CS/SB 2488: Future Property Insurance Claims/Escrow Reserves [EPCC]
MEMORIAL by Banking and Insurance ; Posey
Future Property Insurance Claims/Escrow Reserves [EPCC]; Urges the Congress of the United States to pass legislation that exempts from taxation all reserves placed in escrow for the exclusive use of paying potential future property insurance claims arising out of natural catastrophes, etc.
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/28/2008 Senate • Filed
3/13/2008 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance -SJ 00277
3/20/2008 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/25/08, 9:00 am, 412-K --Not considered
3/27/2008 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 04/01/08, 9:30 am, 412-K
4/1/2008 Senate • CS by- Banking and Insurance; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -SJ 00392; CS read 1st time on 04/02/08 -SJ 00408
4/2/2008 Senate • Pending reference review -under Rule 4.7(2); Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 00392
4/10/2008 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Retained on Calendar
4/23/2008 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00749; CS adopted -SJ 00749
4/24/2008 House • In Messages
5/2/2008 House • Died in Messages
CS/SB 2488, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/2/2008 at 1:15 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Banking and Insurance (Post-Meeting) 4/1/2008 (pdf)
Committee Votes (1)
Date Committee Result 4/1/2008 9:30 AM Banking and Insurance 11 Yeas - 0 Nays -
SB 2488, Original Filed Version Posted 2/28/2008 at 3:49 PM
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Similar bill
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Linked bill
A bill that is contingent upon passage of another bill within the same chamber, e.g., a trust fund bill, a bill providing a public record exemption, or an implementing bill.
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