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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 7029: Education

GENERAL BILL by Education Committee ; Education Appropriations Subcommittee ; Choice and Innovation Subcommittee ; Cortes, B. ; Diaz, M. ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Adkins ; Artiles ; Fresen

Education; Establishing a collaboration between the state board and the Legislature to designate certain Florida College System institutions as distinguished colleges; revising public school choice options available to students to include CAPE digital tools, CAPE industry certifications, and collegiate high school programs; revising eligibility for the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program; revising requirements for a charter school to be eligible for funding appropriated for charter school capital outlay purposes, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2016
Last Action: 4/14/2016 - Chapter No. 2016-237, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62)
Bill Text: PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    12/3/2015 House • Filed
    12/18/2015 House • Referred to Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee -HJ 132
    1/4/2016 House • On Committee agenda-- Education Appropriations Subcommittee, 01/11/16, 4:00 pm, Morris Hall
    1/11/2016 House • CS by Education Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 2 -HJ 168
    1/12/2016 House • Introduced -HJ 131
    • Pending review of CS under Rule 7.19(c)
    • CS by Education Appropriations Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 154
    1/13/2016 House • Now in Education Committee -HJ 216
    1/19/2016 House • On Committee agenda-- Education Committee, 01/21/16, 11:30 am, Reed Hall
    1/21/2016 House • CS/CS by- Education Committee; YEAS 11 NAYS 4 -HJ 290
    1/26/2016 House • Pending review of CS -under Rule 7.19(c)
    • CS/CS by Education Committee read 1st time -HJ 285
    1/27/2016 House • Placed on Calendar -HJ 306
    2/15/2016 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 02/17/16
    2/17/2016 House • Read 2nd time -HJ 466
    • Amendment(s) failed (079677, 117441, 242231, 594457, 652081) -HJ 467
    • Amendment(s) adopted (017211, 127787, 573909) -HJ 467
    • Placed on 3rd reading
    2/18/2016 House • Read 3rd time -HJ 490
    • CS passed as amended; YEAS 79 NAYS 35 -HJ 491
    2/23/2016 Senate • In Messages
    • Referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; Appropriations -SJ 479
    • Received -SJ 479
    3/4/2016 Senate • Withdrawn from Education Pre-K - 12; Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; Appropriations -SJ 672
    • Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 672
    • Substituted for CS/SB 1166 -SJ 672
    • Read 2nd time -SJ 672
    • Amendment(s) adopted (620160) -SJ 673, 720
    • Placed on 3rd reading
    3/9/2016 Senate • Read 3rd time -SJ 853
    • Amendment(s) reconsidered, adopted as amended (550680) -SJ 854
    • CS passed as amended; YEAS 28 NAYS 12 -SJ 881
    3/9/2016 House • In returning messages
    3/10/2016 House • Was taken up -HJ 995
    • Amendment(s) to Senate amendment(s) adopted (635159) -HJ 1046
    • Concurred in Senate amendment(s) as amended (550680) -HJ 1046
    • CS passed as amended; YEAS 81 NAYS 37 -HJ 1046
    3/10/2016 Senate • In returning messages
    3/11/2016 Senate • Amendment(s) to House amendment(s) adopted (137784, 927886) -SJ 1102, 1155
    • Concurred in House amendment(s) as amended -SJ 1155
    • CS passed as amended; YEAS 29 NAYS 10 -SJ 1155
    3/11/2016 House • In returning messages
    • Was taken up -HJ 1165
    • Concurred in Senate amendment(s) to House amendment(s) (137784, 927886) -HJ 1188
    • CS passed as amended; YEAS 82 NAYS 33 -HJ 1188
    • Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -HJ 1188
    3/30/2016 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    4/14/2016 • Approved by Governor
    • Chapter No. 2016-237, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62)

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  • CS/CS/HB 7029, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/17/2016 at 4:49 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   Choice and Innovation Subcommittee (Post-Meeting) 4/18/2016 (pdf)

    Related Bills (43)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 31 (e1) High School Athletics Spano Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 119 Educational Facilities Bileca Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 593 (e1) Government Accountability Metz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Ethics and Elections, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 479 (Ch. 2016-22), CS/CS/CS/HB 651 (Ch. 2016-132), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), HB 7071 (Ch. 2016-151)
    Location: In committee/council (EE)
    H 669 (e1) Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 693 (c1) Florida Seal of Biliteracy Program Fresen, Rodriguez Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died in Appropriations Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (APC)
    H 837 (er) Education Programs for Individuals with Disabilities Bileca, Cortes Compare Last Action: 3/28/2016 Chapter No. 2016-137, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: Became Law
    H 873 (c2) Education Funding Diaz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    H 907 Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Eagle Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died in Education Appropriations Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (EDAS)
    H 991 Auditory-oral Education Programs Ahern Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died in K-12 Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (KTS)
    H 1003 (c1) Employment After Retirement of School District Personnel Sullivan Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (GO)
    H 1155 (c1) Membership Associations Eisnaugle Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Unfinished Business Calendar
    H 1359 Vocational Rehabilitation Fresen Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    H 1403 Pledge of Allegiance Broxson, Hill, Narain Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    H 5003 (er) Implementing the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 3/18/2016 Chapter No. 2016-62, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 499 (Ch. 2016-128), CS/CS/CS/HB 589 (Ch. 2016-130), CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), CS/CS/HB 1083 (Ch. 2016-140), CS/HB 1335 (Ch. 2016-147), HB 5001 (Ch. 2016-66), HB 5101 (Ch. 2016-65), CS/HB 7003 (Ch. 2016-3), HB 7027 (Ch. 2016-181), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), CS/CS/HB 7061 (Ch. 2016-239), CS/SB 1322 (Ch. 2016-152)
    Location: Became Law
    H 7021 (e1) Education K-12 Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 7039 Extracurricular Activities Education Committee Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    H 7043 (c1) Education Education Committee Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Higher Education, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (HE)
    S 424 Charter Schools Sobel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 442 Educational Facilities Flores Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 524 (c2) Education Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 287 (Ch. 2016-223), CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/CS/HB 1365 (Ch. 2016-149), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Special Order Calendar
    S 684 (c2) Choice in Sports Gaetz, Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 686 (c2) Government Accountability Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 479 (Ch. 2016-22), CS/CS/CS/HB 651 (Ch. 2016-132), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), HB 7071 (Ch. 2016-151)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 830 (c1) School Choice Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 884 Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 886 (c1) Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 890 Education Flores Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 898 Education Garcia Compare Last Action: 1/8/2016 S Withdrawn prior to introduction, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: Withdrawn from consideration
    S 962 Vocational Rehabilitation Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died in Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In messages from Senate
    S 1026 (c2) High School Athletics Simmons Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Special Order Calendar
    S 1060 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1064 Special Facility Construction Account Flores Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AED)
    S 1076 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1078 Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1088 (c1) Education Programs for Individuals with Disabilities Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/8/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 787
    Location: Laid on Table
    S 1126 (c1) Auditory-oral Education Programs Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 1166 (c1) Education Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/4/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 672
    Location: Laid on Table
    S 1356 Employment After Retirement of School District Personnel Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1360 (c1) Student Assessments Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Special Order Calendar
    S 1426 (c1) Membership Associations Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/8/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 835
    Location: Laid on Table
    S 1600 Pledge of Allegiance Evers Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 2502 (e1) Implementing the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/11/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5001 (Ch. 2016-66), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), CS/CS/HB 7061 (Ch. 2016-239) -SJ 367
    Location: Laid on Table

    Citations - Statutes (39)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    413.207 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; quality assurance. Page 152 (pdf)
    617.221 Page 14 (pdf)
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board. Page 15 (pdf)
    1001.66 Page 56 (pdf)
    1001.67 Page 15 (pdf)
    1001.7065 Preeminent state research universities program. Page 59 (pdf)
    1001.71 University boards of trustees; membership. Page 65 (pdf)
    1001.92 State University System Performance-Based Incentive. Page 66 (pdf)
    1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights. Page 17 (pdf)
    1002.31 Controlled open enrollment; public school parental choice. Page 20 (pdf)
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 25 (pdf)
    1002.331 High-performing charter schools. Page 55 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 88 (pdf)
    1002.391 Auditory-oral education programs. Page 90 (pdf)
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 90 (pdf)
    1002.53 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program; eligibility and enrollment. Page 24 (pdf)
    1003.3101 Page 93 (pdf)
    1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma. Page 68 (pdf)
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 94 (pdf)
    1003.432 Page 156 (pdf)
    1003.44 Patriotic programs; rules. Page 155 (pdf)
    1004.935 Adults with Disabilities Workforce Education Pilot Program. Page 95 (pdf)
    1006.15 Student standards for participation in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular student activities; regulation. Page 99 (pdf)
    1006.195 Page 108 (pdf)
    1006.20 Athletics in public K-12 schools. Page 110 (pdf)
    1007.35 Florida Partnership for Minority and Underrepresented Student Achievement. Page 117 (pdf)
    1009.893 Florida National Merit Scholar Incentive Program. Page 119 (pdf)
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 123 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 129 (pdf)
    1011.71 District school tax. Page 140 (pdf)
    1012.33 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and school principals. Page 152 (pdf)
    1012.42 Teacher teaching out-of-field. Page 141 (pdf)
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 142 (pdf)
    1012.583 Page 143 (pdf)
    1012.795 Education Practices Commission; authority to discipline. Page 145 (pdf)
    1012.796 Complaints against teachers and administrators; procedure; penalties. Page 146 (pdf)
    1013.385 Page 149 (pdf)
    1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding. Page 70 (pdf)
    1013.64 Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs; construction cost maximums for school district capital projects. Page 78 (pdf)

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/HB 7029, Engrossed 2 Posted 3/17/2016 at 4:44 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (11)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 830 (c1) School Choice Stargel Similar Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    H 669 (e1) Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 4013 (c1) Blended Learning Courses Diaz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 424 Charter Schools Sobel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 470 Blended Learning Courses Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 886 (c1) Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1060 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1076 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 1166 (c1) Education Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/4/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 672
    Location: Laid on Table

    Citations - Statutes (39)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    413.207 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; quality assurance.
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.
    1001.7065 Preeminent state research universities program.
    1001.71 University boards of trustees; membership.
    1001.92 State University System Performance-Based Incentive.
    1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights.
    1002.31 Controlled open enrollment; public school parental choice.
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 4 (pdf)
    1002.331 High-performing charter schools. Page 37 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 42 (pdf)
    1002.391 Auditory-oral education programs.
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 44 (pdf)
    1002.53 Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program; eligibility and enrollment.
    1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma.
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.44 Patriotic programs; rules.
    1004.935 Adults with Disabilities Workforce Education Pilot Program.
    1006.15 Student standards for participation in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular student activities; regulation.
    1006.20 Athletics in public K-12 schools.
    1007.35 Florida Partnership for Minority and Underrepresented Student Achievement.
    1009.893 Florida National Merit Scholar Incentive Program.
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 48 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 54 (pdf)
    1011.71 District school tax.
    1012.33 Contracts with instructional staff, supervisors, and school principals.
    1012.42 Teacher teaching out-of-field.
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 55 (pdf)
    1012.795 Education Practices Commission; authority to discipline.
    1012.796 Complaints against teachers and administrators; procedure; penalties.
    1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding. Page 55 (pdf)
    1013.64 Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs; construction cost maximums for school district capital projects.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/HB 7029, Engrossed 1 Posted 2/17/2016 at 7:06 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   House Message Summary (pdf)

    Related Bills (11)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 830 (c1) School Choice Stargel Similar Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    H 669 (e1) Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 4013 (c1) Blended Learning Courses Diaz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 424 Charter Schools Sobel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 470 Blended Learning Courses Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 886 (c1) Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1060 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1076 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 1166 (c1) Education Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/4/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 672
    Location: Laid on Table

