HB 1209: Land Use and Development Regulations
Land Use and Development Regulations; Removes language authorizing owner of agricultural enclave to apply for comprehensive plan amendment; authorizes such owner to instead apply for administrative approval of development regardless of future land use designations or comprehensive plan conflicts; removes certain presumption of urban sprawl; requires that authorized development be treated as conforming use; requires supermajority vote for adoption of certain comprehensive plans & plan amendments; authorizes owners of property subject to comprehensive plan amendment & persons applying for comprehensive plan amendments to file civil actions for relief; requires that local land development regulations establish by specified date minimum lot sizes within certain zoning districts to accommodate authorized maximum density; requires approval of infill residential development applications; requires treatment of certain developments as conforming use; specifies that certain parcels may be subject to recreational covenant & that certain recreational facilities & amenities are not part of common area; prohibits imposition or collection of amenity dues except as provided in recreational covenant; requires that recreational covenant recorded before certain date comply with specified requirements to remain valid & effective; limits annual increases in amenity fees & amenity expenses; prohibits recreational covenant from requiring association to collect amenity dues; requires specified disclosure summary for contracts for sale of certain parcels.
Last Action: 3/5/2025 House - Now in Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/26/2025 | House |
• Filed |
3/4/2025 | House |
• 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) |
3/5/2025 | House |
• Referred to Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee • Referred to Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee • Referred to Commerce Committee • Now in Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee |