HB 383: Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic Beverages; Revises provision relating to license classification of distributors licensed to sell & distribute alcoholic beverages for resale to specified persons; authorizes distributors to purchase or acquire certain alcoholic beverages from licensed vendors; provides that such vendor may not be classified as distributor under Beverage Law; requires distributors to maintain record of purchases & acquisitions; requires distributors to report certain information on monthly excise tax report; revises provision relating to license classification of vendors licensed to sell alcoholic beverages to specified persons; provides that sales by vendors to specified distributors are exempt from sales tax collection at point of sale.
Last Action: 10/19/2015 House - Withdrawn prior to introduction -HJ 33
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Bill History
HB 383, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 10/19/2015 at 12:58 PM