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The Florida Senate

SPB 7056: Background Screening

PROPOSED BILL by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs

Background Screening; Includes volunteers within the definition of the term "direct service provider" for purposes of background screening. Exempts a volunteer who meets certain criteria and a client's relative or spouse from the screening requirement. Excepts certain licensed professionals and persons screened as a licensure requirement from further screening under certain circumstances. Requires direct service providers working as of a certain date to be screened within a specified period. Provides a phase-in for screening direct service providers, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2011
Last Action: 3/10/2011 Senate - Submit as committee bill by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (SB 1992)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/3/2011 Senate • Submitted for consideration by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
3/4/2011 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 03/09/11, 3:15 pm, 401 Senate Office Building --Submitted as Committee Bill
3/10/2011 Senate • Submit as committee bill by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (SB 1992)