HB 89: Sales Tax/Tangible Personal Property
GENERAL BILL by Miller ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Greenstein ; Bloom
Sales Tax/Tangible Personal Property; provides that sales of items of tangible personal property having selling price of $100 or less shall be exempt from said tax during specified period; provides exceptions; provides for rules.
Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 3/7/2000 House - Introduced, referred to Governmental Operations (PRC); Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Regulated Services (CAC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); General Appropriations (FRC) HJ 00015; On Committee agenda Governmental Operations (PRC), 11/03/99, 1:00 pm, 317C; Comm. Action: Unfavorable by Governmental Operations (PRC), laid on Table; YEAS 2 NAYS 4 HJ 00143
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Last Action: 3/7/2000 House - Introduced, referred to Governmental Operations (PRC); Governmental Rules & Regulations (PRC); Regulated Services (CAC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); General Appropriations (FRC) HJ 00015; On Committee agenda Governmental Operations (PRC), 11/03/99, 1:00 pm, 317C; Comm. Action: Unfavorable by Governmental Operations (PRC), laid on Table; YEAS 2 NAYS 4 HJ 00143
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
HB 89, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM