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The Florida Senate

SB 906: Children in Out-of-home Care


Children in Out-of-home Care; Providing that children in out-of-home care have a right to safe, stable, and nurturing relationships; providing requirements for a child in out-of-home care to maintain a relationship with his or her siblings and kith and kin; prohibiting communication and visits with siblings or kith and kin from being withheld as punishment; requiring the Department of Children and Families to give parents who are working toward reunification with their child certain resources to assist them in providing a safe, stable, and nurturing relationship, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 5/2/2014 Senate - Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (CF)
  2. Judiciary (JU)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/6/2014 Senate • Filed
2/10/2014 Senate • Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Judiciary -SJ 73
3/4/2014 Senate • Introduced -SJ 73
5/2/2014 Senate • Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs