.
    349.21 Powers conferred by part VI, chapter 163, and by s. 212.055
    378.411 Certification to receive notices of intent to mine, to review and to inspect for compliance.
    427.012 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged.
    427.013 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged; purpose and responsibilities.
    479.01 Definitions.
    951.05 Working county prisoners on roads and bridges or other public works of the county; hiring out to another county.

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