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The Florida Senate

SPB 7052: Implementing the 2012-2013 General Appropriations Act


Implementing the 2012-2013 General Appropriations Act; Incorporating by reference certain calculations of the Florida Education Finance Program for the 2012-2013 fiscal year; authorizing the transfer of funds between appropriation categories to fund fixed capital outlay projects for public schools upon certain approval; authorizing a university board of trustees to expend reserve or carry-forward balances for the establishment of a new campus; providing requirements relating to completing phase 2 and phase 3 of the Department of Health’s Florida Onsite Sewage Nitrogen Reduction Strategies Study; incorporating by reference certain calculations of the Medicaid Low-Income Pool, Disproportionate Share Hospital, and Hospital Exemptions Programs, etc.

Effective Date: July 1, 2012, except as otherwise provided; or, if this act fails to become a law until after that date, it shall take effect upon becoming a law and shall operate retroactively to July 1, 2012
Last Action: 2/16/2012 Senate - Submit as committee bill by Budget (SB 2002)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/10/2012 Senate • Submitted for consideration by Budget
• On Committee agenda-- Budget, 02/15/12, 9:00 am, 412 Knott Building --Submitted as Committee Bill
2/16/2012 Senate • Submit as committee bill by Budget (SB 2002)