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The Florida Senate

SB 938: Florida Statutes

REVISER'S BILL by Thrasher

Florida Statutes; Amending provisions to conform references within the Florida Statutes to the redesignation of the Department of Children and Family Services as the Department of Children and Families by section 2 of chapter 2012-84, Laws of Florida, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 5/14/2014 - Chapter No. 2014-19
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Rules (RC)

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/10/2014 Senate • Filed
    • Referred to Rules -SJ 75
    • On Committee agenda-- Rules, 02/19/14, 9:00 am, 110 Senate Office Building
    2/19/2014 Senate • Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 13 NAYS 0 -SJ 137
    • Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 137
    2/20/2014 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/04/14
    3/4/2014 Senate • Introduced -SJ 75
    • Read 2nd time -SJ 8
    • Read 3rd time -SJ 8
    • Passed; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 8
    • Immediately certified -SJ 10
    3/4/2014 House • In Messages
    3/27/2014 House • Referred to Calendar -HJ 380
    • Received -HJ 379
    3/28/2014 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/01/14
    4/1/2014 House • Substituted for HB 7133 -HJ 410
    • Read 2nd time -HJ 410
    • Read 3rd time -HJ 411
    • Passed; YEAS 116 NAYS 0 -HJ 411
    4/2/2014 Senate • Ordered enrolled -SJ 454
    5/8/2014 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/12/2014 • Approved by Governor
    5/14/2014 • Chapter No. 2014-19

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  • SB 938, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/2/2014 at 6:36 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 7133 Florida Statutes/DCF Rules and Calendar Committee Identical Last Action: 4/1/2014 H Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 938 (Ch. 2014-19) -HJ 410
    Location: Laid on Table

    Citations - Statutes (382)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2019 Statewide Office for Suicide Prevention.
    14.20195 Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council; creation; membership; duties.
    16.615 Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services; trust funds.
    20.197 Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
    20.506 Welfare Transition Trust Fund.
    28.101 Petitions and records of dissolution of marriage; additional charges.
    39.001 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    39.0016 Education of abused, neglected, and abandoned children; agency agreements; children having or suspected of having a disability.
    39.01 Definitions.
    39.2021 Release of confidential information.
    39.303 Child protection teams; services; eligible cases.
    39.3031 Rules for implementation of s. 39.303.
    39.3032 Memorandum of agreement.
    39.3035 Child advocacy centers; standards; state funding.
    39.3065 Sheriffs of certain counties to provide child protective investigative services; procedures; funding.
    39.308 Guidelines for onsite child protective investigation.
    39.395 Detaining a child; medical or hospital personnel.
    39.5085 Relative Caregiver Program.
    39.604 Rilya Wilson Act; short title; legislative intent; requirements; attendance and reporting responsibilities.
    39.9055 Certified domestic violence centers; capital improvement grant program.
    61.20 Social investigation and recommendations regarding a parenting plan.
    61.21 Parenting course authorized; fees; required attendance authorized; contempt.
    63.022 Legislative intent.
    63.032 Definitions.
    63.039 Duty of adoption entity to prospective adoptive parents; sanctions.
    63.054 Actions required by an unmarried biological father to establish parental rights; Florida Putative Father Registry.
    63.202 Authority to license; adoption of rules.
    90.503 Psychotherapist-patient privilege.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0515 Special Risk Class.
    125.0109 Family day care homes; local zoning regulation.
    125.901 Children’s services; independent special district; council; powers, duties, and functions; public records exemption.
    125.902 Children’s services council or juvenile welfare board incentive grants.
    154.067 Child abuse and neglect cases; duties.
    154.306 Financial responsibility for certified residents who are qualified indigent patients treated at an out-of-county participating hospital or regional referral hospital.
    166.0445 Family day care homes; local zoning regulation.
    186.901 Population census determination.
    194.013 Filing fees for petitions; disposition; waiver.
    196.095 Exemption for a licensed child care facility operating in an enterprise zone.
    212.04 Admissions tax; rate, procedure, enforcement.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    218.65 Emergency distribution.
    252.355 Registry of persons with special needs; notice.
    253.034 State-owned lands; uses.
    282.201 State data center system; agency duties and limitations.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    287.0575 Coordination of contracted services.
    287.155 Motor vehicles; purchase by Department of Children and Family Services, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Health, Department of Juvenile Justice, and Department of Corrections.
    288.0656 Rural Economic Development Initiative.
    288.975 Military base reuse plans.
    316.6135 Leaving children unattended or unsupervised in motor vehicles; penalty; authority of law enforcement officer.
    318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    322.055 Revocation or suspension of, or delay of eligibility for, driver’s license for persons 18 years of age or older convicted of certain drug offenses.
