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The Florida Senate

SB 1712: Public Records/Destination Resort Commission


Public Records/Destination Resort Commission; Provides an exemption from public records requirements for confidential and proprietary business information and trade secrets received by the Destination Resort Commission. Provides an exemption from public records requirements for information held that would reveal investigation techniques and procedures used by such commission. Provides an exception to the exemption for other governmental entities having oversight or regulatory or law enforcement authority. Provides penalties for an employee of the commission who violates the provisions of the act, etc.

Effective Date: contingent
Last Action: 5/7/2011 Senate - Died in Commerce and Tourism
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Commerce and Tourism (CM)
  2. Regulated Industries (RI)
  3. Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/4/2011 Senate • Filed
3/10/2011 Senate • Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Regulated Industries; Governmental Oversight and Accountability -SJ 194
• Introduced -SJ 194
3/17/2011 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Tourism, 03/22/11, 1:15 pm, 401 Senate Office Building --Temporarily Postponed
3/24/2011 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Tourism, 03/29/11, 1:00 pm, 401 Senate Office Building --Temporarily Postponed
5/7/2011 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Commerce and Tourism