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The Florida Senate

SB 128: Services for Combat Veterans and Their Families

GENERAL BILL by Simpson ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Altman ; Latvala ; Negron ; Benacquisto ; Detert ; Bean ; Soto ; Montford ; Bradley ; Dean ; Bullard ; Hays ; Sachs ; Hutson ; Garcia ; Stargel

Services for Combat Veterans and Their Families; Defining the term “combat veteran”; requiring that the Department of Children and Families establish the Florida Combat Veterans’ Care Coordination Program to provide combat veterans and their families with behavioral health care referral and care coordination services; requiring that the department contract with managing entities to enter into agreements with Florida 211 Network participants for such services, etc. APPROPRIATION: $2,000,155

Effective Date: 7/1/2016
Last Action: 3/11/2016 Senate - Died in Appropriations
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (CF)
  2. Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security (MS)
  3. Appropriations (AP)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
8/13/2015 Senate • Filed
8/21/2015 Senate • Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; Appropriations -SJ 13
9/9/2015 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 09/16/15, 4:00 pm, 301 Senate Office Building
9/16/2015 Senate • Favorable by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 126
9/17/2015 Senate • Now in Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security -SJ 126
9/28/2015 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security, 10/06/15, 10:00 am, 37 Senate Office Building
10/6/2015 Senate • Favorable by Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 124
10/7/2015 Senate • Now in Appropriations -SJ 124
1/12/2016 Senate • Introduced -SJ 13
3/11/2016 Senate • Died in Appropriations