Ben Albritton
409, The Capitol
Office Mailing Address:
404 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
Phone: (850) 487-5229
- Andrew Mackintosh,
Chief of Staff - Reynold Meyer,
Deputy Chief of Staff - Katie Betta,
Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications - Allie Cleary,
Senior Policy Advisor for Healthcare - Jay Ferrin,
Senior Policy Advisor for Environment, Ethics, and Elections - Jennifer Hrdlicka,
Senior Policy Advisor for Econ. Dev., Infrastructure, Security, and Gov't. Oversight - Lauren Jones,
Senior Policy Advisor for Criminal Justice, Judiciary, and Regulated Industries - Christie Letarte,
Senior Policy Advisor for Banking and Insurance - Kathy Mizereck,
Senior Policy Advisor for Education - John Hinchee,
Policy Advisor for Agriculture - Jacqueline Peters,
Professional Development and District Staff Coordinator - Megan Ramba,
Scheduler and Office Manager - Samuel Williams,
Administrative Assistant
Connect with the Senate:
Office of Senate President
The Senate President is a constitutional officer who leads the Florida Senate for a two-year term. The President, who is elected by members of the Senate, manages the operations of the Senate and presides over its sessions. The President’s many duties include: selecting a Majority Leader, appointing Senators to standing Senate committees, appointing committee chairs, and appointing citizens to a variety of boards and commissions.
Leadership Team
Legislative Appointments
The President of the Senate has appointing authority for a diverse number of boards and commissions throughout the state. These boards and commissions include:
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Advisory Council for the Website Information Clearinghouse on Developmental Disabilities
The Advisory Council provides assistance to the Department of Health relating to the needs of patients and families of patients with developmental disabilities in the establishment of the information clearinghouse on developmental disabilities.
- Total Number of Members: 9
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 3
Alzheimer’s Disease Advisory Committee
Advise the Department of Elder Affairs on the treatment of a person with Alzheimer’s Disease and their caretakers.
- Total Number of Members: 15
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 11
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2 (1 must be a sitting member of the Senate)
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Biomedical Research Advisory Council (BRAC)
The James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program works within the Department of Health to provide a perpetual annual source of funding for research in the areas of tobacco-related cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and pulmonary disease. The BRAC is charged with developing the strategic objectives and priorities of the programs, and with recommending which research proposals should be funded, based on the scientific merit of the proposals.
- Total Number of Members: 11
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Blood Clot and Pulmonary Embolism Policy Workgroup
The Blood Clot and Pulmonary Embolism Policy Workgroup gathers specified data and information relating to blood clots and pulmonary embolisms and develops a risk surveillance system and policy recommendations relating thereto.
- Total Number of Members: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 1
Cancer Connect Collaborative
To advise the Department of Health and the Legislature on developing a holistic approach to the state’s efforts to fund cancer research, cancer facilities, and the treatments for cancer patients. May make recommendations on proposed legislation, proposed rules, best practices, data collection and reporting, issuance of grant funds, and other proposals for state policy relating to cancer research or treatment. The collaborative is directed to advise the Department on the awarding of grants issued through the Cancer Innovation Fund.
- Total Number of Members: 6
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation Board of Governors
Citizens is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt government corporation whose public purpose is to provide insurance protection to Florida property owners throughout the state.
- Total Number of Members: 8
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Commission on Ethics
The Commission on Ethics upholds the standards of conduct for the employees of the state, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of Florida.
- Total Number of Members: 9
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Commission on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
The Commission examines the current methods of providing mental health and substance abuse services in Florida and improve the effectiveness of the current practices.
- Total Number of Members: 19
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 7
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 2
Council for Early Grade Success
The Council will review the implementation of, training for, and outcomes from the coordinated screening and progress monitoring program to provide recommendations to the Department of Education that support grade 3 students reading at or above grade level.
- Total Number of Members: 17
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 7
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 7
Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys
The Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys studies adverse societal conditions effecting black males including homicide rates, arrest and incarceration rates, poverty, drug abuse, death rates, school performance, and health issues and propose measures to correct the underlying causes of these issues.
- Total Number of Members: 19
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 4
Direct-Support Organization Within The Department of Legal Affairs (Human Trafficking)
To provide assistance, funding, and support to the Statewide Council on Human trafficking and to assist in the fulfillment of the council’s purposes.
- Total Number of Members: 13
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 5
Florida Cancer Control & Research Advisory Council
The Florida Cancer Control & Research Advisory Council recommends solutions to the Board of Governors and the State Surgeon General regarding methods to control and prevent cancer throughout the state.
- Total Number of Members: 16
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Florida Center for Brain Tumor Research Scientific Advisory Council
The Florida Center for Brain Tumor Research Scientific Advisory Council advises a coordinated research effort to treat and cure cancerous and non-cancerous brain tumors. The Council works with The Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Institute of the University of Florida who collaborate with other brain cancer research institutions in a unified effort to cure brain tumors.
- Total Number of Members: 11
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 3
Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation Executive Council
The Florida Clerk of the Courts Operations Corporation reviews proposed budgets related to the Courts.
- Total Number of Members: 11
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Florida Commission on the Status of Women
The Florida Commission on the Status of Women studies the changing and developing roles of women in American society. The Commission addresses issues that include domestic violence, gender equity, family, employment, education, and healthcare.