    364.10 Lifeline service.
    379.353 Recreational licenses and permits; exemptions from fees and requirements.
    381.0022 Sharing confidential or exempt information.
    381.006 Environmental health.
    381.0072 Food service protection.
    381.0303 Special needs shelters.
    381.0407 Managed care and publicly funded primary care program coordination.
    382.016 Amendment of records.
    383.011 Administration of maternal and child health programs.
    383.402 Child abuse death review; State Child Abuse Death Review Committee; local child abuse death review committees.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.065 Application and eligibility determination.
    393.0661 Home and community-based services delivery system; comprehensive redesign.
    393.0673 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedures.
    393.125 Hearing rights.
    393.135 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    393.18 Comprehensive transitional education program.
    394.453 Legislative intent.
    394.455 Definitions.
    394.457 Operation and administration.
    394.4574 Department responsibilities for a mental health resident who resides in an assisted living facility that holds a limited mental health license.
    394.461 Designation of receiving and treatment facilities.
    394.4612 Integrated adult mental health crisis stabilization and addictions receiving facilities.
    394.4615 Clinical records; confidentiality.
    394.46715 Rulemaking authority.
    394.4781 Residential care for psychotic and emotionally disturbed children.
    394.47865 South Florida State Hospital; privatization.
    394.480 Compact administrator.
    394.492 Definitions.
    394.493 Target populations for child and adolescent mental health services funded through the department.
    394.4985 Districtwide information and referral network; implementation.
    394.499 Integrated children’s crisis stabilization unit/juvenile addictions receiving facility services.
    394.656 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program.
    394.657 County planning councils or committees.
    394.658 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program requirements.
    394.66 Legislative intent with respect to substance abuse and mental health services.
    394.67 Definitions.
    394.745 Annual report; compliance of providers under contract with department.
    394.75 State and district substance abuse and mental health plans.
    394.78 Operation and administration; personnel standards; procedures for audit and monitoring of service providers; resolution of disputes.
    394.9084 Florida Self-Directed Care program.
    394.912 Definitions.
    394.913 Notice to state attorney and multidisciplinary team of release of sexually violent predator; establishing multidisciplinary teams; information to be provided to multidisciplinary teams.
    394.9135 Immediate releases from total confinement; transfer of person to department; time limitations on assessment, notification, and filing petition to hold in custody; filing petition after release.
    394.9151 Contract authority.
    394.917 Determination; commitment procedure; mistrials; housing; counsel and costs in indigent appellate cases.
    394.9215 Right to habeas corpus.
    394.929 Program costs.
    394.930 Authority to adopt rules.
    394.931 Quarterly reports.
    395.1023 Child abuse and neglect cases; duties.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    397.311 Definitions.
    397.333 Statewide Drug Policy Advisory Council.
    397.334 Treatment-based drug court programs.
    397.6758 Release of individual from protective custody, emergency admission, involuntary assessment, involuntary treatment, and alternative involuntary assessment of a minor.
    397.753 Definitions.
    397.754 Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Corrections.
    397.801 Substance abuse impairment coordination.
    397.998 Drug-free communities support match grants.
    400.0065 State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; duties and responsibilities.
    400.0069 Local long-term care ombudsman councils; duties; membership.
    400.021 Definitions.
    400.022 Residents’ rights.
    400.462 Definitions.
    400.464 Home health agencies to be licensed; expiration of license; exemptions; unlawful acts; penalties.
    400.925 Definitions.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.06 Notes required of scholarship holders.
    402.07 Payment of notes.
    402.115 Sharing confidential or exempt information.
    402.12 National Community Mental Health Centers Act.
    402.16 Proceedings by department.
    402.161 Authorization for sale of property.
    402.164 Legislative intent; definitions.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.18 Welfare trust funds created; use of.
    402.181 State Institutions Claims Program.
    402.185 Productivity enhancing technology.
    402.19 Photographing records; destruction of records; effect as evidence.
    402.20 County contracts authorized for services and facilities for mental health and developmental disabilities.
    402.22 Education program for students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Family Services or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
    402.281 Gold Seal Quality Care program.
    402.302 Definitions.
    402.30501 Modification of introductory child care course for community college credit authorized.
    402.3115 Elimination of duplicative and unnecessary inspections; abbreviated inspections.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    402.35 Employees.
    402.40 Child welfare training and certification.
    402.401 Florida Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    402.47 Foster grandparent and retired senior volunteer services to high-risk and handicapped children.
    402.49 Mediation process established.
    402.56 Children’s cabinet; organization; responsibilities; annual report.
    402.70 Interagency agreement between Department of Health and Department of Children and Family Services.
    402.73 Contracting and performance standards.
    402.7305 Department of Children and Family Services; procurement of contractual services; contract management.
    402.7306 Administrative monitoring of child welfare providers, and administrative, licensure, and programmatic monitoring of mental health and substance abuse service providers.
    402.731 Department of Children and Family Services certification programs for employees and service providers; employment provisions for transition to community-based care.
