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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1196: Juvenile Justice

GENERAL BILL by Fiscal Policy ; Brown-Waite

Juvenile Justice; revises duties of Juvenile Justice Secretary; creates juvenile justice operating circuits; authorizes predispositional report upon finding of delinquency; requires court to consider recommendations of Juvenile Justice Dept. at disposition; creates workgroup to make recommendations for system of classification & placement; creates juvenile justice circuit boards & county councils; creates position of youth custody officer in dept., etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2000 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/17/2000 - Signed by Officers and presented to Governor; Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-135
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/4/2000 Senate • Prefiled
    2/11/2000 Senate • Referred to Criminal Justice; Fiscal Policy
    3/7/2000 Senate • Introduced, referred to Criminal Justice; Fiscal Policy -SJ 00072
    3/15/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/20/00, 3:30 pm, 37-S
    3/20/2000 Senate • Comm. Action: Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Criminal Justice; YEAS 5 NAYS 1 -SJ 00251
    3/21/2000 Senate • Now in Fiscal Policy -SJ 00251; On Committee agenda-- Fiscal Policy, 03/22/00, 1:00 pm, 37-S
    3/22/2000 Senate • Comm. Action:-CS by Fiscal Policy; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00306; CS read first time on 03/29/00 -SJ 00313
    3/23/2000 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00306
    3/29/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00304
    3/30/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00304; Read second time -SJ 00349; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00350; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00350
    4/4/2000 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00366; CS passed as amended; YEAS 38 NAYS 0 -SJ 00366; Immediately certified -SJ 00366
    4/4/2000 House • In Messages
    5/5/2000 House • Received -HJ 01682; Read second time -HJ 01682; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 01682, -HJ 01712; Read third time -HJ 01712; CS passed as amended; YEAS 118 NAYS 1 -HJ 01712
    5/5/2000 Senate • In returning messages; Was taken up -SJ 01385; Concurred -SJ 01410; CS passed as amended; YEAS 37 NAYS 0 -SJ 01410; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 01410
    5/17/2000 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor; Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-135

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  • CS/SB 1196, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (4)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 1759 Juveniles/Classification & Placement Juvenile Justice Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1196 (Ch. 2000-135)
    H 2149 Juvenile Justice Dept. General Government Appropriations Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1196 (Ch. 2000-135)
    H 2203 Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1196 (Ch. 2000-135)
    S 2336 (c2) Juveniles/Classification & Placement Webster Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1196 (Ch. 2000-135)

    Citations - Statutes (55)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.19 Department of Children and Family Services.
    20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.
    39.0015 Child abuse prevention training in the district school system.
    216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals.
    232.19 Court procedure and penalties.
    288.9957 Florida Youth Workforce Council.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    784.075 Battery on detention or commitment facility staff.
    790.22 Use of BB guns, air or gas-operated guns, or electric weapons or devices by minor under 16; limitation; possession of firearms by minor under 18 prohibited; penalties.
    938.17 County delinquency prevention.
    948.51 Community corrections assistance to counties or county consortiums.
    984.03 Definitions.
    984.05 Rules relating to habitual truants; adoption by Department of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice.
    984.086 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    984.09 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    984.10 Intake.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.06 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
    985.2066 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    985.207 Taking a child into custody.
    985.21 Intake and case management.
    985.215 Detention.
    985.216 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    985.226 Criteria for waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as an adult.
    985.227 Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the direct filing of an information in the criminal division of the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory criteria.
    985.228 Adjudicatory hearings; withheld adjudications; orders of adjudication.
    985.229 Predisposition report; other evaluations.
    985.23 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.231 Powers of disposition in delinquency cases.
    985.233 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.305 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.308 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.309 Boot camp for children.
