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The Florida Senate

SB 1686: Reclaimed Water


Reclaimed Water; Revising a report that the Board of Administration must provide to the Legislature to include a summary of certain water supply investments; requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to perform an annual review of the board in certain potential water supply projects and submit an annual report to the board and the Legislature; providing legislative findings; authorizing each water management district to adopt rules providing water reuse incentives, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2017
Last Action: 5/5/2017 Senate - Died in Environmental Preservation and Conservation, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 10 (Ch. 2017-10)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Environmental Preservation and Conservation (EP)
  2. Appropriations (AP)
  3. Rules (RC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/3/2017 Senate • Filed
3/14/2017 Senate • Referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; Appropriations; Rules -SJ 213
3/15/2017 Senate • Introduced -SJ 213
3/22/2017 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Environmental Preservation and Conservation, 03/22/17, 4:00 pm, 37 Senate Office Building --Temporarily Postponed
5/5/2017 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Environmental Preservation and Conservation, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 10 (Ch. 2017-10)