SB 438: Food and Hemp Products
Food and Hemp Products; Providing that a marijuana testing laboratory may acquire hemp and hemp extract only from certain businesses; revising requirements for the sale and distribution of hemp extract; prohibiting businesses and food establishments from possessing hemp extract products that are attractive to children; prohibiting a business permitted to sell hemp or hemp extract from being located in certain areas; providing a penalty for hemp extract possessed, manufactured, delivered, held, offered for sale, distributed, or sold by certain entities in violation of specified provisions, etc. APPROPRIATION: $2,000,000
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/28/2025 Senate • Filed
SB 438, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/28/2025 at 3:23 PM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (3)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills H 601 Hemp Extract Products Cassel Compare Last Action: 2/19/2025 H Now in Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee S 334 Marijuana Products Gruters Compare Last Action: 1/27/2025 S Withdrawn prior to introduction S 1030 Food and Hemp Products Davis Compare Last Action: 2/24/2025 S Filed Citations - Statutes (3)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 381.988 Medical marijuana testing laboratories; marijuana tests conducted by a certified laboratory. Page 3 (pdf) 500.03 Definitions; construction; applicability. Page 13 (pdf) 581.217 State hemp program. Page 4 (pdf)