    985.31 Serious or habitual juvenile offender.
    985.311 Intensive residential treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age.
    985.312 Intensive residential treatment programs for offenders less than 13 years of age; prerequisite for commitment.
    985.3141 Escapes from secure detention or residential commitment facility.
    985.315 Educational
    985.316 Aftercare.
    985.317 Literacy programs for juvenile offenders.
    985.401 Juvenile Justice Accountability Board.
    985.404 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.4045 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.411 Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
    985.413 District juvenile justice boards.
    985.414 County juvenile justice councils.
    985.4145 Direct-support organization; definition; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    985.415 Community Juvenile Justice Partnership Grants.
    985.416 Innovation zones.
    985.417 Transfer of children from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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  • CS/SB 1196, Engrossed 2 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Votes (3)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/4/2000 10:19 AM Senate 38 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/5/2000 10:24 AM House 118 Yeas - 1 Nays
    5/5/2000 4:28 PM Senate 37 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (55)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.19 Department of Children and Family Services.
    20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.
    39.0015 Child abuse prevention training in the district school system.
    216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals.
    232.19 Court procedure and penalties.
    288.9957 Florida Youth Workforce Council.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    784.075 Battery on detention or commitment facility staff.
    790.22 Use of BB guns, air or gas-operated guns, or electric weapons or devices by minor under 16; limitation; possession of firearms by minor under 18 prohibited; penalties.
    938.17 County delinquency prevention.
    948.51 Community corrections assistance to counties or county consortiums.
    984.03 Definitions.
    984.05 Rules relating to habitual truants; adoption by Department of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice.
    984.086 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    984.09 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    984.10 Intake.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.06 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
    985.2066 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    985.207 Taking a child into custody.
    985.21 Intake and case management.
    985.215 Detention.
    985.216 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    985.226 Criteria for waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as an adult.
    985.227 Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the direct filing of an information in the criminal division of the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory criteria.
    985.228 Adjudicatory hearings; withheld adjudications; orders of adjudication.
    985.229 Predisposition report; other evaluations.
    985.23 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.231 Powers of disposition in delinquency cases.
    985.233 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.305 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.308 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.309 Boot camp for children.
    985.31 Serious or habitual juvenile offender.
    985.311 Intensive residential treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age.
    985.312 Intensive residential treatment programs for offenders less than 13 years of age; prerequisite for commitment.
    985.3141 Escapes from secure detention or residential commitment facility.
    985.315 Educational
    985.316 Aftercare.
    985.317 Literacy programs for juvenile offenders.
    985.401 Juvenile Justice Accountability Board.
    985.404 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.4045 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.411 Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
    985.413 District juvenile justice boards.
    985.414 County juvenile justice councils.
    985.4145 Direct-support organization; definition; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    985.415 Community Juvenile Justice Partnership Grants.
    985.416 Innovation zones.
    985.417 Transfer of children from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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  • CS/SB 1196, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   House Message Summary (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    182587 - Amendment
    Merchant 5/6/2000
    6:27 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (52)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.19 Department of Children and Family Services.
    20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.
    39.0015 Child abuse prevention training in the district school system.
    216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals.
    232.19 Court procedure and penalties.
    288.9957 Florida Youth Workforce Council.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    784.075 Battery on detention or commitment facility staff.
    790.22 Use of BB guns, air or gas-operated guns, or electric weapons or devices by minor under 16; limitation; possession of firearms by minor under 18 prohibited; penalties.
    938.17 County delinquency prevention.
    948.51 Community corrections assistance to counties or county consortiums.
    984.03 Definitions.
    984.05 Rules relating to habitual truants; adoption by Department of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice.
    984.086 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    984.09 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    984.10 Intake.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.06 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
    985.2066 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    985.207 Taking a child into custody.
    985.215 Detention.
    985.216 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    985.226 Criteria for waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as an adult.
    985.227 Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the direct filing of an information in the criminal division of the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory criteria.
    985.228 Adjudicatory hearings; withheld adjudications; orders of adjudication.
    985.23 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.231 Powers of disposition in delinquency cases.
