CS/SB 550: Adoption
GENERAL BILL by Judiciary ; Judiciary
Adoption; removes provisions authorizing licensed child-placing agencies to file actions to terminate parental rights; provides additional requirements for petition for adoption; prohibits filing such petition until order terminating parental rights is final; revises legislative intent re adoptions in this state; provides for placement of minor pending adoption; permits affidavit of nonpaternity under certain circumstances, etc. Amends Chs. 39, 63.
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 12/30/1997 Senate • Prefiled
1/6/1998 Senate • Referred to Judiciary; Ways and Means
1/13/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 01/21/98, 1:30 pm, Room-309C--Not considered
1/26/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 02/04/98, 9:00 am, Room-309C --Temporarily postponed
3/3/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Judiciary; Ways and Means -SJ 00039; On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 01/21/98, 1:30 pm, Room-309C--Not considered; On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 02/04/98, 9:00 am, Room-309C --Temporarily postponed; On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 03/05/98, 9:00 am, Room-309C --Temporarily postponed
3/10/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 03/13/98, 9:00 am, Room-309C
3/13/1998 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Judiciary -SJ 00222; CS read first time on 03/19/98 -SJ 00227
3/18/1998 Senate • Withdrawn from- Ways and Means -SJ 00168
3/19/1998 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00222
4/8/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00406
4/9/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00406
4/13/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00424; Read second time -SJ 00453; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00453; Amendment pending -SJ 00454
4/15/1998 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00478; Pending amendment adopted -SJ 00472; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00472; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00473
4/16/1998 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00490; CS passed as amended; YEAS 35 NAYS 3 -SJ 00491; Immediately certified -SJ 00491
4/16/1998 House • In Messages
5/1/1998 House • Died in Messages
CS/SB 550, Engrossed 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/16/1998 at 1:39 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Floor Votes (1)
Date Chamber Result 4/16/1998 10:29 AM Senate 35 Yeas - 3 Nays Citations - Statutes (30)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 39.461 Petition for termination of parental rights. 39.464 Grounds for termination of parental rights. 39.469 Powers of disposition; order of disposition. 39.47 Post disposition relief. 63.022 Legislative intent. 63.032 Definitions. 63.037 63.038 63.039 63.052 Guardians designated; proof of commitment. 63.062 Persons required to consent to adoption. 63.072 Persons whose consent to an adoption may be waived. 63.082 Execution of consent; family medical history; withdrawal of consent. 63.085 Disclosure by intermediary. 63.087 63.088 63.089 63.092 Report to the court of intended placement by an intermediary; preliminary study. 63.097 Fees. 63.102 Filing of petition; venue; proceeding for approval of fees and costs. 63.112 Petition for adoption; description; report or recommendation, exceptions; mailing. 63.122 Notice of hearing on petition. 63.125 Final home investigation. 63.132 Report of expenditures and receipts. 63.142 Hearing; judgment of adoption. 63.152 Application for new birth record. 63.165 State registry of adoption information; duty to inform and explain. 63.182 Appeal and validation of judgment. 63.207 Out-of-state placement. 63.212 Prohibited acts; penalties for violation. -
CS/SB 550, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/24/1998 at 10:46 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Judiciary (Post-Meeting) 3/13/1998 (pdf)
Floor Amendments (21)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 123012 - Amendment
Rossin 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF213352 - Amendment
Dudley 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF513938 - Amendment
Rossin 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF525460 - Amendment
Dudley 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF704320 - Amendment
Rossin 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF882070 - Amendment
Rossin 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF891874 - Amendment
Rossin 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF961158 - Amendment
Rossin 4/8/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF060034 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF321086 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF324376 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF403194 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF501620 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF522818 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF661364 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF773420 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF813302 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF914896 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF950464 - Amendment
Dudley 4/10/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF665036 - Amendment
Rossin 5/12/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDF820160 - Amendment
Rossin 5/12/1998
1:00 AMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (30)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 39.461 Petition for termination of parental rights. 39.464 Grounds for termination of parental rights. 39.469 Powers of disposition; order of disposition. 39.47 Post disposition relief. 63.022 Legislative intent. 63.032 Definitions. 63.037 63.038 63.039 63.052 Guardians designated; proof of commitment. 63.062 Persons required to consent to adoption. 63.072 Persons whose consent to an adoption may be waived. 63.082 Execution of consent; family medical history; withdrawal of consent. 63.085 Disclosure by intermediary. 63.087 63.088 63.089 63.092 Report to the court of intended placement by an intermediary; preliminary study. 63.097 Fees. 63.102 Filing of petition; venue; proceeding for approval of fees and costs. 63.112 Petition for adoption; description; report or recommendation, exceptions; mailing. 63.122 Notice of hearing on petition. 63.125 Final home investigation. 63.132 Report of expenditures and receipts. 63.142 Hearing; judgment of adoption. 63.152 Application for new birth record. 63.165 State registry of adoption information; duty to inform and explain. 63.182 Appeal and validation of judgment. 63.207 Out-of-state placement. 63.212 Prohibited acts; penalties for violation. -
SB 550, Original Filed Version Posted 1/26/1998 at 1:50 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Floor Amendments (27)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 065884 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
071674 - Amendment
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
090660 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
131324 - Amendment
Silver 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
161780 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
361112 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
405980 - Amendment
Silver 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
414332 - Amendment
Silver 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
683266 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
685838 - Amendment
Silver 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
691576 - Amendment
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
700336 - Amendment
Silver 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
724788 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
730690 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
875248 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
891020 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
132828 - Substitute Amendment (891020)
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
905330 - Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
912790 - Amendment
Dudley 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
070670 - Amendment
Campbell 2/20/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
123584 - Amendment to Amendment
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
163748 - Amendment to Amendment
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
720188 - Amendment to Amendment
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
883170 - Amendment to Amendment
Rossin 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
912362 - Amendment to Amendment
Silver 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
115856 - Substitute Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
152254 - Substitute Amendment
Campbell 2/19/1998
12:00 AMWeb Page
Citations - Statutes (25)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 39.47 Post disposition relief. 63.022 Legislative intent. 63.032 Definitions. 63.037 63.038 63.052 Guardians designated; proof of commitment. 63.062 Persons required to consent to adoption. 63.072 Persons whose consent to an adoption may be waived. 63.082 Execution of consent; family medical history; withdrawal of consent. 63.085 Disclosure by intermediary. 63.087 63.088 63.089 63.092 Report to the court of intended placement by an intermediary; preliminary study. 63.097 Fees. 63.102 Filing of petition; venue; proceeding for approval of fees and costs. 63.112 Petition for adoption; description; report or recommendation, exceptions; mailing. 63.122 Notice of hearing on petition. 63.125 Final home investigation. 63.132 Report of expenditures and receipts. 63.142 Hearing; judgment of adoption. 63.165 State registry of adoption information; duty to inform and explain. 63.182 Appeal and validation of judgment. 63.207 Out-of-state placement. 63.212 Prohibited acts; penalties for violation.
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