HB 1267: Health Care Practitioners
GENERAL BILL by Van Zant ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Rehwinkel Vasilinda
Health Care Practitioners; Requires that licensed health care practitioner wear name badge indicating licensure credentials when rendering health care services; expands scope of practice to authorize advanced registered nurse practitioner to prescribe, order, administer, monitor, & alter any drug or drug therapies that are necessary for proper medical care & treatment of patient; requires that Board of Nursing adopt rules; authorizes certified registered nurse anesthetist, while participating in management of patient in postanesthesia recovery area, to order administration of drugs that are commonly used to alleviate pain; revises provisions relating to licensure & regulation of clinical laboratories operated by practitioners for exclusive use; provides applicability to clinical laboratories operated by practitioners licensed to practice nursing; revises definition of term "practitioner" under Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act to include advanced registered nurse practitioners.
Last Action: 3/9/2012 House - Died in Health and Human Services Quality Subcommittee
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
HB 1267, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 1/5/2012 at 3:20 PM