    402.80 Office of Community Partners.
    402.81 Pharmaceutical expense assistance.
    402.86 Rulemaking authority for refugee assistance program.
    402.87 Services to immigrant survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and other serious crimes.
    408.033 Local and state health planning.
    408.20 Assessments; Health Care Trust Fund.
    408.301 Legislative findings.
    408.302 Interagency agreement.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    408.916 Steering committee.
    409.016 Definitions.
    409.017 Revenue Maximization Act; legislative intent; revenue maximization program.
    409.141 Equitable reimbursement methodology.
    409.146 Children and families client and management information system.
    409.147 Children’s initiatives.
    409.153 Implementation of Healthy Families Florida program.
    409.166 Children within the child welfare system; adoption assistance program.
    409.167 Statewide adoption exchange; establishment; responsibilities; registration requirements; rules.
    409.1671 Foster care and related services; outsourcing.
    409.16715 Therapy treatments designed to mitigate out-of-home placement for dependent children.
    409.16745 Community partnership matching grant program.
    409.1675 Lead community-based providers; receivership.
    409.1676 Comprehensive residential group care services to children who have extraordinary needs.
    409.1679 Additional requirements; reimbursement methodology.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.1755 One Church, One Child of Florida Corporation Act; creation; duties.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.2355 Programs for prosecution of males over age 21 who commit certain offenses involving girls under age 16.
    409.2572 Cooperation.
    409.2577 Parent locator service.
    409.2599 Data processing services; interagency agreement.
    409.285 Opportunity for hearing and appeal.
    409.403 Definitions; Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children.
    409.404 Agreements between party state officers and agencies.
    409.406 Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance.
    409.407 Interstate agreements between the Department of Children and Family Services and agencies of other states.
    409.4101 Rulemaking authority.
    409.441 Runaway youth programs and centers.
    409.813 Health benefits coverage; program components; entitlement and nonentitlement.
    409.8135 Behavioral health services.
    409.8177 Program evaluation.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.821 Florida Kidcare program public records exemption.
    409.901 Definitions; ss. 409.901-409.920.
    409.902 Designated single state agency; payment requirements; program title; release of medical records.
    409.90201 Recipient address update process.
    409.903 Mandatory payments for eligible persons.
    409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
    409.9102 A qualified state Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program in Florida.
    409.91195 Medicaid Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9122 Mandatory Medicaid managed care enrollment; programs and procedures.
    409.913 Oversight of the integrity of the Medicaid program.
    409.919 Rules.
    409.962 Definitions.
    410.032 Definitions; ss. 410.031-410.036.
    410.602 Legislative intent.
    410.603 Definitions relating to Community Care for Disabled Adults Act.
    411.223 Uniform standards.
    411.224 Family support planning process.
    411.226 Learning Gateway.
    411.227 Components of the Learning Gateway.
    413.031 Products, purchase by state agencies and institutions.
    413.208 Service providers; quality assurance; fitness for responsibilities; background screening.
    413.271 Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
    413.402 Personal care attendant program.
    414.0252 Definitions.
    414.175 Review of existing waivers.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.32 Prohibitions and restrictions with respect to food assistance program.
    414.37 Public assistance overpayment recovery privatization; reemployment of laid-off career service employees.
    414.39 Fraud.
    414.391 Automated fingerprint imaging.
    414.40 Stop Inmate Fraud Program established; guidelines.
    414.411 Public assistance fraud.
    414.42 Cause for employee dismissal.
    415.102 Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.101-415.113.
    415.107 Confidentiality of reports and records.
    415.1071 Release of confidential information.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    420.621 Definitions.
    420.622 State Office on Homelessness; Council on Homelessness.
    420.628 Affordable housing for children and young adults leaving foster care; legislative findings and intent.
    421.10 Rentals and tenant selection.
    427.012 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged.
    429.01 Short title; purpose.
    429.075 Limited mental health license.
    429.08 Unlicensed facilities; referral of person for residency to unlicensed facility; penalties.
    429.19 Violations; imposition of administrative fines; grounds.
    429.23 Internal risk management and quality assurance program; adverse incidents and reporting requirements.
    429.26 Appropriateness of placements; examinations of residents.
    429.31 Closing of facility; notice; penalty.
    429.34 Right of entry and inspection.
    429.41 Rules establishing standards.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.73 Rules and standards relating to adult family-care homes.
