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The Florida Senate

HB 1471: Housing


Housing; Creates Department of Housing & Tenant Rights; provides requirements for rental agreements; prohibits landlords from requiring prospective tenants to pay certain fees; revises & specifies grounds for termination of rental agreement; authorizes tenants, mobile home owners, mobile home tenants, & mobile home occupants who are defendants in eviction proceedings to file motion with court to have records of such proceedings sealed & to have their names substituted on progress docket; requires landlord to give tenants opportunity to purchase dwelling unit or premises; prohibits landlord from evicting tenant or terminating rental agreement because tenant or tenant's minor child is victim of actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence, or stalking; prohibits purchase of single-family homes for specified purpose; authorizes civil investigations & actions; authorizes award of certain relief; authorizes local governments & special districts to adopt specified impact fee; authorizes municipalities to create community land bank programs; requires certain municipalities to develop & annually adopt community land bank plan; authorizes land banks to buy certain property for less than market value; requires land banks to offer qualified organizations right of first refusal to purchase certain property; provides that rental of certain homestead property does not constitute abandonment; creates Retail-to-residence Tax Credit Program & Affordable Housing Construction Loan Program.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/28/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/28/2025 House • Filed

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  • HB 1471, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/28/2025 at 12:59 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (24)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    83.43 Definitions.
    83.46 Rent; duration of tenancies.
    83.47 Prohibited provisions in rental agreements.
    83.49 Deposit money or advance rent; duty of landlord and tenant.
    83.51 Landlord’s obligation to maintain premises.
    83.54 Enforcement of rights and duties; civil action; criminal offenses.
    83.56 Termination of rental agreement.
    83.60 Defenses to action for rent or possession; procedure.
    83.63 Casualty damage.
    83.67 Prohibited practices.
    163.31801 Impact fees; short title; intent; minimum requirements; audits; challenges.
    196.061 Rental of homestead to constitute abandonment.

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