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The Florida Senate

HB 235: Department of Economic Opportunity


Department of Economic Opportunity; Requires DEO to create web page accessible through its Internet website that provides certain information; provides purpose of web page; requires DEO to collect all local business information available to DEO; requires DEO to request relevant local government to provide any otherwise unavailable information; requires local governments to provide notice of changes in information collected by department; authorizes local government entities to provide summary that includes certain information for DEO's web page.

Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 2/6/2014 House - Withdrawn prior to introduction -HJ 25
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
10/30/2013 House • Filed
11/22/2013 House • Referred to Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Local and Federal Affairs Committee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee
2/6/2014 House • Withdrawn from Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Local and Federal Affairs Committee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee
• Withdrawn prior to introduction -HJ 25