(3) Sector planning encompasses two levels: adoption pursuant to s. 163.3184 of a long-term master plan for the entire planning area as part of the comprehensive plan, and adoption by local development order of two or more detailed specific area plans that implement the long-term master plan and within which s. 380.06 is waived.(a) In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, a long-term master plan pursuant to this section must include maps, illustrations, and text supported by data and analysis to address the following:1. A framework map that, at a minimum, generally depicts areas of urban, agricultural, rural, and conservation land use; identifies allowed uses in various parts of the planning area; specifies maximum and minimum densities and intensities of use; and provides the general framework for the development pattern in developed areas with graphic illustrations based on a hierarchy of places and functional place-making components.
2. A general identification of the water supplies needed and available sources of water, including water resource development and water supply development projects, and water conservation measures needed to meet the projected demand of the future land uses in the long-term master plan.
3. A general identification of the transportation facilities to serve the future land uses in the long-term master plan, including guidelines to be used to establish each modal component intended to optimize mobility.
4. A general identification of other regionally significant public facilities necessary to support the future land uses, which may include central utilities provided onsite within the planning area, and policies setting forth the procedures to be used to mitigate the impacts of future land uses on public facilities.
5. A general identification of regionally significant natural resources within the planning area based on the best available data and policies setting forth the procedures for protection or conservation of specific resources consistent with the overall conservation and development strategy for the planning area.
6. General principles and guidelines addressing the urban form and the interrelationships of future land uses; the protection and, as appropriate, restoration and management of lands identified for permanent preservation through recordation of conservation easements consistent with s. 704.06, which shall be phased or staged in coordination with detailed specific area plans to reflect phased or staged development within the planning area; achieving a more clean, healthy environment; limiting urban sprawl; providing a range of housing types; protecting wildlife and natural areas; advancing the efficient use of land and other resources; creating quality communities of a design that promotes travel by multiple transportation modes; and enhancing the prospects for the creation of jobs. 7. Identification of general procedures and policies to facilitate intergovernmental coordination to address extrajurisdictional impacts from the future land uses.
A long-term master plan adopted pursuant to this section may be based upon a planning period longer than the generally applicable planning period of the local comprehensive plan, shall specify the projected population within the planning area during the chosen planning period, and may include a phasing or staging schedule that allocates a portion of the local government’s future growth to the planning area through the planning period. A long-term master plan adopted pursuant to this section is not required to demonstrate need based upon projected population growth or on any other basis.
(b) In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, the detailed specific area plans shall be consistent with the long-term master plan and must include conditions and commitments that provide for:1. Development or conservation of an area of at least 1,000 acres consistent with the long-term master plan. The local government may approve detailed specific area plans of less than 1,000 acres based on local circumstances if it is determined that the detailed specific area plan furthers the purposes of this part and part I of chapter 380.
2. Detailed identification and analysis of the maximum and minimum densities and intensities of use and the distribution, extent, and location of future land uses.
3. Detailed identification of water resource development and water supply development projects and related infrastructure and water conservation measures to address water needs of development in the detailed specific area plan.
4. Detailed identification of the transportation facilities to serve the future land uses in the detailed specific area plan.
5. Detailed identification of other regionally significant public facilities, including public facilities outside the jurisdiction of the host local government, impacts of future land uses on those facilities, and required improvements consistent with the long-term master plan.
6. Public facilities necessary to serve development in the detailed specific area plan, including developer contributions in a 5-year capital improvement schedule of the affected local government.
7. Detailed analysis and identification of specific measures to ensure the protection and, as appropriate, restoration and management of lands within the boundary of the detailed specific area plan identified for permanent preservation through recordation of conservation easements consistent with s. 704.06, which easements shall be effective before or concurrent with the effective date of the detailed specific area plan and other important resources both within and outside the host jurisdiction. 8. Detailed principles and guidelines addressing the urban form and the interrelationships of future land uses; achieving a more clean, healthy environment; limiting urban sprawl; providing a range of housing types; protecting wildlife and natural areas; advancing the efficient use of land and other resources; creating quality communities of a design that promotes travel by multiple transportation modes; and enhancing the prospects for the creation of jobs.