    429.75 Training and education programs.
    430.2053 Aging resource centers.
    430.705 Implementation of the long-term care community diversion pilot projects.
    435.02 Definitions.
    445.016 Untried Worker Placement and Employment Incentive Act.
    445.021 Relocation assistance program.
    445.028 Transitional benefits and services.
    445.029 Transitional medical benefits.
    445.033 Evaluation.
    445.034 Authorized expenditures.
    445.035 Data collection and reporting.
    445.048 Passport to Economic Progress program.
    445.051 Individual development accounts.
    450.191 Executive Office of the Governor; powers and duties.
    456.0391 Advanced registered nurse practitioners; information required for certification.
    464.0205 Retired volunteer nurse certificate.
    466.003 Definitions.
    466.023 Dental hygienists; scope and area of practice.
    489.503 Exemptions.
    490.012 Violations; penalties; injunction.
    491.012 Violations; penalty; injunction.
    509.013 Definitions.
    553.80 Enforcement.
    561.19 License issuance upon approval of division.
    561.20 Limitation upon number of licenses issued.
    624.351 Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Strike Force.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    651.117 Order of liquidation; duties of the Department of Children and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care Administration.
    683.331 Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day.
    718.115 Common expenses and common surplus.
    720.309 Agreements entered into by the association.
    741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.
    741.29 Domestic violence; investigation of incidents; notice to victims of legal rights and remedies; reporting.
    742.107 Determining paternity of child with mother under 16 years of age when impregnated.
    743.045 Removal of disabilities of minors; executing contracts for a residential lease.
    743.046 Removal of disabilities of minors; executing agreements for utility services.
    743.0645 Other persons who may consent to medical care or treatment of a minor.
    744.1075 Emergency court monitor.
    753.01 Definitions.
    765.110 Health care facilities and providers; discipline.
    766.101 Medical review committee, immunity from liability.
    775.0837 Habitual misdemeanor offenders.
    775.16 Drug offenses; additional penalties.
    784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence for protective injunction; dating violence investigations, notice to victims, and reporting; pretrial release violations; public records exemption.
    784.074 Assault or battery on sexually violent predators detention or commitment facility staff; reclassification of offenses.
    784.081 Assault or battery on specified officials or employees; reclassification of offenses.
    787.06 Human trafficking.
    796.07 Prohibiting prostitution and related acts.
    817.505 Patient brokering prohibited; exceptions; penalties.
    839.13 Falsifying records.
    877.111 Inhalation, ingestion, possession, sale, purchase, or transfer of harmful chemical substances; penalties.
    893.11 Suspension, revocation, and reinstatement of business and professional licenses.
    893.15 Rehabilitation.
    893.165 County alcohol and other drug abuse treatment or education trust funds.
    916.105 Legislative intent.
    916.106 Definitions.
    921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart.
    937.021 Missing child and missing adult reports.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    938.10 Additional court cost imposed in cases of certain crimes.
    938.23 Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
    943.0311 Chief of Domestic Security; duties of the department with respect to domestic security.
    943.04353 Triennial study of sexual predator and sexual offender registration and notification procedures.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    943.06 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Systems Council.
    943.17296 Training in identifying and investigating elder abuse and neglect.
    944.024 Adult intake and evaluation.
    944.17 Commitments and classification; transfers.
    944.706 Basic release assistance.
    945.025 Jurisdiction of department.
    945.10 Confidential information.
    945.12 Transfers for rehabilitative treatment.
    945.46 Initiation of involuntary placement proceedings with respect to a mentally ill inmate scheduled for release.
    945.47 Discharge of inmate from mental health treatment.
    945.49 Operation and administration.
    947.13 Powers and duties of commission.
    947.146 Control Release Authority.
    948.01 When court may place defendant on probation or into community control.
    984.01 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    984.03 Definitions.
    984.071 Information packet.
    984.085 Sheltering unmarried minors; aiding unmarried minor runaways; violations.
    984.086 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    984.10 Intake.
    984.15 Petition for a child in need of services.
    984.19 Medical screening and treatment of child; examination of parent, guardian, or person requesting custody.
    984.22 Powers of disposition.
    984.225 Powers of disposition; placement in a staff-secure shelter.
    984.226 Physically secure setting.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.046 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
    985.047 Information systems.
    985.11 Fingerprinting and photographing.
    985.145 Responsibilities of juvenile probation officer during intake; screenings and assessments.
    985.155 Neighborhood restorative justice.
    985.18 Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment.
    985.19 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases.
    985.433 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.461 Transition to adulthood.
    985.48 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.556 Waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing.
    985.565 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.601 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.61 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.614 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    985.64 Rulemaking.
    985.731 Sheltering unmarried minors; aiding unmarried minor runaways; violations.
    985.8025 State Council for Interstate Juvenile Offender Supervision.
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1002.3305 College-Preparatory Boarding Academy Pilot Program for at-risk students.
    1002.395 Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program.
    1002.57 Prekindergarten director credential.
    1003.27 Court procedure and penalties.
    1003.49 Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools.
    1003.51 Other public educational services.
    1003.57 Exceptional students instruction.
    1003.58 Students in residential care facilities.
    1004.44 Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.
    1004.61 Partnerships to develop child protection workers.
    1004.93 Adult general education.
    1006.03 Diagnostic and learning resource centers.
    1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.
