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The Florida Senate

HB 1055: Florida Statutes

REVISER'S/GENERAL BILL by Rules & Calendar ; Arnall

Florida Statutes; deletes provisions which have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; corrects grammatical, typographical, & like errors; removes inconsistencies, redundancies, & unnecessary repetition in statutes; improves clarity of statutes & facilitates their correct interpretation, etc. Amends & reenacts various FS.

Effective Date: 07/04/2000
Last Action: 5/25/2000 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-154
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/10/2000 House • Prefiled; Placed on calendar, available for General Calendar
    3/7/2000 House • Introduced -HJ 00071; Placed on calendar, available for General Calendar -HJ 00071
    3/9/2000 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second and third times -HJ 00192; Passed; YEAS 114 NAYS 0 -HJ 00192; Immediately certified -HJ 00196
    3/9/2000 Senate • In Messages
    3/15/2000 Senate • Received, referred to Rules and Calendar -SJ 00218
    3/24/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Rules and Calendar, 03/29/00, 3:30 pm, 37-S
    3/29/2000 Senate • Comm. Action:-Favorable by Rules and Calendar; YEAS 12 NAYS 0 -SJ 00350
    3/30/2000 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00350
    4/18/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00462; Read second and third times -SJ 00459; Passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 00459; Immediately certified -SJ 00459
    4/18/2000 House • Ordered enrolled -HJ 00567
    5/22/2000 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/25/2000 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-154

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  • HB 1055, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 972 Florida Statutes McKay Identical Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Rules and Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1055 (Ch. 2000-154)

    Citations - Statutes (84)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    469.005 License requirements.
    473.302 Definitions.
    473.323 Disciplinary proceedings.
    483.23 Offenses; criminal penalties.
    483.811 Approval of laboratory personnel training programs.
    484.0445 Training program.
    484.053 Prohibitions; penalties.
    487.011 Short title; administration.
    487.012 Declaration of purpose.
    487.021 Definitions.
    487.025 Misbranding.
    487.031 Prohibited acts.
    487.041 Registration.
    487.0435 License classification.
    487.045 Fees.
    487.046 Application; licensure.
    487.047 Nonresident license; reciprocal agreement; authorized purchase.
    487.048 Dealer's license; records.
    487.049 Renewal; late fee; recertification.
    487.051 Administration; rules; procedure.
    487.0615 Pesticide Review Council.
    487.071 Enforcement, inspection, sampling, and analysis.
    487.081 Exemptions.
    487.091 Tolerances, deficiencies, and penalties.
    487.101 Stop-sale, stop-use, removal, or hold orders.
    487.111 Seizure, condemnation, and sale.
    487.13 Cooperation.
    487.156 Governmental agencies.
    487.159 Damage or injury to property, animal, or person; mandatory report of damage or injury; time for filing; failure to file.
    487.161 Exemptions, nonagricultural pest control and research.
    487.163 Information; interagency cooperation.
    487.171 Classification of antifouling paint containing organotin compounds as restricted-use pesticides; prohibition of distribution and sale.
    487.175 Penalties; administrative fine; injunction.
    489.103 Exemptions.
    489.1136 Medical gas certification.
    489.131 Applicability.
    489.133 Pollutant storage systems specialty contractors; definitions; certification; restrictions.
    489.140 Construction Industries Recovery Fund.
    489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    489.531 Prohibitions; penalties.
    494.0038 Mortgage broker disclosures.
    497.255 Standards for construction and significant alteration or renovation of mausoleums and columbaria.
    497.353 Owners to provide addresses; presumption of abandonment; abandonment procedures; sale of abandoned unused burial rights.
    501.022 Home solicitation sale; permit required.
    501.0575 Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights.
    501.608 License or affidavit of exemption; occupational license.
    509.032 Duties.
    509.302 Director of education, personnel, employment duties, compensation.
    514.031 Permit necessary to operate public swimming pool or bathing place.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices.
    539.001 The Florida Pawnbroking Act.
    548.004 Executive director; duties, compensation, administrative support.
    550.1625 Dogracing; taxes.
    550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders' and owners' awards.
    550.375 Operation of certain harness tracks.
    553.06 State Plumbing Code.
    553.141 Public restrooms; ratio of facilities for men and women; application; rules.
    553.503 Adoption of guidelines.
    553.506 Powers of the board.
    553.512 Modifications and waivers; advisory council.
    553.73 State Minimum Building Codes.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    559.803 Disclosure statement.
    559.807 Bond or trust account required.
    560.129 Confidentiality.
    561.1105 Inspection of licensed premises; coin-operated amusement machines.
    561.20 Limitation upon number of licenses issued.
    567.07 Results of election.
    570.1912 Funding of Agricultural Emergency Eradication Trust Fund.
    570.235 Pest Exclusion Advisory Committee.
    578.28 Seed in hermetically sealed containers.
    585.74 Grant of inspection; fees.
    585.91 Regulation of custom slaughterers and processors; permits.
    589.101 Blackwater River State Forest; lease of board's interest in gas, oil, and other minerals.
    590.02 Division powers, authority, and duties; liability; building structures; Florida Center for Wildfire and Forest Resources Management Training.
    593.111 Eligibility for certification of cotton growers' organization.
    601.04 Florida Citrus Commission; creation and membership.
    601.155 Equalizing excise tax; credit; exemption.
    616.242 Safety standards for amusement rides.
    626.8414 Qualifications for examination.
    627.651 Group contracts and plans of self-insurance must meet group requirements.
    631.0515 Appointment of receiver; insurance holding company.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.