9. Identification of specific procedures to facilitate intergovernmental coordination to address extrajurisdictional impacts from the detailed specific area plan.
A detailed specific area plan adopted by local development order pursuant to this section may be based upon a planning period longer than the generally applicable planning period of the local comprehensive plan and shall specify the projected population within the specific planning area during the chosen planning period. A detailed specific area plan adopted pursuant to this section is not required to demonstrate need based upon projected population growth or on any other basis. All lands identified in the long-term master plan for permanent preservation shall be subject to a recorded conservation easement consistent with s. 704.06 before or concurrent with the effective date of the final detailed specific area plan to be approved within the planning area.
(c) In its review of a long-term master plan, the state land planning agency shall consult with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the applicable water management district regarding the design of areas for protection and conservation of regionally significant natural resources and for the protection and, as appropriate, restoration and management of lands identified for permanent preservation.
(d) In its review of a long-term master plan, the state land planning agency shall consult with the Department of Transportation, the applicable metropolitan planning organization, and any urban transit agency regarding the location, capacity, design, and phasing or staging of major transportation facilities in the planning area.
(e) Whenever a local government issues a development order approving a detailed specific area plan, a copy of such order shall be rendered to the state land planning agency and the owner or developer of the property affected by such order, as prescribed by rules of the state land planning agency for a development order for a development of regional impact. Within 45 days after the order is rendered, the owner, the developer, or the state land planning agency may appeal the order to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission by filing a petition alleging that the detailed specific area plan is not consistent with the comprehensive plan or with the long-term master plan adopted pursuant to this section. The appellant shall furnish a copy of the petition to the opposing party, as the case may be, and to the local government that issued the order. The filing of the petition stays the effectiveness of the order until after completion of the appeal process. However, if a development order approving a detailed specific area plan has been challenged by an aggrieved or adversely affected party in a judicial proceeding pursuant to s. 163.3215, and a party to such proceeding serves notice to the state land planning agency, the state land planning agency shall dismiss its appeal to the commission and shall have the right to intervene in the pending judicial proceeding pursuant to s. 163.3215. Proceedings for administrative review of an order approving a detailed specific area plan shall be conducted consistent with s. 380.07(6). The commission shall issue a decision granting or denying permission to develop pursuant to the long-term master plan and the standards of this part and may attach conditions or restrictions to its decisions. (f) This subsection does not prevent preparation and approval of the sector plan and detailed specific area plan concurrently or in the same submission.
(5) When a detailed specific area plan has become effective for a portion of the planning area governed by a long-term master plan adopted pursuant to this section, s. 380.06 does not apply to development within the geographic area of the detailed specific area plan. However, any development-of-regional-impact development order that is vested from the detailed specific area plan may be enforced pursuant to s. 380.11.(a) The local government adopting the detailed specific area plan is primarily responsible for monitoring and enforcing the detailed specific area plan. Local governments may not issue any permits or approvals or provide any extensions of services to development that are not consistent with the detailed specific area plan.
(b) If the state land planning agency has reason to believe that a violation of any detailed specific area plan has occurred or is about to occur, it may institute an administrative or judicial proceeding to prevent, abate, or control the conditions or activity creating the violation, using the procedures in s. 380.11. (c) In instituting an administrative or judicial proceeding involving a sector plan or detailed specific area plan, including a proceeding pursuant to paragraph (b), the complaining party shall comply with the requirements of s. 163.3215(4), (5), (6), and (7), except as provided by paragraph (3)(e). (d) The detailed specific area plan shall establish a buildout date until which the approved development is not subject to downzoning, unit density reduction, or intensity reduction, unless the local government can demonstrate that implementation of the plan is not continuing in good faith based on standards established by plan policy, that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of the detailed specific area plan have occurred, that the detailed specific area plan was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the applicant, or that the change is clearly established to be essential to the public health, safety, or welfare.