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The Florida Senate

HB 29-E: Appropriations Implementing Bill

GENERAL BILL by Fiscal Responsibility Council ; Lacasa

Appropriations Implementing Bill; provides accounting requirements for state universities for 2002-2003 fiscal year; provides limitation on state appropriations for Knott Data Center & Projects, Contracts, & Grants Programs; provides that moneys in Emergency Medical Services TF may also be used for purpose of funding rural hospital capital improvement grant program; revises eligibility for compensation of homeowners under citrus canker eradication program, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2002 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 6/13/2002 - Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 2002-402; See also HB 27-E (Ch. 2002-394)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    5/1/2002 House • Filed; Introduced, placed on Calendar -HJ 00008
    5/2/2002 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00027; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00028; Amendment(s) failed -HJ 00029; Read third time -HJ 00031; Passed as amended; YEAS 92 NAYS 19 -HJ 00031; Requested Senate to pass, or failing to pass, agree to appoint conference committee -HJ 00035
    5/2/2002 Senate • In Messages
    5/3/2002 Senate • Received, referred to Appropriations -SJ 00105; Withdrawn from Appropriations -SJ 00051; Substituted for SB 4-E -SJ 00052; Read second time -SJ 00052; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00052; Read third time -SJ 00062; Passed as amended; YEAS 36 NAYS 2 -SJ 00062; Acceded to request from House -SJ 00063; Conference Committee appointed: Senators Carlton, Chair; At Large: Lee, Pruitt; Sub. General Government: Clary, Chair; Jones, King, Laurent, Lawson; Sub. Education: Sullivan, Chair; Wasserman Schultz, Garcia, Holzendorf, Latvala, Miller, Webster; Sub. Health & Human Services: Silver, Chair; Mitchell, Peaden, Sanderson, Saunders; Sub. Public Safety & Judiciary: Cowin, Chair; Burt, Dawson, Meek, Villalobos -SJ 00051
    5/3/2002 House • In returning messages; Conference Committee appointed: Reps Lacasa, Chair; At Large: Rubio, Greenstein, Alexander; Criminal Justice: Ball, Chair; Bowen, Barriero, Haridopolis, Meadows, Seiler; Education: Lynn, Chair; Melvin, Arza, Mealor, Baxley, Flanagan, Detert, Henriquez, Gottlieb; General Govt.: Dockery, Chair; Sorenson, Kilmer, Harrington, Mack, Ritter, Kendrick, Alt: Harrell; Health & Human Services: Murman, Chair; Benson, Garcia, Farkas, Maygarden, Rich, Sobel, Alt: Hogan; Transportation & Economic Dev.: Johnson, Chair; Berfield, Allen, Mayfield, Jennings, Cusack, Alt: Mahan -HJ 00066
    5/13/2002 House • Conference Committee Report received -HJ 00292; Conference Committee Report adopted -HJ 00308; Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 75 NAYS 42 -HJ 00308
    5/13/2002 Senate • In returning messages; Conference Committee Report received -SJ 00344; Conference Committee Report adopted -SJ 00360; Passed as amended by Conference Committee Report; YEAS 26 NAYS 10 -SJ 00360
    5/13/2002 House • Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -HJ 00347
    5/28/2002 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    6/13/2002 • Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 2002-402; See also HB 27-E (Ch. 2002-394)

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  • HB 29-E, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/17/2002 at 12:11 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (3)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 27E (e2) Appropriations Lacasa Linked Last Action: 5/2/2003 H Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State
    S 2E Appropriations Appropriations Compare Last Action: 5/3/2002 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00101; Read second time -SJ 00046; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00046; Read third time -SJ 00050; Substituted HB 27-E -SJ 00050; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 27-E (Ch. 2002-394), HB 29-E (Ch. 2002-402)
    S 4E Appropriations Implementing Bill Appropriations Compare Last Action: 5/3/2002 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00101; Substituted HB 29-E -SJ 00052; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 27-E (Ch. 2002-394), HB 29-E (Ch. 2002-402)

    Citations - Statutes (52)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    16.555 Crime Stoppers Trust Fund; rulemaking.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.12315 Prescription drug program.
    110.1239 State group health insurance program funding.
    110.152 Adoption benefits for state employees; parental leave.
    110.2035 Classification and compensation program.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    125.35 County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.981 Audits of state agency direct-support organizations and citizen support organizations.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.262 Authorized positions.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    229.085 Custody of educational funds.
    230.23024 Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board.
    236.7011 Federal grants; maximization of indirect cost allowance.
    240.4015 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing Program.
    240.4075 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    252.373 Allocation of funds; rules.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    287.161 Executive aircraft pool; assignment of aircraft; charge for transportation.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    295.182 Florida World War II Veterans Memorial Matching Trust Fund; contributions; use.
    339.12 Aid and contributions by governmental entities for department projects; federal aid.
    373.470 Everglades restoration.
    375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.
    381.0066 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; fees.
    385.207 Care and assistance of persons with epilepsy; establishment of programs in epilepsy control.
    401.113 Department; powers and duties.
    402.3017 Teacher Education and Compensation Helps
    403.1838 Small Community Sewer Construction Assistance Act.
    403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.
    409.1671 Foster care and related services; privatization.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    430.204 Community-care-for-the-elderly core services; departmental powers and duties.
    430.205 Community care service system.
    489.118 Certification of registered contractors; grandfathering provisions.
    550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days.
    561.121 Deposit of revenue.
    581.184 Adoption of rules; citrus canker eradication; voluntary destruction agreements; buffer zone.
    581.1845 Citrus canker eradication; compensation to homeowners whose trees have been removed.
    860.158 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    985.4075 One-time startup funding for juvenile justice purposes.

