HB 4685: Aquatic Plant Management
GENERAL BILL by Water & Resource Management ; Carlton
Aquatic Plant Management; transfers such management & control programs from DEP to G&FWFC; revises distribution of gasoline tax revenues; revises exemption from aquatic weed control permitting requirements; revises authority & references to conform to transfer of responsibilities under act; revises provisions re Fish & Wildlife Habitat Program of G&FWFC; corrects cross references, etc. Amends Ch. 369, 206.606, 372.074, 581.035,.145.
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 4/3/1998 House • Filed
4/7/1998 House • Introduced -HJ 00461
4/13/1998 House • In Governmental Responsibility Council, pending ranking -HJ 00555
4/16/1998 House • Placed on Governmental Responsibility Council Calendar -HJ 00688
4/20/1998 House • Temporarily postponed, on Second Reading --Retained on Governmental Responsibility Council Calendar -HJ 00731
4/21/1998 House • Temporarily postponed, on Second Reading --Retained on Governmental Responsibility Council Calendar -HJ 00958
4/22/1998 House • Read second time -HJ 00992; Temporarily postponed on second reading; On Unfinished Business -HJ 00992
5/1/1998 House • Died on Calendar
HB 4685, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Water & Resource Management (Post-Meeting) 4/7/1998 (pdf)
Water & Resource Management (Post-Meeting) 4/7/1998 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (10)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 206.606 Distribution of certain proceeds. 369.102 369.20 Florida Aquatic Weed Control Act. 369.22 Nonindigenous aquatic plant control. 369.25 Aquatic plants; definitions; permits; powers of department; penalties. 369.251 Invasive nonnative plants; prohibitions; study; removal; rules. 369.252 Invasive exotic plant control on public lands. 372.074 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program. 581.035 Preemption of regulatory authority over nurseries. 581.145 Aquatic plant nursery registration; special permit requirements.
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