SB 844: Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence; Revising the definition of the term “domestic violence” to include coercive control of one family or household member by another family or household member, etc.
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/18/2025 | Senate |
• Filed |
2/28/2025 | Senate |
• Referred to Criminal Justice; Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Fiscal Policy |
3/4/2025 | Senate |
• Introduced |
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No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (45)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
25.385 | Standards for instruction of circuit and county court judges in handling domestic violence and dependency cases. | Page 9 (pdf) |
39.301 | Initiation of protective investigations. | Page 10 (pdf) |
39.902 | Definitions. | Page 14 (pdf) |
44.407 | Elder-focused dispute resolution process. | Page 15 (pdf) |
61.125 | Parenting coordination. | Page 16 (pdf) |
61.13 | Support of children; parenting and time-sharing; powers of court. | Page 17 (pdf) |
61.13001 | Parental relocation with a child. | Page 20 (pdf) |
61.45 | Court-ordered parenting plan; risk of violation; bond. | Page 21 (pdf) |
90.5036 | Domestic violence advocate-victim privilege. | Page 22 (pdf) |
397.417 | Peer specialists. | Page 22 (pdf) |
406.135 | Autopsies; confidentiality of photographs and video and audio recordings; confidentiality of reports of minor victims of domestic violence; exemption. | Page 27 (pdf) |
414.0252 | Definitions. | Page 3 (pdf) |
420.0004 | Definitions. | Page 28 (pdf) |
420.6241 | Persons with lived experience. | Page 28 (pdf) |
435.03 | Level 1 screening standards. | Page 33 (pdf) |
435.04 | Level 2 screening standards. | Page 34 (pdf) |
443.101 | Disqualification for benefits. | Page 34 (pdf) |
456.031 | Requirement for instruction on domestic violence. | Page 37 (pdf) |
464.018 | Disciplinary actions. | Page 38 (pdf) |
497.005 | Definitions. | Page 38 (pdf) |
626.9541 | Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined. | Page 40 (pdf) |
741.28 | Domestic violence; definitions. | Page 3 (pdf) |
741.281 | Court to order batterers’ intervention program attendance. | Page 3 (pdf) |
741.283 | Minimum term of imprisonment for domestic violence. | Page 4 (pdf) |
741.29 | Domestic violence; investigation of incidents; notice to victims of legal rights and remedies; reporting. | Page 5 (pdf) |
741.2901 | Domestic violence cases; prosecutors; legislative intent; investigation; duty of circuits; first appearance. | Page 5 (pdf) |
741.30 | Domestic violence; injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; enforcement; public records exemption. | Page 7 (pdf) |
741.313 | Unlawful action against employees seeking protection. | Page 43 (pdf) |
741.402 | Definitions; ss. 741.401-741.409. | Page 43 (pdf) |
768.35 | Continuing domestic violence. | Page 43 (pdf) |
775.08435 | Prohibition on withholding adjudication in felony cases. | Page 44 (pdf) |
787.03 | Interference with custody. | Page 44 (pdf) |
790.401 | Risk protection orders. | Page 45 (pdf) |
900.05 | Criminal justice data collection. | Page 47 (pdf) |
901.15 | When arrest by officer without warrant is lawful. | Page 47 (pdf) |
901.41 | Prearrest diversion programs. | Page 48 (pdf) |
903.011 | Pretrial release; general terms; statewide uniform bond schedule. | Page 48 (pdf) |
907.041 | Pretrial detention and release. | Page 51 (pdf) |
921.0024 | Criminal Punishment Code; worksheet computations; scoresheets. | Page 52 (pdf) |
938.08 | Additional cost to fund programs in domestic violence. | Page 57 (pdf) |
943.171 | Basic skills training in handling domestic violence cases. | Page 58 (pdf) |
944.705 | Release orientation program. | Page 58 (pdf) |
948.038 | Batterers’ intervention program as a condition of probation, community control, or other court-ordered community supervision. | Page 58 (pdf) |
985.255 | Detention criteria; detention hearing. | Page 59 (pdf) |
985.265 | Detention transfer and release; education; adult jails. | Page 60 (pdf) |
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