HB 7035: Florida Statutes
REVISER'S/GENERAL BILL by Rules Committee ; Clemons
Florida Statutes; Deletes provisions that have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; replaces incorrect cross-references & citations; corrects grammatical, typographical, & like errors; removes inconsistencies, redundancies, & unnecessary repetition in statutes; & improves clarity of statutes & facilitates their correct interpretation.
Effective Date: on the 60th day after adjournment sine die of the session of the Legislature in which enacted
Last Action: 2/9/2022 House - Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 848 (Ch. 2022-4)
Bill Text: PDF
Last Action: 2/9/2022 House - Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 848 (Ch. 2022-4)
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 1/27/2022 House • Filed
1/28/2022 House • 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
1/31/2022 House • Bill referred to House Calendar
• Added to Second Reading Calendar
2/3/2022 House • Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/9/2022)
2/9/2022 House • Substituted SB 848
• Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 848 (Ch. 2022-4)
HB 7035, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 1/27/2022 at 5:17 PM
Bill Text: PDF Analyses: Rules Committee (Post-Meeting) 3/28/2022 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 848 (er) Florida Statutes Passidomo Identical Last Action: 2/25/2022 Chapter No. 2022-4 Citations - Statutes (88)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 28.2221 Electronic access to official records. 39.00146 Case record face sheet. 50.0211 Internet website publication. 95.361 Roads presumed to be dedicated. 97.0575 Third-party voter registrations. 102.072 Vote-by-mail count reporting. 110.117 Paid holidays. 110.12303 State group insurance program; additional benefits; price transparency program; reporting. 171.203 Interlocal service boundary agreement. 189.0695 Independent special districts; performance reviews. 193.4517 Assessment of agricultural equipment rendered unable to be used due to Hurricane Michael. 265.2865 Florida Artists Hall of Fame. 282.318 Cybersecurity. 282.319 Florida Cybersecurity Advisory Council. 288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses. 288.8014 Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc.; organization; board of directors. 290.0475 Rejection of grant applications; penalties for failure to meet application conditions. 316.5501 Permitting program for combination truck tractor, semitrailer, and trailer combination coupled as a single unit subject to certain requirements. 319.141 Rebuilt motor vehicle inspection program. 319.1414 Department-authorized private rebuilt inspection providers; investigations; examinations; proceedings; subpoenas and other process; witnesses; oaths; rules. 319.25 Cancellation of certificates; investigations; examinations; proceedings; subpoenas and other process; witnesses; oaths; rules. 322.032 Digital proof of driver license or identification card. 322.18 Original applications, licenses, and renewals; expiration of licenses; delinquent licenses. 337.11 Contracting authority of department; bids; emergency repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders; combined design and construction contracts; progress payments; records; requirements of vehicle registration. 337.401 Use of right-of-way for utilities subject to regulation; permit; fees. 350.0605 Former commissioners and employees; representation of clients before commission. 366.02 Definitions. 366.032 Preemption over utility service restrictions. 366.04 Jurisdiction of commission. 366.96 Storm protection plan cost recovery. 373.016 Declaration of policy. 373.0465 Central Florida Water Initiative. 373.701 Declaration of policy. 373.707 Alternative water supply development. 379.2311 Nonnative animal management. 380.0933 Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation. 390.011 Definitions. 395.002 Definitions. 395.701 Annual assessments on net operating revenues for inpatient and outpatient services to fund public medical assistance; administrative fines for failure to pay assessments when due; exemption. 397.410 Licensure requirements; minimum standards; rules. 402.62 Strong Families Tax Credit. 403.064 Reuse of reclaimed water. 403.086 Sewage disposal facilities; advanced and secondary waste treatment. 409.905 Mandatory Medicaid services. 413.271 Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. 420.602 Definitions. 445.007 Local workforce development boards. 468.505 Exemptions; exceptions. 480.033 Definitions. 553.791 Alternative plans review and inspection. 604.73 Urban agriculture pilot projects; local regulation of urban agriculture. 624.105 Waiver of customer liability. 624.51057 Credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations. 626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined. 633.202 Florida Fire Prevention Code. 660.46 Substitution of fiduciaries. 736.1008 Limitations on proceedings against trustees. 736.1411 No duty to monitor, inform, or advise. 738.602 Payments from deferred compensation plans, annuities, and retirement plans or accounts. 765.101 Definitions. 768.1382 Streetlights, security lights, and other similar illumination; limitation on liability. 768.381 COVID-19-related claims against health care providers. 812.014 Theft. 812.015 Retail and farm theft; transit fare evasion; mandatory fine; alternative punishment; detention and arrest; exemption from liability for false arrest; resisting arrest; penalties. 823.14 Florida Right to Farm Act. 849.086 Cardrooms authorized. 870.01 Affrays and riots. 948.16 Misdemeanor pretrial substance abuse education and treatment intervention program; misdemeanor pretrial veterans’ treatment intervention program; misdemeanor pretrial mental health court program. 1001.03 Specific powers of State Board of Education. 1001.10 Commissioner of Education; general powers and duties. 1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board. 1002.33 Charter schools. 1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. 1002.421 State school choice scholarship program accountability and oversight. 1002.82 Department of Education; powers and duties. 1003.4203 Digital materials, CAPE Digital Tool certificates, and technical assistance. 1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma. 1003.5716 Transition to postsecondary education and career opportunities. 1004.015 Florida Talent Development Council. 1004.097 Free expression on campus. 1006.60 Codes of conduct; disciplinary measures; rules or regulations. 1008.25 Public school student progression; student support; screening and progress monitoring; reporting requirements. 1008.30 Assessing college-level communication and computation skills for public postsecondary education. 1008.31 Florida’s Early Learning-20 education performance accountability system; legislative intent; mission, goals, and systemwide measures; data quality improvements. 1008.365 Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence Act. 1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. 1011.802 Florida Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant Program. 1012.976 Remuneration of state university employees; limitations.