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The Florida Senate

SM 1706: Energy


Energy; Urging Congress to stop increases in the federal loan guarantee program for new nuclear energy facilities and rescind any remaining funds, eliminate funding for mixed oxide plutonium fuel fabrication plants, support energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy, fund nuclear waste immobilization, increase funding for environmental cleanup programs, enact a moratorium by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on nuclear waste operations until an appropriate, safe way to transport and permanently store nuclear waste is established and existing nuclear power plants and temporary storage sites can be secured against terrorist attacks, direct the United States Department of Energy to monitor and ensure compliance with all cleanup agreements and legacy management requirements, and authorize a nationwide study to be conducted by the United States National Security Council, the United States Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Department of Defense, the United States Defense Intelligence Agency, and the United States Department of Homeland Security to determine the best energy mix with regard to national security, etc.

Last Action: 3/11/2016 Senate - Died in Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU)
  2. Rules (RC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/11/2016 Senate • Filed
1/15/2016 Senate • Referred to Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Rules -SJ 224
1/20/2016 Senate • Introduced -SJ 224
3/11/2016 Senate • Died in Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities