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The Florida Senate

SB 2386: Persons with Disabilities Agency


Persons with Disabilities Agency; authorizes release of otherwise confidential information concerning child abuse or neglect to authorized agents & providers of agency; requires that person identified as having mental illness or disability be informed by court of agency services; revises legislative findings & intent re providing services for developmentally disabled; requires that agency provide additional evaluations & assessments, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2005
Last Action: 5/6/2005 Senate - Died in Committee on Children and Families
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/8/2005 Senate • Filed
    3/22/2005 Senate • Introduced, referred to Children and Families; Health Care; Health and Human Services Appropriations -SJ 00257
    5/6/2005 Senate • Died in Committee on Children and Families

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  • SB 2386, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/8/2005 at 9:51 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (7)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
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    H 991 Adult Protective Services Culp Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 H Died on Calendar
    H 1859 (e2) Obsolete/Outdated Agency Reports Kottkamp Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 S Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 345 (Ch. 2005-120), HB 775 (Ch. 2005-82), HB 989 (Ch. 2005-158), HB 1305 (Ch. 2005-207), HB 1717 (Ch. 2005-210), HB 1917 (Ch. 2005-263), CS/CS/SB 186 (Ch. 2005-169), CS/CS/CS/SB 360 (Ch. 2005-290), CS/SB 720 (Ch. 2005-172), CS/CS/SB 838 (Ch. 2005-133), CS/CS/CS/SB 1476 (Ch. 2005-222), CS/SB 1486 (Ch. 2005-111), CS/CS/SB 1650 (Ch. 2005-255), CS/SB 2610 (Ch. 2005-152)
    H 1941 Garcia Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/CS/CS/SB 442 (Ch. 2005-147), CS/SB 474 (Ch. 2005-170), CS/SB 484 (Ch. 2005-243), CS/SB 720 (Ch. 2005-172)
    S 1360 Adult Protective Services Rich Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 H Died in Messages
    S 2546 (c1) Obsolete/Outdated Agency Reports Haridopolos Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 S Died in Committee on Government Efficiency Appropriations, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 345 (Ch. 2005-120), HB 775 (Ch. 2005-82), HB 989 (Ch. 2005-158), HB 1305 (Ch. 2005-207), HB 1567 (Ch. 2005-277), HB 1717 (Ch. 2005-210), HB 1917 (Ch. 2005-263), CS/CS/CS/SB 360 (Ch. 2005-290), CS/SB 720 (Ch. 2005-172), CS/CS/SB 838 (Ch. 2005-133), CS/CS/CS/SB 1476 (Ch. 2005-222), CS/CS/SB 1650 (Ch. 2005-255), CS/SB 2610 (Ch. 2005-152)
    S 2608 Health Care Licensing Procedures Act Fasano Compare Last Action: 5/6/2005 S Died in Committee on Children and Families, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 474 (Ch. 2005-170), CS/SB 484 (Ch. 2005-243), CS/SB 720 (Ch. 2005-172)

    Citations - Statutes (57)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.202 Confidentiality of reports and records in cases of child abuse or neglect.
    39.502 Notice, process, and service.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    393.061 Short title.
    393.062 Legislative findings and declaration of intent.
    393.063 Definitions.
    393.064 Prevention.
    393.0641 Program for the prevention and treatment of severe self-injurious behavior.
    393.065 Application and eligibility determination.
    393.0651 Family or individual support plan.
    393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
    393.0657 Persons not required to be refingerprinted or rescreened.
    393.066 Community services and treatment for persons who are developmentally disabled.
    393.067 Licensure of residential facilities and comprehensive transitional education programs.
    393.0673 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedures.
    393.0674 Penalties.
    393.0675 Injunctive proceedings authorized.
    393.0678 Receivership proceedings.
    393.068 Family care program.
    393.0695 Provision of in-home subsidies.
    393.075 General liability coverage.
    393.11 Involuntary admission to residential services.
    393.122 Applications for continued residential services.
    393.125 Hearing rights.
    393.13 Personal treatment of persons who are developmentally disabled.
    393.135 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    393.15 Legislative intent; Community Resources Development Trust Fund.
    393.501 Rulemaking.
    393.506 Administration of medication.
    397.405 Exemptions from licensure.
    400.419 Violations; imposition of administrative fines; grounds.
    400.464 Home health agencies to be licensed; expiration of license; exemptions; unlawful acts; penalties.
    400.960 Definitions.
    400.967 Rules and classification of deficiencies.
    402.20 County contracts authorized for services and facilities in mental health and retardation areas.
    402.22 Education program for students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Family Services.
    408.036 Projects subject to review; exemptions.
    409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers.
    409.9127 Preauthorization and concurrent utilization review; conflict-of-interest standards.
    411.224 Family support planning process.
    411.232 Children's Early Investment Program.
    415.102 Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.101-415.113.
    415.1035 Facility's duty to inform residents of their right to report abusive, neglectful, or exploitive practices.
    415.1051 Protective services interventions when capacity to consent is lacking; nonemergencies; emergencies; orders; limitations.
    415.1055 Notification to administrative entities.
    415.107 Confidentiality of reports and records.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    435.03 Level 1 screening standards.
    944.602 Notification of Department of Children and Family Services before release of mentally retarded inmates.
    945.025 Jurisdiction of department.
    947.185 Application for mental retardation services as condition of parole.
    984.19 Medical screening and treatment of child; examination of parent, guardian, or person requesting custody.
    984.225 Powers of disposition; placement in a staff-secure shelter.
    984.226 Physically secure setting.
    985.224 Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment.
    1003.58 Students in residential care facilities.

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