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  • HB 1055, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules and Calendar (Post-Meeting) 2/9/2000 (pdf)
    Rules and Calendar (Post-Meeting) 3/14/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/9/2000 9:38 AM House 114 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/18/2000 2:32 PM Senate 40 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (84)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    469.005 License requirements.
    473.302 Definitions.
    473.323 Disciplinary proceedings.
    483.23 Offenses; criminal penalties.
    483.811 Approval of laboratory personnel training programs.
    484.0445 Training program.
    484.053 Prohibitions; penalties.
    487.011 Short title; administration.
    487.012 Declaration of purpose.
    487.021 Definitions.
    487.025 Misbranding.
    487.031 Prohibited acts.
    487.041 Registration.
    487.0435 License classification.
    487.045 Fees.
    487.046 Application; licensure.
    487.047 Nonresident license; reciprocal agreement; authorized purchase.
    487.048 Dealer's license; records.
    487.049 Renewal; late fee; recertification.
    487.051 Administration; rules; procedure.
    487.0615 Pesticide Review Council.
    487.071 Enforcement, inspection, sampling, and analysis.
    487.081 Exemptions.
    487.091 Tolerances, deficiencies, and penalties.
    487.101 Stop-sale, stop-use, removal, or hold orders.
    487.111 Seizure, condemnation, and sale.
    487.13 Cooperation.
    487.156 Governmental agencies.
    487.159 Damage or injury to property, animal, or person; mandatory report of damage or injury; time for filing; failure to file.
    487.161 Exemptions, nonagricultural pest control and research.
    487.163 Information; interagency cooperation.
    487.171 Classification of antifouling paint containing organotin compounds as restricted-use pesticides; prohibition of distribution and sale.
    487.175 Penalties; administrative fine; injunction.
    489.103 Exemptions.
    489.1136 Medical gas certification.
    489.131 Applicability.
    489.133 Pollutant storage systems specialty contractors; definitions; certification; restrictions.
    489.140 Construction Industries Recovery Fund.
    489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    489.531 Prohibitions; penalties.
    494.0038 Mortgage broker disclosures.
    497.255 Standards for construction and significant alteration or renovation of mausoleums and columbaria.
    497.353 Owners to provide addresses; presumption of abandonment; abandonment procedures; sale of abandoned unused burial rights.
    501.022 Home solicitation sale; permit required.
    501.0575 Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights.
    501.608 License or affidavit of exemption; occupational license.
    509.032 Duties.
    509.302 Director of education, personnel, employment duties, compensation.
    514.031 Permit necessary to operate public swimming pool or bathing place.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.12 Registration of dealers, associated persons, investment advisers, and branch offices.
    539.001 The Florida Pawnbroking Act.
    548.004 Executive director; duties, compensation, administrative support.
    550.1625 Dogracing; taxes.
    550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders' and owners' awards.
    550.375 Operation of certain harness tracks.
    553.06 State Plumbing Code.
    553.141 Public restrooms; ratio of facilities for men and women; application; rules.
    553.503 Adoption of guidelines.
    553.506 Powers of the board.
    553.512 Modifications and waivers; advisory council.
    553.73 State Minimum Building Codes.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    559.803 Disclosure statement.
    559.807 Bond or trust account required.
    560.129 Confidentiality.
    561.1105 Inspection of licensed premises; coin-operated amusement machines.
    561.20 Limitation upon number of licenses issued.
    567.07 Results of election.
    570.1912 Funding of Agricultural Emergency Eradication Trust Fund.
    570.235 Pest Exclusion Advisory Committee.
    578.28 Seed in hermetically sealed containers.
    585.74 Grant of inspection; fees.
    585.91 Regulation of custom slaughterers and processors; permits.
    589.101 Blackwater River State Forest; lease of board's interest in gas, oil, and other minerals.
    590.02 Division powers, authority, and duties; liability; building structures; Florida Center for Wildfire and Forest Resources Management Training.
    593.111 Eligibility for certification of cotton growers' organization.
    601.04 Florida Citrus Commission; creation and membership.
    601.155 Equalizing excise tax; credit; exemption.
    616.242 Safety standards for amusement rides.
    626.8414 Qualifications for examination.
    627.651 Group contracts and plans of self-insurance must meet group requirements.
    631.0515 Appointment of receiver; insurance holding company.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.

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