CS/CS/HB 463: Ticket Sales
GENERAL BILL by Regulatory Affairs Committee ; Business and Professions Subcommittee ; Ingoglia
Ticket Sales; Revises provisions to include digital platforms; revises certain presale disclosure requirements; revises provisions relating to prohibitions on bypassing portions of ticket buying process, disguising identity of buyer, or circumventing security measures; provides criminal penalties for knowingly reselling ticket in violation of statute; requires ticket brokers to make specified disclosures before resale of ticket; provides indemnity for resale websites and online marketplaces from the representations of resellers; prohibits misrepresentations of affiliation or endorsement by resellers without consent; provides exceptions; authorizes DACS to enforce ticket resale provisions; deletes provisions imposing penalties for intentionally using or selling software to circumvent certain ticket seller security measures.
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 1/20/2015 House • Filed
1/28/2015 House • Referred to Business and Professions Subcommittee; Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee -HJ 40
3/3/2015 House • Introduced -HJ 40
3/20/2015 House • On Committee agenda-- Business and Professions Subcommittee, 03/24/15, 3:30 pm, 12 HOB
3/24/2015 House • CS by Business and Professions Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 3 -HJ 345
3/26/2015 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 7.19(c)
• CS by Business and Professions Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 320
3/27/2015 House • Now in Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee -HJ 343
4/3/2015 House • On Committee agenda-- Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee, 04/07/15, 4:30 pm, Reed Hall
4/7/2015 House • Favorable by Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 3 -HJ 470
• Now in Regulatory Affairs Committee -HJ 470
4/10/2015 House • On Committee agenda-- Regulatory Affairs Committee, 04/14/15, 1:00 pm, Sumner Hall
4/14/2015 House • CS/CS by- Regulatory Affairs Committee; YEAS 17 NAYS 0 -HJ 589
4/16/2015 House • Pending review of CS -under Rule 7.19(c)
4/17/2015 House • Placed on Calendar -HJ 588
• CS/CS by Regulatory Affairs Committee read 1st time -HJ 587
4/28/2015 House • Died on Calendar
CS/CS/HB 463, Committee Substitute 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/16/2015 at 6:15 PM
Bill Text: PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 742 (c1) Ticket Sales Simpson Similar Last Action: 5/1/2015 S Died in Appropriations
Location: In committee/council (AP)Citations - Statutes (1)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 817.36 Resale of tickets. Page 2 (pdf) -
CS/HB 463, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/26/2015 at 6:28 PM
Bill Text: PDF Analyses: Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee (Post-Meeting) 4/7/2015 (pdf)
Regulatory Affairs Committee (Post-Meeting) 4/16/2015 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 742 (c1) Ticket Sales Simpson Similar Last Action: 5/1/2015 S Died in Appropriations
Location: In committee/council (AP)Committee Amendments (7)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 393821 - Amendment
Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert:Ingoglia 4/13/2015
9:46 PMAdopted without Objection
4/14/2015PDF 194277 - Amendment to Amendment (393821)
Remove line 23 of the amendment and insert:La Rosa 4/14/2015
7:03 PMAdopted without Objection
4/14/2015PDF 898291 - Amendment to Amendment (393821)
Remove line 35 of the amendment and insert:La Rosa 4/14/2015
7:04 PMAdopted without Objection
4/14/2015PDF 691613 - Amendment to Amendment (393821)
Remove line 46 of the amendment and insert:La Rosa 4/14/2015
7:05 PMAdopted without Objection
4/14/2015PDF 407063 - Amendment to Amendment (393821)
Remove line 129 of the amendment and insert:Gaetz 4/14/2015
7:08 PMWithdrawn
4/14/2015PDF 265763 - Amendment to Amendment (393821)
Remove line 129 of the amendment and insert:Gaetz 4/14/2015
7:09 PMAdopted
4/14/2015PDF 342053 - Amendment to Amendment (393821)
Between lines 152 and 153 of the amendment, insert:La Rosa 4/14/2015
7:07 PMWithdrawn
4/14/2015PDF Citations - Statutes (1)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 817.36 Resale of tickets. Page 2 (pdf) -
HB 463, Original Filed Version Posted 1/20/2015 at 2:03 PM
Bill Text: PDF Analyses: Business and Professions Subcommittee (Post-Meeting) 3/26/2015 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 742 Ticket Sales Simpson Similar Last Action: 5/1/2015 S Died in Appropriations
Location: In committee/council (AP)Committee Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 818903 - Amendment
Remove lines 53-254 and insert:Ingoglia 3/23/2015
7:57 PMAdopted
3/24/2015PDF Citations - Statutes (1)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 817.36 Resale of tickets. Page 2 (pdf)
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Similar bill
Companion bills that are substantially similar in text or have substantial portions of text that are largely the same.
Compare bill
Bills that have selected provisions that are similar in text.
Linked bill
A bill that is contingent upon passage of another bill within the same chamber, e.g., a trust fund bill, a bill providing a public record exemption, or an implementing bill.
The page numbers, when listed, for citations are constantly under review. The journals or printed bills of the respective chambers should be consulted as the official documents of the Legislature.
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