HB 3507: Relief/Clinton Treadway/State of Florida
Relief/Clinton Treadway/State of Florida; Provides appropriation to compensate Clinton Treadway for wrongful incarceration; directs CFO to draw warrant for purchase of annuity; provides conditions for purchase of annuity; requires DLA & FDLE to immediately expunge Clinton Treadway's criminal record from his wrongful incarceration; provides that act does not waive certain defenses or increase state's liability; provides that certain benefits & appropriation satisfies all present & future claims related to wrongful incarceration; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs; provides that unused compensation provided under act shall be revoked upon future finding that he is not innocent of alleged crimes for which he was wrongfully incarcerated & provides for reversion of unused funds. CLAIM WITH APPROPRIATION: $350,000
Last Action: 3/11/2016 House - Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
HB 3507, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 9/8/2015 at 2:18 PM