HB 1213: Student Financial Assistance
GENERAL BILL by Gottlieb ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Antone ; Bendross-Mindingall ; Bullard ; Cusack ; Fiorentino ; Gannon ; Gelber ; Greenstein ; Harper ; Henriquez ; Holloway ; Jennings ; Kosmas ; Roberson, Y ; Ryan ; Smith ; Sobel ; Wiles
Student Financial Assistance; requires Fla. Teacher Scholarship & Forgivable Loan Program to provide scholarship assistance to education paraprofessionals & substitute teachers seeking certification to teach in critical teacher shortage areas; establishes scholarship loan program to provide scholarship loans to students who teach in poor or underperforming areas in state; increases amount of loan principal repayments, etc. Amends 1009.57,.58,.59, 1003.52. APPROPRIATION: $12,000,000.
Last Action: 5/2/2003 House - Died in Committee on Higher Education (EDK)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
HB 1213, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/3/2003 at 10:18 PM