CS/SB 1304: Fish and Wildlife Conservation [RPCC]
GENERAL BILL by Environmental Preservation and Conservation ; Saunders
Fish and Wildlife Conservation [RPCC]; Consolidates chapters 370 and 372, F.S., to create chapter 379, F.S., entitled "Fish and Wildlife Conservation." Renumbers, amends, and repeals sections of such chapters to conform to changes made by this act, etc.
Effective Date: 07/01/2008
Last Action: 4/30/2008 Senate - Substituted HB 7091 -SJ 01001; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7091 (Ch. 2008-247), CS/CS/SB 1286 (Ch. 2008-106) -SJ 01001
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Last Action: 4/30/2008 Senate - Substituted HB 7091 -SJ 01001; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7091 (Ch. 2008-247), CS/CS/SB 1286 (Ch. 2008-106) -SJ 01001
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 1/23/2008 Senate • Filed
2/7/2008 Senate • Referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; General Government Appropriations; Rules
3/4/2008 Senate • Introduced, referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; General Government Appropriations; Rules -SJ 00080
4/17/2008 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Environmental Preservation and Conservation, 04/22/08, 1:00 pm, 401-S
4/22/2008 Senate • CS by Environmental Preservation and Conservation; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 00753; CS read 1st time on 04/23/08 -SJ 00759
4/23/2008 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2)
4/24/2008 Senate • Original reference(s) removed: General Government Appropriations; Rules; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 00823
4/29/2008 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00949
4/30/2008 Senate • Substituted HB 7091 -SJ 01001; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7091 (Ch. 2008-247), CS/CS/SB 1286 (Ch. 2008-106) -SJ 01001
CS/SB 1304, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/23/2008 at 2:38 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Environmental Preservation and Conservation (Post-Meeting) 4/22/2008 (pdf)
Related Bills (3)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location H 7091 (e2) Kendrick Similar Last Action: 6/30/2008 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2008-247; See also CS/CS/SB 1286 (Ch. 2008-106)
Location:H 7059 (e3) Kendrick Compare Last Action: 5/8/2009 H Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State
Location:S 1286 (e1) Saunders Compare Last Action: 6/10/2008 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2008-106; See also HB 7091 (Ch. 2008-247)
Location:Citations - Statutes (378)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 72.011 Jurisdiction of circuit courts in specific tax matters; administrative hearings and appeals; time for commencing action; parties; deposits. 97.05831 Voter registration applications made available to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 125.01 Powers and duties. 142.01 Fine and forfeiture fund; clerk of the circuit court. 161.053 Coastal construction and excavation; regulation on county basis. 201.15 Distribution of taxes collected. 212.06 Sales, storage, use tax; collectible from dealers; "dealer" defined; dealers to collect from purchasers; legislative intent as to scope of tax. 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions. 213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing. 215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund. 290.004 Definitions relating to Florida Enterprise Zone Act. 320.08058 Specialty license plates. 327.02 Definitions of terms used in this chapter and in chapter 328. 327.41 Uniform waterway regulatory markers. 327.73 Noncriminal infractions. 328.66 County and municipality optional registration fee. 328.72 Classification; registration; fees and charges; surcharge; disposition of fees; fines; marine turtle stickers. 328.76 Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund; vessel registration funds; appropriation and distribution. 370.01 Definitions. 370.021 Administration; rules, publications, records; penalties; injunctions. 370.023 Administration of commission grant programs. 370.025 Marine fisheries; policy and standards. 370.027 Rulemaking authority with respect to marine life. 370.028 Enforcement of commission rules; penalties for violation of rule. 370.03 Water bottoms. 370.06 Licenses. 