    1008.39 Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program.
    1009.25 Fee exemptions.
    1010.57 Bonds payable from motor vehicle license tax funds; instruction units computed.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1012.32 Qualifications of personnel.
    1012.62 Transfer of sick leave and annual leave.
    1012.98 School Community Professional Development Act.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • SB 938, Original Filed Version Posted 2/10/2014 at 10:06 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules (Pre-Meeting) 2/17/2014 (pdf)
    Rules (Post-Meeting) 2/27/2014 (pdf)

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 7133 Florida Statutes/DCF Rules and Calendar Committee Identical Last Action: 4/1/2014 H Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 938 (Ch. 2014-19) -HJ 410
    Location: Laid on Table

    Committee Votes (1)

    Date Committee Result
    2/19/2014 9:00 AM Rules 13 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/4/2014 2:12 PM Senate 39 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/1/2014 12:14 PM House 116 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (382)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.2019 Statewide Office for Suicide Prevention.
    14.20195 Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council; creation; membership; duties.
    16.615 Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys.
    17.61 Chief Financial Officer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services; trust funds.
    20.197 Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
    20.506 Welfare Transition Trust Fund.
    28.101 Petitions and records of dissolution of marriage; additional charges.
    39.001 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    39.0016 Education of abused, neglected, and abandoned children; agency agreements; children having or suspected of having a disability.
    39.01 Definitions.
    39.2021 Release of confidential information.
    39.303 Child protection teams; services; eligible cases.
    39.3031 Rules for implementation of s. 39.303.
    39.3032 Memorandum of agreement.
    39.3035 Child advocacy centers; standards; state funding.
    39.3065 Sheriffs of certain counties to provide child protective investigative services; procedures; funding.
    39.308 Guidelines for onsite child protective investigation.
    39.395 Detaining a child; medical or hospital personnel.
    39.5085 Relative Caregiver Program.
    39.604 Rilya Wilson Act; short title; legislative intent; requirements; attendance and reporting responsibilities.
    39.9055 Certified domestic violence centers; capital improvement grant program.
    61.20 Social investigation and recommendations regarding a parenting plan.
    61.21 Parenting course authorized; fees; required attendance authorized; contempt.
    63.022 Legislative intent.
    63.032 Definitions.
    63.039 Duty of adoption entity to prospective adoptive parents; sanctions.
    63.054 Actions required by an unmarried biological father to establish parental rights; Florida Putative Father Registry.
    63.202 Authority to license; adoption of rules.
    90.503 Psychotherapist-patient privilege.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0515 Special Risk Class.
    125.0109 Family day care homes; local zoning regulation.
    125.901 Children’s services; independent special district; council; powers, duties, and functions; public records exemption.
    125.902 Children’s services council or juvenile welfare board incentive grants.
    154.067 Child abuse and neglect cases; duties.
    154.306 Financial responsibility for certified residents who are qualified indigent patients treated at an out-of-county participating hospital or regional referral hospital.
    166.0445 Family day care homes; local zoning regulation.
    186.901 Population census determination.
    194.013 Filing fees for petitions; disposition; waiver.
    196.095 Exemption for a licensed child care facility operating in an enterprise zone.
    212.04 Admissions tax; rate, procedure, enforcement.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    218.65 Emergency distribution.
    252.355 Registry of persons with special needs; notice.
    253.034 State-owned lands; uses.
    282.201 State data center system; agency duties and limitations.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    287.0575 Coordination of contracted services.
    287.155 Motor vehicles; purchase by Department of Children and Family Services, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Health, Department of Juvenile Justice, and Department of Corrections.
    288.0656 Rural Economic Development Initiative.
    288.975 Military base reuse plans.
    316.6135 Leaving children unattended or unsupervised in motor vehicles; penalty; authority of law enforcement officer.
    318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    322.055 Revocation or suspension of, or delay of eligibility for, driver’s license for persons 18 years of age or older convicted of certain drug offenses.
    364.10 Lifeline service.
    379.353 Recreational licenses and permits; exemptions from fees and requirements.
    381.0022 Sharing confidential or exempt information.
    381.006 Environmental health.
    381.0072 Food service protection.
    381.0303 Special needs shelters.
    381.0407 Managed care and publicly funded primary care program coordination.
    382.016 Amendment of records.
    383.011 Administration of maternal and child health programs.
    383.402 Child abuse death review; State Child Abuse Death Review Committee; local child abuse death review committees.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.065 Application and eligibility determination.
    393.0661 Home and community-based services delivery system; comprehensive redesign.
    393.0673 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedures.
    393.125 Hearing rights.
    393.135 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
    393.18 Comprehensive transitional education program.
    394.453 Legislative intent.
    394.455 Definitions.
    394.457 Operation and administration.
    394.4574 Department responsibilities for a mental health resident who resides in an assisted living facility that holds a limited mental health license.
