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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 2237: Agric. & Consumer Services Dept.

GENERAL BILL by General Government Appropriations ; Agriculture ; Putnam ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Peaden ; Bainter ; Harrington ; Spratt ; Miller ; Stansel ; Patterson

Agric. & Consumer Services Dept.; clarifies provisions re conveyance of state lands to dept. for forestry facilities; revises authority of dept. to adopt rules re pesticides used for preconstruction treatments; transfers from Legal Affairs Dept. to Agric. & Consumer Services Dept. responsibilities as lead agency to enforce Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act; provides authority to dept. to negotiate agreements with certain landowners for water use in rural areas, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $100,000.

Effective Date: 07/01/2000
Last Action: 5/5/2000 Senate - Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 1105 (Ch. 2000-276), CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/31/2000 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00411
    4/6/2000 House • Referred to Finance & Taxation (FRC); General Government Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00497
    4/12/2000 House • Withdrawn from Finance & Taxation (FRC) -HJ 00508; Now in General Government Appropriations (FRC)
    4/14/2000 House • On Committee agenda-- General Government Appropriations (FRC), 04/18/00, 1:30 pm, 214-C
    4/18/2000 House • Comm. Action:-CS by General Government Appropriations (FRC); YEAS 9 NAYS 1 -HJ 00771
    4/25/2000 House • CS read first time on 04/25/00 -HJ 00769; Pending review of CS under Rule 113 -HJ 00771; Placed on Calendar -HJ 00771
    4/28/2000 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 01223; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 01223; Amendment(s) failed -HJ 01224
    5/3/2000 House • Read third time -HJ 01519; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 01520; CS passed as amended; YEAS 117 NAYS 0 -HJ 01521
    5/3/2000 Senate • In Messages
    5/5/2000 Senate • Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 1105 (Ch. 2000-276), CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)

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  • CS/HB 2237, Engrossed 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (12)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1904 (c2) Agric. & Consumer Services Dept. Thomas Similar Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01145; Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)
    H 755 Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act Goodlette Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in Committee on Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs (CAC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)
    H 1105 (e1) Putnam Compare Last Action: 6/14/2000 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-276; See also CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)
    H 2109 Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act Business Regulation & Consumer Affairs Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)
    S 810 (c1) Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act Carlton Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)
    S 1114 (e1) Thomas Compare Last Action: 6/16/2000 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-308; See also CS/HB 1105 (Ch. 2000-276), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)
    S 1194 (e2) Brown-Waite Compare Last Action: 6/13/2000 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-258; See also CS/CS/HB 181 (Ch. 2000-243), CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)
    S 1304 Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act Bronson Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Services, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308), CS/SB 1194 (Ch. 2000-258)
    S 1848 Florida Right to Farm Act Kirkpatrick Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)
    S 1868 (c1) Sales Tax/Farm Equipment Thomas Compare Last Action: 5/3/2000 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00888; Read second time -SJ 00965; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00965; House Bill substituted -SJ 00965; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 1105 (Ch. 2000-276); See also CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)
    S 2068 Agriculturally Depressed Areas/Loans Lee Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Services, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)
    S 2074 (e2) Taxation Bronson Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H In Messages; Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/HB 411 (Ch. 2000-310), CS/CS/SB 1114 (Ch. 2000-308)

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/3/2000 4:21 PM House 117 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (57)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    205.1951 Custom animal slaughtering or animal product processing establishment; prerequisite for issuance of occupational license.
    212.02 Definitions.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    482.051 Rules.
    482.132 Qualifications for examination and certification.
    487.041 Registration.
    487.081 Exemptions.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    500.459 Water vending machines.
    526.311 Enforcement; civil penalties; injunctive relief.
    526.312 Enforcement; private actions; injunctive relief.
    526.313 Limitations period for actions.
    526.3135 Reports by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
    531.41 Powers and duties of the department.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    570.242 Definitions.
    570.248 Agricultural Economic Development Project Review Committee; powers and duties.
    570.952 Florida Agriculture Center and Horse Park Authority.
    585.70 Definitions.
    585.71 Legislative intent.
    585.715 Enforcement; rules; duties of state attorneys.
    585.72 Adulteration.
    585.73 Misbranding.
    585.74 Grant of inspection; fees.
    585.75 Inspection of animal products.
    585.76 Antemortem inspection.
    585.77 Postmortem inspection.
    585.78 Inspection of prepared animal products.
    585.79 Labeling of animal products.
    585.80 Prohibition on sale and transportation of animal products; penalty.
    585.81 Unauthorized use or counterfeiting of official marks or labels.
    585.82 Sale and transportation of equine products.
    585.83 Inspection service; prohibition against gifts.
    585.84 Suspension of inspection.
    585.85 Prohibited transportation of certain animals and animal products.
    585.86 Proper storage of animal products.
    585.87 Duty to keep records.
    585.88 Exemptions.
    585.89 Beef and pork; prohibition on purchase; bid specifications; penalty.
    585.90 Inspections, stop-sale orders, condemnation, and destruction of animal products.
    585.902 Causes for seizure and condemnation of animal products.
    585.903 Seizure of animal products; procedures; penalties.
    585.904 Condemnation, sale, or release of seized animal products.
    585.91 Regulation of custom slaughterers and processors; permits.
    585.92 All American and Genuine Florida meat or meat products.
    585.93 Requests for inspection of nontraditional livestock.
    585.96 Penalties; administrative fines; injunctive relief.
    590.015 Definitions.
    590.14 Warning citation; notice of violation; penalties.
    590.28 Intentional or careless burning of lands.
    616.242 Safety standards for amusement rides.
    828.12 Cruelty to animals.
    828.27 Local animal control or cruelty ordinances; penalty.