370.0603 Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund; purposes. 370.0607 Marine information system. 370.06091 Memorandum of agreement relating to Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. 370.06092 Harmful-Algal-Bloom Task Force. 370.06093 Harmful-algal-bloom program; implementation; goals; funding. 370.061 Confiscation, seizure, and forfeiture of property and products. 370.063 Special recreational spiny lobster license. 370.07 Wholesale and retail saltwater products dealers; regulation. 370.08 Fishers and equipment; regulation. 370.081 Illegal importation or possession of nonindigenous marine plants and animals; rules and regulations. 370.0821 St. Johns County; use of nets. 370.09 Industrial hazards; oil deposits discharge prohibited. 370.092 Carriage of proscribed nets across Florida waters. 370.093 Illegal use of nets. 370.10 Crustacea, marine animals, fish; regulations; general provisions. 370.101 Saltwater fish; regulations. 370.102 State preemption of power to regulate. 370.103 Agreements with Federal Government for the preservation of saltwater fisheries; authority of commission. 370.11 Fish; regulation. 370.1103 Land-based commercial and recreational fishing activities; legislative findings and purpose; definitions; legal protection; local ordinances; prohibited activity. 370.1105 Saltwater finfish; fishing traps regulated. 370.1107 Definition; possession of certain licensed traps prohibited; penalties; exceptions; consent. 370.1121 Bonefish; regulation. 370.12 Marine animals; regulation. 370.1201 Manatee protection; intent; conduct of studies; initiatives and plans. 370.1202 Enhanced manatee protection study. 370.13 Stone crab; regulation. 370.135 Blue crab; regulation. 370.14 Spiny lobster; regulation. 370.1405 Spiny lobster reports by dealers during closed season required. 370.142 Spiny lobster trap certificate program. 370.143 Retrieval of spiny lobster, stone crab, blue crab, and black sea bass traps during closed season; commission authority; fees. 370.15 Shrimp; regulation. 370.151 Tortugas shrimp beds; penalties. 370.153 Regulation of shrimp fishing; Clay, Duval, Nassau, Putnam, Flagler, and St. Johns Counties. 370.1535 Regulation of shrimp fishing in Tampa Bay; licensing requirements. 370.154 Shrimp regulations; closed areas; suspension of license, etc. 370.155 Regulation of shrimp fishing in a designated area. 370.16 Noncultured shellfish harvesting. 370.1601 Lease of state-owned water bottoms for growing oysters and clams. 370.1603 Oysters produced in and outside state; labeling; tracing; rules. 370.161 Oyster bottom land grants made pursuant to ch. 3293. 370.17 Sponges; regulation. 370.172 Spearfishing; definition; limitations; penalty. 370.18 Compacts and agreements; generally. 370.19 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation. 370.20 Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation. 370.21 Florida Territorial Waters Act; alien-owned commercial fishing vessels; prohibited acts; enforcement. 370.22 Venue for proceedings against citizens and residents charged with violations outside state boundaries. 370.23 Sale of unlawfully landed product; jurisdiction. 370.25 Artificial reef program; grants and financial and technical assistance to local governments. 370.26 Aquaculture definitions; marine aquaculture products, producers, and facilities. 370.27 State employment; priority consideration for qualified displaced employees of the saltwater fishing industry. 370.28 Enterprise zone designation; communities adversely impacted by net limitations. 370.31 Commercial production of sturgeon. 372.001 Definitions. 372.002 Right to hunt and fish. 372.0025 No net loss of hunting lands. 372.01 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 372.021 Powers, duties, and authority of commission; rules, regulations, and orders. 372.0215 Citizen support organizations; use of state property; audit. 372.0222 Private publication agreements; advertising; costs of production. 372.0225 Freshwater organisms. 372.023 J. W. Corbett and Cecil M. Webb Wildlife Management Areas. 372.025 Everglades recreational sites; definitions. 372.03 Headquarters of commission. 372.05 Duties of executive director. 372.07 Police powers of commission and its agents. 372.071 Powers of arrest by agents of Department of Environmental Protection or Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 372.0715 Rewards. 