    394.461 Designation of receiving and treatment facilities.
    394.4612 Integrated adult mental health crisis stabilization and addictions receiving facilities.
    394.4615 Clinical records; confidentiality.
    394.46715 Rulemaking authority.
    394.4781 Residential care for psychotic and emotionally disturbed children.
    394.47865 South Florida State Hospital; privatization.
    394.480 Compact administrator.
    394.492 Definitions.
    394.493 Target populations for child and adolescent mental health services funded through the department.
    394.4985 Districtwide information and referral network; implementation.
    394.499 Integrated children’s crisis stabilization unit/juvenile addictions receiving facility services.
    394.656 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program.
    394.657 County planning councils or committees.
    394.658 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program requirements.
    394.66 Legislative intent with respect to substance abuse and mental health services.
    394.67 Definitions.
    394.745 Annual report; compliance of providers under contract with department.
    394.75 State and district substance abuse and mental health plans.
    394.78 Operation and administration; personnel standards; procedures for audit and monitoring of service providers; resolution of disputes.
    394.9084 Florida Self-Directed Care program.
    394.912 Definitions.
    394.913 Notice to state attorney and multidisciplinary team of release of sexually violent predator; establishing multidisciplinary teams; information to be provided to multidisciplinary teams.
    394.9135 Immediate releases from total confinement; transfer of person to department; time limitations on assessment, notification, and filing petition to hold in custody; filing petition after release.
    394.9151 Contract authority.
    394.917 Determination; commitment procedure; mistrials; housing; counsel and costs in indigent appellate cases.
    394.9215 Right to habeas corpus.
    394.929 Program costs.
    394.930 Authority to adopt rules.
    394.931 Quarterly reports.
    395.1023 Child abuse and neglect cases; duties.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    397.311 Definitions.
    397.333 Statewide Drug Policy Advisory Council.
    397.334 Treatment-based drug court programs.
    397.6758 Release of individual from protective custody, emergency admission, involuntary assessment, involuntary treatment, and alternative involuntary assessment of a minor.
    397.753 Definitions.
    397.754 Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Corrections.
    397.801 Substance abuse impairment coordination.
    397.998 Drug-free communities support match grants.
    400.0065 State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; duties and responsibilities.
    400.0069 Local long-term care ombudsman councils; duties; membership.
    400.021 Definitions.
    400.022 Residents’ rights.
    400.462 Definitions.
    400.464 Home health agencies to be licensed; expiration of license; exemptions; unlawful acts; penalties.
    400.925 Definitions.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.06 Notes required of scholarship holders.
    402.07 Payment of notes.
    402.115 Sharing confidential or exempt information.
    402.12 National Community Mental Health Centers Act.
    402.16 Proceedings by department.
    402.161 Authorization for sale of property.
    402.164 Legislative intent; definitions.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.18 Welfare trust funds created; use of.
    402.181 State Institutions Claims Program.
    402.185 Productivity enhancing technology.
    402.19 Photographing records; destruction of records; effect as evidence.
    402.20 County contracts authorized for services and facilities for mental health and developmental disabilities.
    402.22 Education program for students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Family Services or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
    402.281 Gold Seal Quality Care program.
    402.302 Definitions.
    402.30501 Modification of introductory child care course for community college credit authorized.
    402.3115 Elimination of duplicative and unnecessary inspections; abbreviated inspections.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    402.35 Employees.
    402.40 Child welfare training and certification.
    402.401 Florida Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    402.47 Foster grandparent and retired senior volunteer services to high-risk and handicapped children.
    402.49 Mediation process established.
    402.56 Children’s cabinet; organization; responsibilities; annual report.
    402.70 Interagency agreement between Department of Health and Department of Children and Family Services.
    402.73 Contracting and performance standards.
    402.7305 Department of Children and Family Services; procurement of contractual services; contract management.
    402.7306 Administrative monitoring of child welfare providers, and administrative, licensure, and programmatic monitoring of mental health and substance abuse service providers.
    402.731 Department of Children and Family Services certification programs for employees and service providers; employment provisions for transition to community-based care.
    402.80 Office of Community Partners.
    402.81 Pharmaceutical expense assistance.
    402.86 Rulemaking authority for refugee assistance program.
    402.87 Services to immigrant survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and other serious crimes.
    408.033 Local and state health planning.
    408.20 Assessments; Health Care Trust Fund.
    408.301 Legislative findings.
    408.302 Interagency agreement.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    408.916 Steering committee.
    409.016 Definitions.
    409.017 Revenue Maximization Act; legislative intent; revenue maximization program.
    409.141 Equitable reimbursement methodology.
    409.146 Children and families client and management information system.
    409.147 Children’s initiatives.
    409.153 Implementation of Healthy Families Florida program.
    409.166 Children within the child welfare system; adoption assistance program.
    409.167 Statewide adoption exchange; establishment; responsibilities; registration requirements; rules.
    409.1671 Foster care and related services; outsourcing.
    409.16715 Therapy treatments designed to mitigate out-of-home placement for dependent children.
    409.16745 Community partnership matching grant program.
    409.1675 Lead community-based providers; receivership.
    409.1676 Comprehensive residential group care services to children who have extraordinary needs.
    409.1679 Additional requirements; reimbursement methodology.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.1755 One Church, One Child of Florida Corporation Act; creation; duties.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.2355 Programs for prosecution of males over age 21 who commit certain offenses involving girls under age 16.
