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The Florida Senate

SB 1266: Public Records/Victim of a Crime


Public Records/Victim of a Crime; Revising a public records exemption for documents that reveal certain information about the victim of a crime to include only public records that reveal such information; providing an exemption from public records requirements for any other personal identifying or location information that could be used to locate or harass a victim or the victim’s family; deleting an exemption for information that reveals certain information about a victim of sexual battery, aggravated child abuse, aggravated stalking, harassment, aggravated battery, or domestic violence upon written request of the victim; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/25/2025 Senate - Filed
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/25/2025 Senate • Filed