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The Florida Senate

HB 2265: Retirement Div./Transferred from DMS

GENERAL BILL by Governmental Operations ; Posey ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Greene ; Fasano ; Littlefield

Retirement Div./Transferred from DMS; transfers Retirement Div. & State Retirement Commission from DMS to State Board of Administration; provides for status under Career Service System; corrects statutory references, to conform. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2000
Last Action: 5/5/2000 House - Died in Committee on Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/4/2000 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00435
    4/6/2000 House • Referred to Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); General Government Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00497
    5/5/2000 House • Died in Committee on Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC)

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  • HB 2265, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Governmental Operations (Post-Meeting) 4/4/2000 (pdf)

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 2408 Retirement Div./Transferred from DMS Mitchell Similar Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity
    S 1352 (e1) Retirement Governmental Oversight and Productivity Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S House Bill substituted -SJ 01717; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 2393 (Ch. 2000-169)

    Citations - Statutes (83)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.22 Department of Management Services.
    20.28 State Board of Administration.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    112.05 Retirement; cost-of-living adjustment; employment after retirement.
    112.3173 Felonies involving breach of public trust and other specified offenses by public officers and employees; forfeiture of retirement benefits.
    112.352 Definitions.
    112.354 Eligibility for supplement.
    112.356 Payment of supplement.
    112.358 Administration of system.
    112.361 Additional and updated supplemental retirement benefits.
    112.362 Recomputation of retirement benefits.
    112.363 Retiree health insurance subsidy.
    112.625 Definitions.
    112.63 Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.
    112.64 Administration of funds; amortization of unfunded liability.
    112.658 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to determine compliance of the Florida Retirement System.
    112.665 Duties of Department of Management Services.
    121.021 Definitions.
    121.025 Administrator; powers and duties.
    121.031 Administration of system; appropriation; oaths; actuarial studies; public records.
    121.051 Participation in the system.
    121.0511 Revocation of election and alternative plan.
    121.0515 Special risk membership; criteria; designation and removal of classification; credits for past service and prior service; retention of special risk normal retirement date.
    121.052 Membership class of elected officers.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.071 Contributions.
    121.081 Past service; prior service; contributions.
    121.091 Benefits payable under the system.
    121.101 Cost-of-living adjustment of benefits.
    121.111 Credit for military service.
    121.133 Cancellation of uncashed warrants.
    121.135 Annual report to Legislature concerning state-administered retirement systems.
    121.136 Annual benefit statement to members.
    121.1815 Special pensions to individuals; administration of laws by Department of Management Services.
    121.1905 Division of Retirement; creation.
    121.192 State retirement actuary.
    121.193 External compliance audits.
    121.22 State Retirement Commission; creation; membership; compensation.
    121.23 Disability retirement and special risk membership applications; Retirement Commission; powers and duties; judicial review.
    121.24 Conduct of commission business; legal and other assistance; compensation.
    121.30 Statements of purpose and intent and other provisions required for qualification under the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.
    121.35 Optional retirement program for the State University System.
    121.40 Cooperative extension personnel at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; supplemental retirement benefits.
    121.45 Interstate compacts relating to pension portability.
    122.02 Definitions.
    122.03 Contributions; participants; prior service credit.
    122.05 Legislator services included.
    122.06 Legislative employee services included.
    122.07 Seasonal state employment included; time limit and procedure for claiming.
    122.08 Requirements for retirement; classifications.
    122.09 Disability retirement; medical examinations.
    122.10 Separation from service; refund of contributions.
    122.12 Designation of beneficiary; death of participant; forfeiture of contributions after benefits paid; survivor benefits.
    122.13 Administration of law; appropriation.
    122.15 Benefits exempt from taxes and execution.
    122.16 Employment after retirement.
    122.23 Definitions.
    122.30 Appropriations.
    122.34 Special provisions for certain sheriffs and full-time deputy sheriffs.
    122.351 Funding by local agencies.
    175.032 Definitions.
    175.1215 Police and Firefighters' Premium Tax Trust Fund.
    185.02 Definitions.
    185.105 Police and Firefighters' Premium Tax Trust Fund.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.28 United States securities, purchase by state and county officers and employees; deductions from salary.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    238.01 Definitions.
    238.02 Name and date of establishment.
    238.03 Administration.
    238.05 Membership.
    238.07 Regular benefits; survivor benefits.
    238.08 Optional benefits.
    238.09 Method of financing.
    238.10 Management of funds.
    238.11 Collection of contributions.
    238.12 Duties of employers.
    238.14 Protection against fraud.
    238.15 Exemption of funds from taxation, execution, and assignment.
    238.171 Monthly allowance; when made.
    238.181 Reemployment after retirement; conditions and limitations.
    238.32 Service credit in disputed cases.
    650.02 Definitions.

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