    409.2572 Cooperation.
    409.2577 Parent locator service.
    409.2599 Data processing services; interagency agreement.
    409.285 Opportunity for hearing and appeal.
    409.403 Definitions; Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children.
    409.404 Agreements between party state officers and agencies.
    409.406 Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance.
    409.407 Interstate agreements between the Department of Children and Family Services and agencies of other states.
    409.4101 Rulemaking authority.
    409.441 Runaway youth programs and centers.
    409.813 Health benefits coverage; program components; entitlement and nonentitlement.
    409.8135 Behavioral health services.
    409.8177 Program evaluation.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.821 Florida Kidcare program public records exemption.
    409.901 Definitions; ss. 409.901-409.920.
    409.902 Designated single state agency; payment requirements; program title; release of medical records.
    409.90201 Recipient address update process.
    409.903 Mandatory payments for eligible persons.
    409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
    409.9102 A qualified state Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program in Florida.
    409.91195 Medicaid Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9122 Mandatory Medicaid managed care enrollment; programs and procedures.
    409.913 Oversight of the integrity of the Medicaid program.
    409.919 Rules.
    409.962 Definitions.
    410.032 Definitions; ss. 410.031-410.036.
    410.602 Legislative intent.
    410.603 Definitions relating to Community Care for Disabled Adults Act.
    411.223 Uniform standards.
    411.224 Family support planning process.
    411.226 Learning Gateway.
    411.227 Components of the Learning Gateway.
    413.031 Products, purchase by state agencies and institutions.
    413.208 Service providers; quality assurance; fitness for responsibilities; background screening.
    413.271 Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
    413.402 Personal care attendant program.
    414.0252 Definitions.
    414.175 Review of existing waivers.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.32 Prohibitions and restrictions with respect to food assistance program.
    414.37 Public assistance overpayment recovery privatization; reemployment of laid-off career service employees.
    414.39 Fraud.
    414.391 Automated fingerprint imaging.
    414.40 Stop Inmate Fraud Program established; guidelines.
    414.411 Public assistance fraud.
    414.42 Cause for employee dismissal.
    415.102 Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.101-415.113.
    415.107 Confidentiality of reports and records.
    415.1071 Release of confidential information.
    419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.
    420.621 Definitions.
    420.622 State Office on Homelessness; Council on Homelessness.
    420.628 Affordable housing for children and young adults leaving foster care; legislative findings and intent.
    421.10 Rentals and tenant selection.
    427.012 The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged.
    429.01 Short title; purpose.
    429.075 Limited mental health license.
    429.08 Unlicensed facilities; referral of person for residency to unlicensed facility; penalties.
    429.19 Violations; imposition of administrative fines; grounds.
    429.23 Internal risk management and quality assurance program; adverse incidents and reporting requirements.
    429.26 Appropriateness of placements; examinations of residents.
    429.31 Closing of facility; notice; penalty.
    429.34 Right of entry and inspection.
    429.41 Rules establishing standards.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.73 Rules and standards relating to adult family-care homes.
    429.75 Training and education programs.
    430.2053 Aging resource centers.
    430.705 Implementation of the long-term care community diversion pilot projects.
    435.02 Definitions.
    445.016 Untried Worker Placement and Employment Incentive Act.
    445.021 Relocation assistance program.
    445.028 Transitional benefits and services.
    445.029 Transitional medical benefits.
    445.033 Evaluation.
    445.034 Authorized expenditures.
    445.035 Data collection and reporting.
    445.048 Passport to Economic Progress program.
    445.051 Individual development accounts.
    450.191 Executive Office of the Governor; powers and duties.
    456.0391 Advanced registered nurse practitioners; information required for certification.
    464.0205 Retired volunteer nurse certificate.
    466.003 Definitions.
    466.023 Dental hygienists; scope and area of practice.
    489.503 Exemptions.
    490.012 Violations; penalties; injunction.
    491.012 Violations; penalty; injunction.
    509.013 Definitions.
    553.80 Enforcement.
    561.19 License issuance upon approval of division.
    561.20 Limitation upon number of licenses issued.
    624.351 Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Strike Force.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    651.117 Order of liquidation; duties of the Department of Children and Family Services and the Agency for Health Care Administration.
