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The Florida Senate

HB 1381: Elections

GENERAL BILL by Persons-Mulicka

Elections; Revises provisions related to elections including signature matching, Office of Election Crimes & Security, online voter registration, oaths, citizenship, information sharing, voter records, addresses, eligibility, updating voter rolls, candidate qualifications, disclosures, special elections, identification, voter challenges, ballot canvassing, poll watchers, ballots, sample ballots, polling places, audits, notices, reporting, vote-by-mail, endorsements, canvassing boards, political parties, campaign financing, & criminal penalties.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/27/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/27/2025 House • Filed

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  • HB 1381, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/27/2025 at 4:21 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 1383 Pub.Rec./Voter Registration Record Maintenance Persons-Mulicka Linked Last Action: 2/27/2025 H Filed

    Citations - Statutes (71)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    97.012 Secretary of State as chief election officer.
    97.021 Definitions.
    97.022 Office of Election Crimes and Security; creation; purpose and duties.
    97.051 Oath upon registering.
    97.0525 Online voter registration.
    97.053 Acceptance of voter registration applications.
    97.057 Voter registration by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
    97.0575 Third-party voter registration organizations.
    97.1031 Notice of change of residence, change of name, or change of party affiliation.
    98.015 Supervisor of elections; election, tenure of office, compensation, custody of registration-related documents, office hours, successor, seal; appointment of deputy supervisors; duties.
    98.045 Administration of voter registration.
    98.065 Registration list maintenance programs.
    98.075 Registration records maintenance activities; ineligibility determinations.
    98.212 Department and supervisors to furnish statistical and other information.
    99.012 Restrictions on individuals qualifying for public office.
    99.021 Form of candidate oath.
    99.061 Method of qualifying for nomination or election to federal, state, county, or district office.
    100.191 General election laws applicable to special elections; returns.
    101.043 Identification required at polls.
    101.048 Provisional ballots.
    101.111 Voter challenges.
    101.131 Watchers at polls.
    101.151 Specifications for ballots.
    101.20 Publication of ballot form; sample ballots.
    101.252 Candidates entitled to have names printed on certain ballots; exception.
    101.5606 Requirements for approval of systems.
    101.56075 Voting methods.
    101.5608 Voting by electronic or electromechanical method; procedures.
    101.5612 Testing of tabulating equipment.
    101.5614 Canvass of returns.
    101.572 Public inspection of ballots.
    101.591 Voting system audit.
    101.5911 Rulemaking authority for voting system audit procedures.
    101.595 Analysis and reports of voting problems.
    101.6104 Challenge of votes.
    101.62 Request for vote-by-mail ballots.
    101.64 Delivery of vote-by-mail ballots; envelopes; form.
    101.657 Early voting.
    101.68 Canvassing of vote-by-mail ballot.
    101.69 Voting in person; return of vote-by-mail ballot.
    101.6921 Delivery of special vote-by-mail ballot to certain first-time voters.
    101.6923 Special vote-by-mail ballot instructions for certain first-time voters.
    101.694 Mailing of ballots upon receipt of federal postcard application.
    101.6952 Vote-by-mail ballots for absent uniformed services and overseas voters.
    101.697 Electronic transmission of election materials.
    101.698 Absentee voting in emergency situations.
    102.031 Maintenance of good order at polls; authorities; persons allowed in polling rooms and early voting areas; unlawful solicitation of voters.
    102.141 County canvassing board; duties.
    102.166 Manual recounts of overvotes and undervotes.
    103.021 Nomination for presidential electors.
    103.121 Powers and duties of executive committees.
    104.047 Vote-by-mail ballots and voting; violations.
    105.09 Political activity in behalf of a candidate for judicial office limited.
    106.021 Campaign treasurers; deputies; primary and secondary depositories.
    106.07 Reports; certification and filing.
    106.08 Contributions; limitations on.
    106.087 Independent expenditures; contribution limits; restrictions on political parties and political committees.
    113.01 Fee for commissions issued by Governor.
    113.02 Fee to be paid before commissions issued.
    113.03 Disposition of proceeds.
    113.051 Grants and commissions.
    117.01 Appointment, application, suspension, revocation, application fee, bond, and oath.
    117.225 Registration; qualifications.
    117.295 Standards for electronic and online notarization; rulemaking authority.
    895.02 Definitions.
    1003.42 Required instruction.

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