    Floor Amendments (29)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    595536 - Amendment
    Between lines 1178 and 1179 insert:
    Hays 3/3/2016
    4:00 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    274472 - Amendment (Delete All)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Gaetz 3/3/2016
    5:18 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 151172 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Delete lines 102 - 111 and insert:
    Soto 3/3/2016
    7:02 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 129658 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Delete lines 102 - 111 and insert:
    Soto 3/4/2016
    1:11 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 788462 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 127 and 128 insert:
    Brandes 3/4/2016
    1:56 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 435660 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Delete line 193 and insert:
    Soto 3/3/2016
    7:02 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 569004 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Delete lines 1010 - 1044 and insert:
    Gaetz 3/4/2016
    10:15 AM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 215930 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 1206 and 1207 insert:
    Hays 3/4/2016
    9:07 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 570124 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 1206 and 1207 insert:
    Hays 3/4/2016
    10:41 AM
    Senate: Ruled Out of Order
    Web Page
    hierarchy 244772 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 1206 and 1207 insert:
    Flores 3/4/2016
    12:15 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 880320 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 2449 and 2450 insert:
    Soto 3/4/2016
    12:52 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 763426 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 2570 and 2571 insert:
    Legg 3/4/2016
    10:52 AM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 334880 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 2570 and 2571 insert:
    Legg 3/4/2016
    12:33 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 479366 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Between lines 2570 and 2571 insert:
    Flores 3/4/2016
    1:16 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 728756 - Amendment to Amendment (274472)
    Delete lines 2571 - 2573 and insert:
    Brandes 3/3/2016
    6:55 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    620160 - Amendment (Delete All)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Gaetz 3/4/2016
    10:38 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 716950 - Amendment to Amendment (620160)
    Before line 5 insert:
    Stargel 3/9/2016
    12:20 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 737686 - Amendment to Amendment (620160)
    Delete lines 128 - 144.
    Gaetz 3/8/2016
    4:34 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 382070 - Amendment to Amendment (620160)
    Between lines 1136 and 1137 insert:
    Gaetz 3/8/2016
    4:35 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 971612 - Amendment to Amendment (620160)
    Delete lines 1248 - 1381.
    Gaetz 3/8/2016
    4:34 PM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 174148 - Amendment to Amendment (620160)
    Between lines 2638 and 2639 insert:
    Richter 3/9/2016
    10:43 AM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    hierarchy 471510 - Amendment to Amendment (620160)
    Between lines 3499 and 3500 insert:
    Evers 3/8/2016
    7:24 AM
    Senate: Replaced by Engrossed Amendment
    Web Page
    550680 - Amendment (Delete All)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Gaetz 3/9/2016
    2:56 PM
    House: Concurred as Amended
    Web Page
    hierarchy 635159 - Amendment to Amendment (550680)
    Remove lines 186-3599 of the amendment and insert:
    Fresen 3/10/2016
    4:39 PM
    Senate: Concurred as Amended
    hierarchy 137784 - S Amend. to H Amend. to S Amend. (635159)
    Between lines 87 and 88 insert:
    Lee 3/11/2016
    1:55 PM
    House: Concur
    Web Page
    hierarchy 927886 - S Amend. to H Amend. to S Amend. (635159)
    Delete lines 125 - 3828 and insert:
    Gaetz 3/11/2016
    12:55 PM
    House: Concur
    Web Page
    hierarchy 972899 - Amendment to Amendment (550680)
    Remove lines 186-3599 of the amendment and insert:
    Fresen 3/10/2016
    4:39 PM
    House: Withdrawn
    hierarchy 388629 - Amendment to Amendment (550680)
    Remove lines 3343-3365 of the amendment and insert:
    Eagle 3/10/2016
    8:51 AM
    House: Withdrawn
    hierarchy 522943 - Amendment to Amendment (550680)
    Between lines 3599 and 3600 of the amendment, insert:
    Rader 3/10/2016
    1:28 PM
    House: Withdrawn

    Floor Votes (6)

    Date Chamber Result
    2/18/2016 2:11 PM House 79 Yeas - 35 Nays
    3/4/2016 1:54 PM Senate - Amendment 570124 14 Yeas - 24 Nays
    3/9/2016 12:41 PM Senate 28 Yeas - 12 Nays
    3/10/2016 6:14 PM House 81 Yeas - 37 Nays
    3/11/2016 2:18 PM Senate 29 Yeas - 10 Nays
    3/11/2016 3:39 PM House 82 Yeas - 33 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (12)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 4 (pdf)
    1002.331 High-performing charter schools. Page 37 (pdf)
    1002.333 Page 40 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 42 (pdf)
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 44 (pdf)
    1002.455 Student eligibility for K-12 virtual instruction. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.498 School district virtual course offerings. Page 46 (pdf)
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 48 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 54 (pdf)
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 55 (pdf)
    1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding. Page 55 (pdf)

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/HB 7029, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 1/26/2016 at 2:31 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (9)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 830 (c1) School Choice Stargel Identical Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    H 669 (e1) Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 4013 (c1) Blended Learning Courses Diaz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 424 Charter Schools Sobel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 470 Blended Learning Courses Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 886 Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1076 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)