    985.233 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.305 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.308 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.309 Boot camp for children.
    985.31 Serious or habitual juvenile offender.
    985.311 Intensive residential treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age.
    985.312 Intensive residential treatment programs for offenders less than 13 years of age; prerequisite for commitment.
    985.3141 Escapes from secure detention or residential commitment facility.
    985.315 Educational
    985.316 Aftercare.
    985.317 Literacy programs for juvenile offenders.
    985.401 Juvenile Justice Accountability Board.
    985.404 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.4045 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.411 Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
    985.413 District juvenile justice boards.
    985.414 County juvenile justice councils.
    985.4145 Direct-support organization; definition; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    985.415 Community Juvenile Justice Partnership Grants.
    985.416 Innovation zones.
    985.417 Transfer of children from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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  • CS/SB 1196, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Fiscal Policy (Post-Meeting) 3/23/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    033568 - Amendment
    Brown-Waite 3/31/2000
    1:59 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (52)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.19 Department of Children and Family Services.
    20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.
    39.0015 Child abuse prevention training in the district school system.
    216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals.
    232.19 Court procedure and penalties.
    288.9957 Florida Youth Workforce Council.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    784.075 Battery on detention or commitment facility staff.
    790.22 Use of BB guns, air or gas-operated guns, or electric weapons or devices by minor under 16; limitation; possession of firearms by minor under 18 prohibited; penalties.
    938.17 County delinquency prevention.
    948.51 Community corrections assistance to counties or county consortiums.
    984.03 Definitions.
    984.05 Rules relating to habitual truants; adoption by Department of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice.
    984.086 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    984.09 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    984.10 Intake.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.06 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
    985.2066 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    985.207 Taking a child into custody.
    985.215 Detention.
    985.216 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    985.226 Criteria for waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as an adult.
    985.227 Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the direct filing of an information in the criminal division of the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory criteria.
    985.228 Adjudicatory hearings; withheld adjudications; orders of adjudication.
    985.23 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.231 Powers of disposition in delinquency cases.
    985.233 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.305 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.308 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.309 Boot camp for children.
    985.31 Serious or habitual juvenile offender.
    985.311 Intensive residential treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age.
    985.312 Intensive residential treatment programs for offenders less than 13 years of age; prerequisite for commitment.
    985.3141 Escapes from secure detention or residential commitment facility.
    985.315 Educational
    985.316 Aftercare.
    985.317 Literacy programs for juvenile offenders.
    985.401 Juvenile Justice Accountability Board.
    985.404 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.4045 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.411 Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
    985.413 District juvenile justice boards.
    985.414 County juvenile justice councils.
    985.4145 Direct-support organization; definition; use of property; board of directors; audit.
    985.415 Community Juvenile Justice Partnership Grants.
    985.416 Innovation zones.
    985.417 Transfer of children from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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  • SB 1196, Original Filed Version Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:12 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Criminal Justice (Post-Meeting) 3/15/2000 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (27)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.
    790.22 Use of BB guns, air or gas-operated guns, or electric weapons or devices by minor under 16; limitation; possession of firearms by minor under 18 prohibited; penalties.
    984.09 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.207 Taking a child into custody.
    985.215 Detention.
    985.216 Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions.
    985.226 Criteria for waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as an adult.
    985.228 Adjudicatory hearings; withheld adjudications; orders of adjudication.
    985.23 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.231 Powers of disposition in delinquency cases.
    985.233 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.305 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.308 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.309 Boot camp for children.
    985.31 Serious or habitual juvenile offender.
    985.311 Intensive residential treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age.
    985.316 Aftercare.
    985.401 Juvenile Justice Accountability Board.
    985.404 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.411 Administering county and municipal delinquency programs and facilities.
    985.413 District juvenile justice boards.
    985.414 County juvenile justice councils.
    985.415 Community Juvenile Justice Partnership Grants.
    985.417 Transfer of children from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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