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  • CS/HB 2237, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (5)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    364857 - Amendment
    Ogles 5/4/2000
    2:46 AM
    Web Page
    450917 - Amendment
    Rayson 5/4/2000
    2:47 AM
    Web Page
    500787 - Amendment
    Putnam 5/4/2000
    2:47 AM
    Web Page
    593637 - Amendment
    Putnam 5/4/2000
    2:47 AM
    Web Page
    622969 - Amendment
    Villalobos 5/4/2000
    2:48 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (52)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    205.1951 Custom animal slaughtering or animal product processing establishment; prerequisite for issuance of occupational license.
    212.02 Definitions.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    482.051 Rules.
    482.132 Qualifications for examination and certification.
    487.041 Registration.
    487.081 Exemptions.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    500.459 Water vending machines.
    531.41 Powers and duties of the department.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    570.242 Definitions.
    570.248 Agricultural Economic Development Project Review Committee; powers and duties.
    570.952 Florida Agriculture Center and Horse Park Authority.
    585.70 Definitions.
    585.71 Legislative intent.
    585.715 Enforcement; rules; duties of state attorneys.
    585.72 Adulteration.
    585.73 Misbranding.
    585.74 Grant of inspection; fees.
    585.75 Inspection of animal products.
    585.76 Antemortem inspection.
    585.77 Postmortem inspection.
    585.78 Inspection of prepared animal products.
    585.79 Labeling of animal products.
    585.80 Prohibition on sale and transportation of animal products; penalty.
    585.81 Unauthorized use or counterfeiting of official marks or labels.
    585.82 Sale and transportation of equine products.
    585.83 Inspection service; prohibition against gifts.
    585.84 Suspension of inspection.
    585.85 Prohibited transportation of certain animals and animal products.
    585.86 Proper storage of animal products.
    585.87 Duty to keep records.
    585.88 Exemptions.
    585.89 Beef and pork; prohibition on purchase; bid specifications; penalty.
    585.90 Inspections, stop-sale orders, condemnation, and destruction of animal products.
    585.902 Causes for seizure and condemnation of animal products.
    585.903 Seizure of animal products; procedures; penalties.
    585.904 Condemnation, sale, or release of seized animal products.
    585.91 Regulation of custom slaughterers and processors; permits.
    585.92 All American and Genuine Florida meat or meat products.
    585.93 Requests for inspection of nontraditional livestock.
    585.96 Penalties; administrative fines; injunctive relief.
    590.015 Definitions.
    590.14 Warning citation; notice of violation; penalties.
    590.28 Intentional or careless burning of lands.
    616.242 Safety standards for amusement rides.
    828.12 Cruelty to animals.

