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2024 Florida Statutes (Including 2025C)
Prohibition against governmental entity contracts with common carriers; required termination provisions.
“(1) As used in this section, the term “inspected unauthorized alien” means an individual who has documentation from the United States Government indicating that the United States Government processed and released him or her into the United States without admitting the individual in accordance with the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. ss. 1101 et seq. The term must be interpreted consistently with any applicable federal statutes, rules, or regulations.
“(2) The Legislature finds that the Federal Government has failed to secure the nation’s borders and has allowed a surge of inspected unauthorized aliens to enter the United States. In January 2023, the Governor issued Executive Order 23-03, directing state law enforcement agencies and other state agencies to take necessary actions to protect Floridians from the impacts of the border crisis. Without such action, detrimental effects may be experienced in Florida, including increased crime, diminished economic opportunities and wages for American workers, and burdens on the education and health care systems. The Legislature finds that the Federal Government has proven itself unwilling to address this crisis.
“(3) To mitigate the effects of this crisis on the State of Florida, the Unauthorized Alien Transport Program is created within the Division of Emergency Management within the Executive Office of the Governor for the purpose of facilitating the transport of inspected unauthorized aliens within the United States, consistent with federal law. Notwithstanding s. 287.057, Florida Statutes, the division is authorized to contract for services to implement the program.
“(4) The division may adopt rules to implement the program.
“(5) This section expires June 30, 2025.”