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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 647: Multiservice Senior Centers

GENERAL BILL by Anderson ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Altman ; Antone ; Berfield ; Bogdanoff ; Brutus ; Bullard ; Carroll ; Culp ; Davis ; Dean ; Galvano ; Gibson ; Harrell ; Holloway ; Jordan ; Kallinger ; Kendrick ; Kosmas ; Kottkamp ; Littlefield ; Quinones ; Rivera ; Rubio ; Slosberg ; Sobel ; Stargel ; Sullivan ; Vana ; Wishner ; Zapata

Multiservice Senior Centers; amends definition; encourages each multiservice senior center to have functioning automated external defibrillator; requires training, maintenance, & location registration; provides immunity from liability under Good Samaritan Act & Cardiac Arrest Survival Act; authorizes Elderly Affairs Dept. to adopt rules; requires dept. to arrange for purchase of such defibrillators, etc. Amends 430.203,.206. APPROPRIATION: $270,000.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 4/29/2004 House - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/CS/SB 1748; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/CS/SB 1748 (Ch. 2004-367) -HJ 01102
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/26/2004 House • Prefiled
2/5/2004 House • Referred to Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (FFF); The Future of Florida's Families; Health Appropriations (AP); Appropriations
3/2/2004 House • Introduced, referred to Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (FFF); The Future of Florida's Families; Health Appropriations (AP); Appropriations -HJ 00056; On Subcommittee agenda-- Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (FFF), 03/02/04, 3:45 pm, 306-H; Recommendation: Favorable with 3 amendment(s) by Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care (FFF); YEAS 8 NAYS 0
3/5/2004 House • Now in The Future of Florida's Families; On Committee agenda-- The Future of Florida's Families, 03/09/04, 2:00 pm, Reed Hall
3/9/2004 House • Favorable with CS amendment by The Future of Florida's Families; YEAS 15 NAYS 0 -HJ 00284
3/19/2004 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
3/22/2004 House • Now in Health Appropriations (AP) -HJ 00284
3/31/2004 House • On Subcommittee agenda-- Health Appropriations (AP), 04/02/04, 10:15 am, 214-C
4/2/2004 House • Recommendation: Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Health Appropriations (AP); YEAS 10 NAYS 0
4/5/2004 House • Now in Appropriations
4/22/2004 House • On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 04/23/04, 8:30 am, 212-K --Not considered
4/28/2004 House • Withdrawn from Appropriations -HJ 00910; Placed on Calendar -HJ 00910
4/29/2004 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted CS/CS/CS/SB 1748; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/CS/SB 1748 (Ch. 2004-367) -HJ 01102