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The Florida Senate

HB 943: Real Property and Land Use and Development


Real Property and Land Use and Development; Requires counties & municipalities, respectively, to authorize multifamily & mixed-use residential as allowable uses on sites owned by specified entities & in planned unit developments; provides that certain affordable or workforce units also qualify as affordable housing; prohibits counties & municipalities, respectively, from restricting density of proposed multifamily or mixed-use residential development below highest density, maximum lot size of proposed multifamily or mixed-use residential development below highest maximum lot size, floor area ratio of proposed multifamily or mixed-use residential development below certain percentage & height of proposed multifamily or mixed-use residential development below highest height; revises ability of counties & municipalities, respectively, to restrict height of multifamily or mixed-use residential developments that are adjacent specified parcels to highest height; provides that if county or municipality, respectively, adopts ordinance or resolution, or makes any other decision having certain listed effects, ordinance, resolution, or decision is deemed preempted; preempts regulation of affordable housing to state; prohibits counties & municipalities, respectively, from conditioning review or approval of applications for development permits or orders on waiver, forbearance, or abandonment of any development right; prohibits local governments from increasing costs of construction of accessory dwelling units; requires local governments to submit annual reports to Department of Commerce & post such reports on local governments' website; authorizes board of county commissioners or governing body of municipality to exempt specified portions of property within multifamily projects & accessory dwelling units used to provide affordable housing; authorizes filing of motions to determine whether residential real property is abandoned real property; prohibits discrimination in land use decisions & in permitting of development based on development or proposed development being affordable housing.

Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Last Action: 2/24/2025 House - Filed
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/24/2025 House • Filed