372.072 Endangered and Threatened Species Act. 372.0725 Killing or wounding of any species designated as endangered, threatened, or of special concern; criminal penalties. 372.073 Endangered and Threatened Species Reward Program. 372.074 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program. 372.09 State Game Trust Fund. 372.101 Administrative Trust Fund. 372.102 Federal Grants Trust Fund. 372.103 Grants and Donations Trust Fund. 372.105 Lifetime Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund. 372.106 Dedicated License Trust Fund. 372.107 Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund. 372.12 Acquisition of state game lands. 372.121 Control and management of state game lands. 372.127 Conservation and Recreation Lands Program Trust Fund of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 372.16 Private game preserves and farms; penalty. 372.19 Preserves, refuges, etc., not tax-exempt. 372.26 Imported fish. 372.265 Regulation of foreign animals. 372.27 Silver Springs and Rainbow Springs, etc., closed to all fishing. 372.551 Competitive bidding for certain sale of licenses and permits and the issuance of authorization numbers. 372.561 Recreational licenses, permits, and authorization numbers to take wild animal life, freshwater aquatic life, and marine life; issuance; costs; reporting. 372.562 Recreational licenses and permits; exemptions from fees and requirements. 372.57 Recreational licenses, permits, and authorization numbers; fees established. 372.5701 Deposit of license fees; allocation of federal funds. 372.5702 Expenditure of funds. 372.5704 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission license program for tarpon; fees; penalties. 372.5705 Fish pond license. 372.571 Expiration of licenses and permits. 372.5711 Review of fees for licenses and permits; review of exemptions. 372.5712 Florida waterfowl permit revenues. 372.5714 Waterfowl Advisory Council. 372.5715 Florida wild turkey permit revenues. 372.5717 Hunter safety course; requirements; penalty. 372.5718 Hunter safety course for juveniles. 372.573 Management area permit revenues. 372.574 Appointment of subagents for the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses and permits. 372.58 False statement in application for license or permit. 372.581 Entering false information on licenses or permits. 372.59 License and permit not transferable. 372.65 Freshwater fish dealer's license. 372.651 Haul seine and trawl permits; freshwater lakes in excess of 500 square miles; fees. 372.653 Required tagging of fish; lakes in excess of 500 square miles; tag fee; game fish taken in lakes of 500 square miles or less. 372.66 License required for fur and hide dealers. 372.661 Private hunting preserve license fees; exception. 372.662 Unlawful sale, possession, or transporting of alligators or alligator skins. 372.663 Illegal killing, possessing, or capturing of alligators or other crocodilia or eggs; confiscation of equipment. 372.664 Prima facie evidence of intent to violate laws protecting alligators. 372.6645 Unlawful to sell alligator products; penalty. 372.665 Word "alligator" or "gator" not to be used in certain sales. 372.667 Feeding or enticement of alligators or crocodiles unlawful; penalty. 372.6671 Alligator trapping program; definitions. 372.6672 Alligator management and trapping program implementation; commission authority. 372.6673 Taking and possession of alligators; trapping licenses; fees. 372.6674 Required tagging of alligators and hides; fees; revenues. 372.6678 Alligator study requirements. 372.671 Florida or wild panther; killing prohibited; penalty. 372.672 Florida Panther Research and Management Trust Fund. 372.673 Florida Panther Technical Advisory Council. 372.70 Prosecutions; state attorney to represent state. 372.701 Arrest by officers of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; recognizance; cash bond; citation. 372.7015 Illegal killing, taking, possessing, or selling wildlife or game; fines; disposition of fines. 372.7016 Voluntary Authorized Hunter Identification Program. 372.705 Harassment of hunters, trappers, or fishers. 372.72 Disposition of fines, penalties, and forfeitures. 372.73 Confiscation and disposition of illegally taken game. 372.74 Cooperative agreements with U. S. Forest Service; penalty. 372.76 Search and seizure authorized and limited. 372.761 Issuance of warrant for search of private dwelling. 372.77 Assent to provisions of Act of Congress of September 2, 1937. 