SB 1246: Truth in Legal Advertising
GENERAL BILL by Yarborough
Truth in Legal Advertising; Specifying prohibited practices relating to advertisements for legal services; requiring persons and entities that issue advertisements to solicit certain clients to include specified information and statements in such advertisements; providing that the person or entity that issues an advertisement is solely responsible for ensuring its compliance with specified provisions; prohibiting the use, obtaining, sale, transfer, or disclosure of a consumer’s protected health information for a specified purpose without written authorization, etc.
Effective Date: 7/1/2023
Last Action: 4/28/2023 Senate - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1205 (Ch. 2023-289) -SJ 622
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Last Action: 4/28/2023 Senate - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1205 (Ch. 2023-289) -SJ 622
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
- Judiciary (JU)
- Commerce and Tourism (CM)
- Rules (RC)
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/28/2023 | Senate |
• Filed |
3/6/2023 | Senate |
• Referred to Judiciary; Commerce and Tourism; Rules |
3/7/2023 | Senate |
• Introduced |
3/24/2023 | Senate |
• On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 03/29/23, 12:00 pm, 412 Knott Building |
3/29/2023 | Senate |
• Favorable by Judiciary; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 |
3/30/2023 | Senate |
• Now in Commerce and Tourism • On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Tourism, 04/04/23, 8:30 am, 110 Senate Building |
4/4/2023 | Senate |
• Favorable by Commerce and Tourism; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 |
4/5/2023 | Senate |
• Now in Rules |
4/14/2023 | Senate |
• On Committee agenda-- Rules, 04/19/23, 8:30 am, 412 Knott Building |
4/19/2023 | Senate |
• Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 13 NAYS 5 |
4/20/2023 | Senate |
• Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading |
4/25/2023 | Senate |
• Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/28/23 |
4/28/2023 | Senate |
• Read 2nd time -SJ 622 • Substituted CS/HB 1205 -SJ 622 • Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1205 (Ch. 2023-289) -SJ 622 |