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  • HB 29-E, Engrossed 2 Posted 5/17/2002 at 12:11 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (52)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    16.555 Crime Stoppers Trust Fund; rulemaking.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.12315 Prescription drug program.
    110.1239 State group health insurance program funding.
    110.152 Adoption benefits for state employees; parental leave.
    110.2035 Classification and compensation program.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    125.35 County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.981 Audits of state agency direct-support organizations and citizen support organizations.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.262 Authorized positions.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    229.085 Custody of educational funds.
    230.23024 Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board.
    236.7011 Federal grants; maximization of indirect cost allowance.
    240.4015 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing Program.
    240.4075 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    252.373 Allocation of funds; rules.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    287.161 Executive aircraft pool; assignment of aircraft; charge for transportation.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    295.182 Florida World War II Veterans Memorial Matching Trust Fund; contributions; use.
    339.12 Aid and contributions by governmental entities for department projects; federal aid.
    373.470 Everglades restoration.
    375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.
    381.0066 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; fees.
    385.207 Care and assistance of persons with epilepsy; establishment of programs in epilepsy control.
    401.113 Department; powers and duties.
    402.3017 Teacher Education and Compensation Helps
    403.1838 Small Community Sewer Construction Assistance Act.
    403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.
    409.1671 Foster care and related services; privatization.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    430.204 Community-care-for-the-elderly core services; departmental powers and duties.
    430.205 Community care service system.
    489.118 Certification of registered contractors; grandfathering provisions.
    550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days.
    561.121 Deposit of revenue.
    581.184 Adoption of rules; citrus canker eradication; voluntary destruction agreements; buffer zone.
    581.1845 Citrus canker eradication; compensation to homeowners whose trees have been removed.
    860.158 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    985.4075 One-time startup funding for juvenile justice purposes.

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  • HB 29-E, Engrossed 1 Posted 5/2/2002 at 7:40 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Committee Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    902765 - Conference Committee Amendment
    9:10 AM
    Web Page

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    333754 - Amendment
    Carlton 5/3/2002
    12:13 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (3)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/3/2002 12:15 PM Senate 36 Yeas - 2 Nays
    5/13/2002 2:25 PM House 75 Yeas - 42 Nays
    5/13/2002 3:31 PM Senate 26 Yeas - 10 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (43)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    16.555 Crime Stoppers Trust Fund; rulemaking.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    110.12315 Prescription drug program.
    110.1239 State group health insurance program funding.
    110.152 Adoption benefits for state employees; parental leave.
    110.2035 Classification and compensation program.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    125.35 County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.981 Audits of state agency direct-support organizations and citizen support organizations.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.262 Authorized positions.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    229.085 Custody of educational funds.
    236.7011 Federal grants; maximization of indirect cost allowance.
    240.4015 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing Program.
    240.4075 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    252.373 Allocation of funds; rules.
    287.161 Executive aircraft pool; assignment of aircraft; charge for transportation.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    295.182 Florida World War II Veterans Memorial Matching Trust Fund; contributions; use.
    339.12 Aid and contributions by governmental entities for department projects; federal aid.
    373.470 Everglades restoration.
    375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.
    381.0066 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; fees.
    385.207 Care and assistance of persons with epilepsy; establishment of programs in epilepsy control.
    401.113 Department; powers and duties.
    402.3017 Teacher Education and Compensation Helps
    403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    430.204 Community-care-for-the-elderly core services; departmental powers and duties.
    430.205 Community care service system.
    550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days.
    561.121 Deposit of revenue.
    581.1845 Citrus canker eradication; compensation to homeowners whose trees have been removed.
    860.158 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    985.4075 One-time startup funding for juvenile justice purposes.

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  • HB 29-E, Original Filed Version Posted 5/1/2002 at 9:29 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Fiscal Responsibility Council (Post-Meeting) 4/30/2002 (pdf)
    Fiscal Responsibility Council (Post-Meeting) 4/30/2002 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (7)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    102341 - Amendment
    Frankel 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page
    762007 - Amendment
    Johnson 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page
    101363 - Amendment
    Mahon 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page
    270733 - Amendment
    Greenstein 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page
    184781 - Amendment
    Heyman 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page
    895981 - Amendment
    Frankel 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page
    101291 - Amendment
    Benson 5/1/2002
    8:36 PM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/2/2002 4:34 PM House - Amendment 184781 42 Yeas - 73 Nays
    5/2/2002 4:50 PM House 92 Yeas - 19 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (41)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    16.555 Crime Stoppers Trust Fund; rulemaking.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    110.12315 Prescription drug program.
    110.1239 State group health insurance program funding.
    110.152 Adoption benefits for state employees; parental leave.
    110.2035 Classification and compensation program.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    125.35 County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.981 Audits of state agency direct-support organizations and citizen support organizations.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.262 Authorized positions.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    229.085 Custody of educational funds.
    236.7011 Federal grants; maximization of indirect cost allowance.
    240.4015 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing Program.
    240.4075 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    252.373 Allocation of funds; rules.
    287.161 Executive aircraft pool; assignment of aircraft; charge for transportation.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    295.182 Florida World War II Veterans Memorial Matching Trust Fund; contributions; use.
    373.470 Everglades restoration.
    375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.
    381.0066 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; fees.
    385.207 Care and assistance of persons with epilepsy; establishment of programs in epilepsy control.
    401.113 Department; powers and duties.
    402.3017 Teacher Education and Compensation Helps
    403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.
    430.204 Community-care-for-the-elderly core services; departmental powers and duties.
    430.205 Community care service system.
    550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days.
    561.121 Deposit of revenue.
    581.1845 Citrus canker eradication; compensation to homeowners whose trees have been removed.
    860.158 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    985.4075 One-time startup funding for juvenile justice purposes.

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