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  • CS/HB 2237, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   General Government Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/20/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (7)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    195947 - Amendment
    Putnam 5/3/2000
    3:29 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 813343 - Amendment to Amendment (195947)
    Henriquez 5/3/2000
    3:45 AM
    Web Page
    363877 - Amendment
    Putnam 5/3/2000
    3:35 AM
    Web Page
    682623 - Amendment
    Putnam 5/3/2000
    3:41 AM
    Web Page
    733349 - Amendment
    Putnam 5/3/2000
    3:43 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 364575 - Amendment to Amendment (733349)
    Putnam 5/3/2000
    3:35 AM
    Web Page
    812675 - Amendment
    Lawson 5/3/2000
    3:45 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (51)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    205.1951 Custom animal slaughtering or animal product processing establishment; prerequisite for issuance of occupational license.
    212.02 Definitions.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    482.051 Rules.
    482.132 Qualifications for examination and certification.
    487.081 Exemptions.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    500.459 Water vending machines.
    531.41 Powers and duties of the department.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    570.242 Definitions.
    570.248 Agricultural Economic Development Project Review Committee; powers and duties.
    570.952 Florida Agriculture Center and Horse Park Authority.
    585.70 Definitions.
    585.71 Legislative intent.
    585.715 Enforcement; rules; duties of state attorneys.
    585.72 Adulteration.
    585.73 Misbranding.
    585.74 Grant of inspection; fees.
    585.75 Inspection of animal products.
    585.76 Antemortem inspection.
    585.77 Postmortem inspection.
    585.78 Inspection of prepared animal products.
    585.79 Labeling of animal products.
    585.80 Prohibition on sale and transportation of animal products; penalty.
    585.81 Unauthorized use or counterfeiting of official marks or labels.
    585.82 Sale and transportation of equine products.
    585.83 Inspection service; prohibition against gifts.
    585.84 Suspension of inspection.
    585.85 Prohibited transportation of certain animals and animal products.
    585.86 Proper storage of animal products.
    585.87 Duty to keep records.
    585.88 Exemptions.
    585.89 Beef and pork; prohibition on purchase; bid specifications; penalty.
    585.90 Inspections, stop-sale orders, condemnation, and destruction of animal products.
    585.902 Causes for seizure and condemnation of animal products.
    585.903 Seizure of animal products; procedures; penalties.
    585.904 Condemnation, sale, or release of seized animal products.
    585.91 Regulation of custom slaughterers and processors; permits.
    585.92 All American and Genuine Florida meat or meat products.
    585.93 Requests for inspection of nontraditional livestock.
    585.96 Penalties; administrative fines; injunctive relief.
    590.015 Definitions.
    590.14 Warning citation; notice of violation; penalties.
    590.28 Intentional or careless burning of lands.
    616.242 Safety standards for amusement rides.
    828.12 Cruelty to animals.

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  • HB 2237, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Agriculture (Post-Meeting) 3/31/2000 (pdf)
    Agriculture (Post-Meeting) 4/14/2000 (pdf)
    General Government Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/18/2000 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (46)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    205.1951 Custom animal slaughtering or animal product processing establishment; prerequisite for issuance of occupational license.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    482.051 Rules.
    500.12 Food permits; building permits.
    500.459 Water vending machines.
    531.41 Powers and duties of the department.
    570.07 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; functions, powers, and duties.
    570.242 Definitions.
    570.248 Agricultural Economic Development Project Review Committee; powers and duties.
    570.952 Florida Agriculture Center and Horse Park Authority.
    585.70 Definitions.
    585.71 Legislative intent.
    585.715 Enforcement; rules; duties of state attorneys.
    585.72 Adulteration.
    585.73 Misbranding.
    585.74 Grant of inspection; fees.
    585.75 Inspection of animal products.
    585.76 Antemortem inspection.
    585.77 Postmortem inspection.
    585.78 Inspection of prepared animal products.
    585.79 Labeling of animal products.
    585.80 Prohibition on sale and transportation of animal products; penalty.
    585.81 Unauthorized use or counterfeiting of official marks or labels.
    585.82 Sale and transportation of equine products.
    585.83 Inspection service; prohibition against gifts.
    585.84 Suspension of inspection.
    585.85 Prohibited transportation of certain animals and animal products.
    585.86 Proper storage of animal products.
    585.87 Duty to keep records.
    585.88 Exemptions.
    585.89 Beef and pork; prohibition on purchase; bid specifications; penalty.
    585.90 Inspections, stop-sale orders, condemnation, and destruction of animal products.
    585.902 Causes for seizure and condemnation of animal products.
    585.903 Seizure of animal products; procedures; penalties.
    585.904 Condemnation, sale, or release of seized animal products.
    585.91 Regulation of custom slaughterers and processors; permits.
    585.92 All American and Genuine Florida meat or meat products.
    585.93 Requests for inspection of nontraditional livestock.
    585.96 Penalties; administrative fines; injunctive relief.
    590.015 Definitions.
    590.14 Warning citation; notice of violation; penalties.
    590.28 Intentional or careless burning of lands.
    616.242 Safety standards for amusement rides.

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