    Floor Amendments (10)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    652081 - Amendment
    Between lines 182 and 183, insert:
    Dudley 2/16/2016
    1:55 PM
    House: Failed
    079677 - Amendment
    Remove lines 291-296 and insert:
    Stark 2/16/2016
    12:11 PM
    House: Failed
    117441 - Amendment
    Between lines 692 and 693, insert:
    Dudley 2/16/2016
    1:54 PM
    House: Failed
    127787 - Amendment
    Remove lines 721-724 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 2/16/2016
    12:47 PM
    House: Adopted
    910233 - Amendment
    Between lines 815 and 816, insert:
    Dudley 2/16/2016
    1:54 PM
    House: Superseded by Substitute
    hierarchy 017211 - Substitute Amendment (910233)
    Between lines 815 and 816, insert:
    Diaz, M. 2/16/2016
    4:54 PM
    House: Adopted
    242231 - Amendment
    Remove lines 1015-1017 and insert:
    Fullwood 2/8/2016
    9:55 AM
    House: Failed
    237809 - Amendment
    Remove lines 1020-1021 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 2/16/2016
    11:58 AM
    House: Superseded by Substitute
    hierarchy 573909 - Substitute Amendment (237809)
    Remove lines 1019-1021 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 2/16/2016
    4:52 PM
    House: Adopted
    594457 - Amendment
    Remove lines 1044-1048 and insert:
    Stark 2/16/2016
    12:20 PM
    House: Failed

    Citations - Statutes (12)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 4 (pdf)
    1002.331 High-performing charter schools. Page 36 (pdf)
    1002.333 Page 39 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 42 (pdf)
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 43 (pdf)
    1002.455 Student eligibility for K-12 virtual instruction. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.498 School district virtual course offerings. Page 46 (pdf)
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 47 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 53 (pdf)
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 54 (pdf)
    1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding. Page 55 (pdf)

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/HB 7029, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 1/12/2016 at 3:32 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   Education Committee (Post-Meeting) 1/27/2016 (pdf)

    Related Bills (8)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 669 (c1) Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 4013 (c1) Blended Learning Courses Diaz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 424 Charter Schools Sobel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 470 Blended Learning Courses Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 830 School Choice Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 886 Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)

    Committee Amendments (6)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    032027 - Amendment
    Remove line 931 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 1/20/2016
    5:20 PM
    465329 - Amendment
    Remove lines 975-989 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 1/20/2016
    5:21 PM
    643289 - Amendment
    Remove line 1062 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 1/20/2016
    5:22 PM
    905753 - Amendment
    Between lines 1136 and 1137, insert:
    Diaz, M. 1/20/2016
    5:23 PM
    811071 - Amendment
    Remove lines 1177-1178 and insert:
    Diaz, M. 1/20/2016
    5:24 PM
    079779 - Amendment
    Remove lines 1222-1272
    Diaz, M. 1/20/2016
    5:25 PM

    Citations - Statutes (13)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 5 (pdf)
    1002.331 High-performing charter schools. Page 37 (pdf)
    1002.333 Page 40 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 42 (pdf)
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 44 (pdf)
    1002.455 Student eligibility for K-12 virtual instruction. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.498 School district virtual course offerings. Page 46 (pdf)
    1004.650 Page 48 (pdf)
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 50 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 56 (pdf)
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 57 (pdf)
    1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding. Page 57 (pdf)

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 7029, Original Filed Version Posted 12/3/2015 at 9:36 AM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   Education Appropriations Subcommittee (Post-Meeting) 1/12/2016 (pdf)

    Related Bills (8)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 669 Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 4013 (c1) Blended Learning Courses Diaz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 424 Charter Schools Sobel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 470 Blended Learning Courses Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 830 School Choice Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 886 Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)

    Committee Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    816679 - Amendment
    Remove line 729 and insert:
    Adkins 1/11/2016
    1:26 PM
    Adopted without Objection

    Citations - Statutes (13)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 5 (pdf)
    1002.331 High-performing charter schools. Page 36 (pdf)
    1002.333 Page 40 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 42 (pdf)
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 44 (pdf)
    1002.455 Student eligibility for K-12 virtual instruction. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 45 (pdf)
    1003.498 School district virtual course offerings. Page 46 (pdf)
    1004.650 Page 47 (pdf)
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 49 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 55 (pdf)
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 56 (pdf)
    1013.62 Charter schools capital outlay funding. Page 57 (pdf)

    Top of SectionTop of Page