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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/CS/HB 1489: State's Aerospace Industry

GENERAL BILL by Waters ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Adams ; Altman ; Brummer ; Farkas ; Gannon ; Goodlette ; Hasner ; Holloway ; Hukill ; Murzin ; Needelman ; Poppell ; Russell ; Sansom ; Sobel ; Zapata

State's Aerospace Industry; redesignates "Florida Space Authority" as "Space Florida"; establishes & creates Space Florida as independent special district, body politic & corporate, for certain purposes; directs Space Florida to enter into agreements with DOE, DOT, Enterprise Fla. Inc., & Workforce Fla., Inc., for certain purposes; requires current Florida Space Authority board members to complete their terms as appointees of Space Florida board, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $42,000,000.

Effective Date: 05/30/2006
Last Action: 5/30/2006 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2006-60
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/6/2006 House • Filed
    3/7/2006 House • Introduced -HJ 00111
    3/17/2006 House • Referred to Spaceport & Technology (SIC); Fiscal Council; State Infrastructure Council -HJ 00262
    3/24/2006 House • On Committee agenda-- Spaceport & Technology (SIC), 03/28/06, 1:00 pm, 12-H
    3/28/2006 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Spaceport & Technology (SIC); YEAS 6 NAYS 1 -HJ 00343
    3/31/2006 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b); Now in Fiscal Council -HJ 00343; On Council agenda-- Fiscal Council, 04/04/06, 3:15 pm, 212-K
    4/4/2006 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Fiscal Council; YEAS 23 NAYS 0 -HJ 00411
    4/10/2006 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b); Now in State Infrastructure Council -HJ 00411
    4/14/2006 House • On Council agenda-- State Infrastructure Council, 04/18/06, 4:00 pm, 404-H
    4/18/2006 House • Favorable with CS amendment by- State Infrastructure Council; YEAS 9 NAYS 1 -HJ 00538
    4/19/2006 House • Pending review of CS -under Rule 6.3(b); Placed on Calendar -HJ 00538
    4/21/2006 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00548; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00549; Ordered engrossed -HJ 00549
    4/24/2006 House • Read third time -HJ 00558; Amendment(s) failed -HJ 00559; Passed as amended; YEAS 109 NAYS 4 -HJ 00560
    4/24/2006 Senate • In Messages
    4/26/2006 Senate • Received, referred to Commerce and Consumer Services; Education Appropriations; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Ways and Means -SJ 00606; Withdrawn from Commerce and Consumer Services; Education Appropriations; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Ways and Means -SJ 00567; Substituted for CS/CS/SB 2580 -SJ 00567; Read second time -SJ 00567; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00568
    4/27/2006 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00617; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00617; Passed as amended; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 00617
    4/28/2006 House • In returning messages
    5/4/2006 House • Was taken up -HJ 01227; Concurred in 6 amendment(s) -HJ 01228; Amendment(s) to Senate amendment(s) failed -HJ 01228; Concurred in 1 amendment(s) -HJ 01229; Passed as amended; YEAS 113 NAYS 1 -HJ 01229; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -HJ 01229
    5/26/2006 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/30/2006 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2006-60

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  • CS/CS/CS/HB 1489, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/10/2006 at 12:04 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 2580 (c2) State's Aerospace Industry Fasano Similar Last Action: 4/26/2006 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00577; Read second time -SJ 00566; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00567; Substituted HB 1489 -SJ 00567; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1489 (Ch. 2006-60)
    H 7149 State's Aerospace Industry Spaceport & Technology Committee Compare Last Action: 5/5/2006 H Died in Fiscal Council, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1489 (Ch. 2006-60)

    Citations - Statutes (77)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    334.044 Department; powers and duties.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/CS/HB 1489, Engrossed 2 Posted 5/4/2006 at 5:41 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (77)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    334.044 Department; powers and duties.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/CS/HB 1489, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/21/2006 at 2:57 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (14)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    284472 - Amendment
    Posey 4/25/2006
    9:45 AM
    Senate: Replaced by Substitute Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 234356 - Substitute Amendment (284472)
    Posey 4/26/2006
    10:07 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    hierarchy 138727 - Amendment to Amendment (234356)
    Allen 5/4/2006
    10:10 AM
    Web Page
    044442 - Amendment
    Fasano 4/26/2006
    11:31 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    410942 - Amendment
    Posey 4/26/2006
    1:48 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    240494 - Amendment
    Fasano 4/26/2006
    6:18 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    171852 - Amendment
    Posey 4/27/2006
    9:15 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    280382 - Amendment
    Posey 4/27/2006
    9:15 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    493318 - Amendment
    Posey 4/27/2006
    9:15 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    395750 - Amendment
    Posey 4/27/2006
    9:16 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    744332 - Amendment
    Posey 4/27/2006
    9:16 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    072323 - Amendment
    Allen 4/21/2006
    3:16 PM
    Web Page
    213051 - Amendment
    Allen 4/21/2006
    3:20 PM
    Web Page
    525919 - Amendment
    Allen 4/21/2006
    3:23 PM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (4)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/24/2006 1:28 PM House 45 Yeas - 58 Nays
    4/24/2006 1:32 PM House 109 Yeas - 4 Nays
    4/27/2006 11:45 AM Senate 39 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/4/2006 12:07 PM House 113 Yeas - 1 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (77)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    334.044 Department; powers and duties.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/CS/HB 1489, Committee Substitute 3 Posted 4/24/2006 at 4:50 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (6)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    784985 - Amendment
    Allen 4/21/2006
    8:06 AM
    Web Page
    185001 - Amendment
    Allen 4/21/2006
    8:08 AM
    Web Page
    132503 - Amendment
    Waters 4/21/2006
    8:23 AM
    Web Page
    358457 - Amendment
    Waters 4/21/2006
    8:23 AM
    Web Page
    080209 - Amendment
    Waters 4/21/2006
    8:23 AM
    Web Page
    702751 - Amendment
    Allen 4/21/2006
    9:43 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (77)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    334.044 Department; powers and duties.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/HB 1489, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 4/10/2006 at 1:21 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (76)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/HB 1489, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/31/2006 at 4:41 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (76)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

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  • HB 1489, Original Filed Version Posted 3/6/2006 at 10:17 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Fiscal Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Fiscal Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    State Infrastructure Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    State Infrastructure Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Spaceport & Technology Committee (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Spaceport & Technology Committee (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (76)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties.
    74.011 Scope.
    196.012 Definitions.
    212.02 Definitions.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    288.063 Contracts for transportation projects.
    288.075 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1224 Powers and duties.
    288.35 Definitions.
    288.9015 Enterprise Florida, Inc.; purpose; duties.
    288.9415 International Trade Grants.
    331.301 Short title.
    331.302 Florida Space Authority; creation; purpose.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.305 Powers of the authority.
    331.306 Federal airspace notification.
    331.308 Board of supervisors.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.310 Powers and duties of the board of supervisors.
    331.3101 Florida Space Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.311 Exercise by authority of its powers within municipalities and other political subdivisions.
    331.312 Furnishing facilities and services within the spaceport territory.
    331.313 Power of the authority with respect to roads.
    331.314 Exclusive authority.
    331.315 Maintenance of projects across rights-of-way.
    331.316 Rates, fees, rentals, tolls, fares, and charges; procedure for adoption and modification; minimum revenue requirements.
    331.317 Recovery of delinquent charges.
    331.318 Discontinuance of service.
    331.319 Comprehensive planning; building and safety codes.
    331.320 Additional powers of board.
    331.321 Federal and other funds and aid.
    331.322 Agreements with municipalities within any spaceport territory.
    331.323 Cooperative agreements with the state, counties, and municipalities.
    331.324 Contracts, grants, and contributions.
    331.325 Environmental permits.
    331.326 Information relating to trade secrets confidential.
    331.327 Foreign trade zone.
    331.328 Sovereign immunity.
    331.329 Changing boundary lines; annexation and exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on the furnishing of services within annexed areas.
    331.331 Revenue bonds.
    331.333 Refunding bonds.
    331.334 Pledging assessments and other revenues and properties as additional security on bonds.
    331.335 Lien of pledges.
    331.336 Issuance of bond anticipation notes.
    331.337 Short-term borrowing.
    331.338 Trust agreements.
    331.339 Sale of bonds.
    331.340 Authorization and form of bonds.
    331.343 Defeasance.
    331.345 Covenants.
    331.346 Validity of bonds; validation proceedings.
    331.347 Act furnishes full authority for issuance of bonds.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.349 Fiscal year of the authority.
    331.350 Insurance coverage of the authority; safety program.
    331.351 Participation by women, minorities, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises encouraged.
    331.354 Tax exemption.
    331.355 Use of name; ownership rights to intellectual property.
    331.360 Joint project agreement or assistance; spaceport master plan.
    331.367 Spaceport Management Council.
    331.368 Florida Space Research Institute.
    331.369 Space Industry Workforce Initiative.
    331.401 Short title.
    331.403 Legislative findings and intent.
    331.405 Definitions.
    331.407 Florida Aerospace Finance Corporation.
    331.409 Powers and limitations.
    331.411 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    331.415 Authority to create account.
    331.417 President.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
    1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties.

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