372.7701 Assent to federal acts. 372.771 Federal conservation of fish and wildlife; limited jurisdiction. 372.83 Penalties and violations; civil penalties for noncriminal infractions; criminal penalties; suspension and forfeiture of licenses and permits. 372.831 Wildlife Violator Compact Act. 372.8311 Compact licensing and enforcement authority; administrative review. 372.84 Forfeiture or denial of licenses and permits. 372.85 Contaminating fresh waters. 372.86 Capturing, keeping, possessing, transporting, or exhibiting venomous reptiles or reptiles of concern; license required. 372.87 License fee; renewal, revocation. 372.88 Bond required, amount. 372.92 Rules and regulations; penalties. 372.921 Exhibition or sale of wildlife. 372.922 Personal possession of wildlife. 372.935 Captive wildlife penalties. 372.97 Jim Woodruff Dam; reciprocity agreements. 372.971 St. Marys River; reciprocity agreements. 372.98 Possession of nutria; license; inspection; penalty for violation. 372.981 Regulation of importation of caiman. 372.988 Required clothing for persons hunting deer. 372.99 Illegal taking and possession of deer and wild turkey; evidence; penalty. 372.9901 Seizure of illegal hunting devices; disposition; notice; forfeiture. 372.99021 Disposition of illegal fishing devices; exercise of police power. 372.99022 Illegal molestation of or theft from freshwater fishing gear. 372.9903 Illegal possession or transportation of freshwater game fish in commercial quantities; penalty. 372.9904 Seizure of illegal transportation devices; disposition; appraisal; forfeiture. 372.9905 Applicability of ss. 372.99, 372.9901, 372.9903, and 372.9904. 372.991 Nongame Wildlife Trust Fund. 372.992 Nongame Wildlife Advisory Council. 372.993 Land-based commercial and recreational fishing activities; legislative findings and purpose; definitions; legal protection; local ordinances; prohibited activity. 372.995 Release of balloons. 373.046 Interagency agreements. 379.101 379.102 379.1025 379.10255 379.103 379.104 379.105 379.106 379.201 379.202 379.203 379.204 379.205 379.206 379.207 379.208 379.209 379.211 379.212 379.2201 379.2202 379.2203 379.2211 379.2212 379.2213 379.2221 379.2222 379.2223 379.2224 379.2225 379.223 379.224 379.2251 379.2252 379.2253 379.2254 379.2255 379.2256 379.2257 379.2258 379.2259 379.226 379.2271 379.2272 379.2281 379.2282 379.2291 379.2292 379.230 379.23 379.231 379.232 379.233 379.2341 379.2342 379.2351 379.2352 379.2353 379.236 379.237 379.2401 379.2402 379.2411 379.2412 379.2413 379.2421 379.2422 379.2423 379.2424 379.2425 379.2431 379.2432 379.2433 379.244 379.245 379.246 379.247 379.248 379.249 379.25 379.2511 379.2512 379.2521 379.2522 379.2523 379.2524 379.2525 379.28 379.3001 379.3002 379.3003 379.3004 379.3011 379.3012 379.3013 379.3014 379.3015 379.3016 379.3017 379.302 379.303 379.304 379.305 379.3061 379.3062 379.3063 379.33 379.3311 379.3312 379.3313 379.332 379.333 379.334 379.335 379.336 379.337 379.338 379.339 379.3395 379.340 379.341 379.342 379.343 379.350 379.35 379.3501 379.3502 379.3503 379.3504 379.3511 379.3512 379.352 379.353 379.354 379.355 379.356 379.357 379.3581 379.3582 379.361 379.362 379.363 379.3635 379.364 379.365 379.366 379.367 379.3671 379.368 379.369 379.3711 379.3712 379.372 379.373 379.374 379.3751 379.3752 379.3761 379.3762 379.377 379.401 379.4015 379.402 379.403 379.404 379.405 379.406 379.407 379.408 379.409 379.411 379.4115 379.412 379.413 379.414 403.41315 Comprehensive illegal dumping, litter, and marine debris control and prevention. 403.813 Permits issued at district centers; exceptions. 597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases. 777.04 Attempts, solicitation, and conspiracy. 810.09 Trespass on property other than structure or conveyance. 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. 932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property. -
SB 1304, Original Filed Version Posted 1/23/2008 at 1:04 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Committee Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 545748 - Amendment
Environmental Preservation and Conservation
12:37 PMReplaced by Committee Substitute
4/22/2008Web Page
PDFCommittee Votes (1)
Date Committee Result 4/22/2008 1:00 PM Environmental Preservation and Conservation 5 Yeas - 0 Nays Citations - Statutes (1)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 370.06 Licenses.