    683.331 Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day.
    718.115 Common expenses and common surplus.
    720.309 Agreements entered into by the association.
    741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.
    741.29 Domestic violence; investigation of incidents; notice to victims of legal rights and remedies; reporting.
    742.107 Determining paternity of child with mother under 16 years of age when impregnated.
    743.045 Removal of disabilities of minors; executing contracts for a residential lease.
    743.046 Removal of disabilities of minors; executing agreements for utility services.
    743.0645 Other persons who may consent to medical care or treatment of a minor.
    744.1075 Emergency court monitor.
    753.01 Definitions.
    765.110 Health care facilities and providers; discipline.
    766.101 Medical review committee, immunity from liability.
    775.0837 Habitual misdemeanor offenders.
    775.16 Drug offenses; additional penalties.
    784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence for protective injunction; dating violence investigations, notice to victims, and reporting; pretrial release violations; public records exemption.
    784.074 Assault or battery on sexually violent predators detention or commitment facility staff; reclassification of offenses.
    784.081 Assault or battery on specified officials or employees; reclassification of offenses.
    787.06 Human trafficking.
    796.07 Prohibiting prostitution and related acts.
    817.505 Patient brokering prohibited; exceptions; penalties.
    839.13 Falsifying records.
    877.111 Inhalation, ingestion, possession, sale, purchase, or transfer of harmful chemical substances; penalties.
    893.11 Suspension, revocation, and reinstatement of business and professional licenses.
    893.15 Rehabilitation.
    893.165 County alcohol and other drug abuse treatment or education trust funds.
    916.105 Legislative intent.
    916.106 Definitions.
    921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart.
    937.021 Missing child and missing adult reports.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    938.10 Additional court cost imposed in cases of certain crimes.
    938.23 Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
    943.0311 Chief of Domestic Security; duties of the department with respect to domestic security.
    943.04353 Triennial study of sexual predator and sexual offender registration and notification procedures.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    943.06 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Systems Council.
    943.17296 Training in identifying and investigating elder abuse and neglect.
    944.024 Adult intake and evaluation.
    944.17 Commitments and classification; transfers.
    944.706 Basic release assistance.
    945.025 Jurisdiction of department.
    945.10 Confidential information.
    945.12 Transfers for rehabilitative treatment.
    945.46 Initiation of involuntary placement proceedings with respect to a mentally ill inmate scheduled for release.
    945.47 Discharge of inmate from mental health treatment.
    945.49 Operation and administration.
    947.13 Powers and duties of commission.
    947.146 Control Release Authority.
    948.01 When court may place defendant on probation or into community control.
    984.01 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    984.03 Definitions.
    984.071 Information packet.
    984.085 Sheltering unmarried minors; aiding unmarried minor runaways; violations.
    984.086 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    984.10 Intake.
    984.15 Petition for a child in need of services.
    984.19 Medical screening and treatment of child; examination of parent, guardian, or person requesting custody.
    984.22 Powers of disposition.
    984.225 Powers of disposition; placement in a staff-secure shelter.
    984.226 Physically secure setting.
    985.03 Definitions.
    985.046 Statewide information-sharing system; interagency workgroup.
    985.047 Information systems.
    985.11 Fingerprinting and photographing.
    985.145 Responsibilities of juvenile probation officer during intake; screenings and assessments.
    985.155 Neighborhood restorative justice.
    985.18 Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment.
    985.19 Incompetency in juvenile delinquency cases.
    985.433 Disposition hearings in delinquency cases.
    985.461 Transition to adulthood.
    985.48 Juvenile sexual offender commitment programs; sexual abuse intervention networks.
    985.556 Waiver of juvenile court jurisdiction; hearing.
    985.565 Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives for juveniles prosecuted as adults.
    985.601 Administering the juvenile justice continuum.
    985.61 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.614 Children locked out of the home; interagency cooperation.
    985.64 Rulemaking.
    985.731 Sheltering unmarried minors; aiding unmarried minor runaways; violations.
    985.8025 State Council for Interstate Juvenile Offender Supervision.
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1002.3305 College-Preparatory Boarding Academy Pilot Program for at-risk students.
    1002.395 Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program.
    1002.57 Prekindergarten director credential.
    1003.27 Court procedure and penalties.
    1003.49 Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools.
    1003.51 Other public educational services.
    1003.57 Exceptional students instruction.
    1003.58 Students in residential care facilities.
    1004.44 Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.
    1004.61 Partnerships to develop child protection workers.
    1004.93 Adult general education.
    1006.03 Diagnostic and learning resource centers.
    1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.
    1008.39 Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program.
    1009.25 Fee exemptions.
    1010.57 Bonds payable from motor vehicle license tax funds; instruction units computed.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1012.32 Qualifications of personnel.
    1012.62 Transfer of sick leave and annual leave.
    1012.98 School Community Professional Development Act.

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