- Total Number of Members: 22
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 4
Florida Council on Arts and Culture
The Florida Council on Arts and Culture advises the Secretary of State regarding cultural grant funding and on all matters pertaining to culture in Florida.
- Total Number of Members: 15
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 7
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 4
Florida Cybersecurity Advisory Council
The Council will assist state agencies in protecting their information technology resources from cybersecurity threats and incidents.
- Total Number of Members: 19
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 9
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 8
Florida Department of Commerce Direct-Support Organization
To make recommendations to preserve and protect military installations to support the state’s position in research and development related to or arising out of military missions and contracting, and to improve the state’s military-friendly environment for service members, military dependents, military retirees, and businesses that bring military and base-related jobs to the state.
- Total Number of Members: 13
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 4
Florida Education Fund Board of Directors
The Florida Education Fund board of directors oversees the Florida Education Fund; a state program which matches half of the funds contributed by private sources in order to fund scholarships and educational opportunities in the state of Florida.
- Total Number of Members: 12
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Florida Faith-Based and Community-Based Advisory Council
The Florida Faith-Based and Community-Based Advisory Council facilitates cooperation between the State Government and Florida's faith-based and community-based organizations in order to deliver services more effectively.
- Total Number of Members: 25
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 17
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 4
Florida Greenways and Trails Council
The Florida Greenways and Trails Council manages the maintenance of Florida's greenways and trails. They are tasked with overseeing conservation corridors, greenbelts, recreational trails, scenic corridors, reserves, regional parks and preserves, ecological sites, freshwater and saltwater paddling trails, and other nature-centric roadways throughout the state.
- Total Number of Members: 20
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 3
Florida Historical Commission
The Florida Historical Commission prioritizes the preservation of historical and archeological sites in the State of Florida. They also provide programs to encourage public interest and involvement in the preservation of Florida's historic and archeological sites.
- Total Number of Members: 11
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 7
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Florida Housing Finance Corporation Board of Directors
The Florida Housing Finance Corporation Board of Directors administers financing and refinancing for housing and related facilities.
- Total Number of Members: 11
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 8
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 1
- Total Number of Members: 9
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 3
Florida Small Business Development Center Network Statewide Advisory Board
The Florida Small Business Development Center Network Statewide Advisory Board advises, counsels, and confers with the statewide director on matters pertaining to the operation of the Florida Small Business Development Center Network. The purpose of the network is to serve emerging and established for-profit, privately held businesses that maintain a place of business in the state.
- Total Number of Members: 19
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 3
Florida Veterans' Hall of Fame Council
The Council nominates persons to be considered for induction into the Florida Veterans' Hall of Fame.
- Total Number of Members: 7
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Government Efficiency Task Force
Government Efficiency Task Force shall develop recommendations for improving governmental operations and reducing costs.
- Total Number of Members: 15
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 5
Government Technology Modernization Council
To study and monitor the development and deployment of new technologies and provide reports on recommendations for procurement and regulation of such systems to the Governor, The President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House.
- Total Number of Members: 13
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Graduate Medical Education Committee
The Committee provides an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature regarding the status of Florida's Statewide Medicaid Residency Program.
- Total Number of Members: 13
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Health Care Innovation Council
The Council explores and discusses innovations in technology, workforce, and service delivery models that can be exhibited as best practices, implemented, or scaled in order to improve the quality and delivery of health care in this state in measurable, sustainable, and reproducible ways.
- Total Number of Members: 15
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 6
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Implementing Solutions from Transportation Research and Evaluating Emerging Technologies (I-Street) Living Lab Advisory Board
The advisory board periodically reviews and advises I-STREET concerning its research program.
- Total Number of Members: 9
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 7
Institute for Freedom in the Americas Direct-Support Organization Board of Directors
The Board will provide direct support to the Institute to carry out its mission.
- Total Number of Members: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 3
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and other Neurodegenerative Diseases Policy Committee
To provide a progress and final report to the Governor and the Legislature detailing committee activities, as well as findings and recommendations.
- Total Number of Members: 15
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Public Service Commission Nominating Council
The Public Service Commission Nomination Council nominates candidates to the Governor to fill vacancies on the Public Service Commission; a body which ensures Floridians receive services like natural gas, electricity, telephone, water, and wastewater in a safe affordable manner.
- Total Number of Members: 12
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 6
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 6
Rare Disease Advisory Council
The Advisory Council will provide recommendations on ways to improve health outcomes for individuals residing in this state who have a rare disease.
- Total Number of Members: 22
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 10
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 6
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 6
Seagrass Restoration Technology Development Initiative Technical Advisory Council
The Seagrass Restoration Technology Development Initiative Technical Advisory Council takes the lead in and expedites the development of cost-efficient innovative technologies and approaches to restore coastal seagrass ecosystems by building on research and restoration efforts in the public and private sectors.
- Total Number of Members: 7
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 4
Space Florida Board of Directors
The Space Florida Board of Directors develops, implements, and maintains a plan which provides financial assistance to retain, expand, attract, and create aerospace entities, public or private, which results in the creation of high-value-added businesses and jobs for Florida.
- Total Number of Members: 12
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 9
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 1
State Council On Interstate Educational Opportunity for Military Children
To provide advice and recommendations on the state’s participation and compliance with Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children.
- Total Number of Members: 8
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 4
Statewide Council on Opioid Abatement
The Statewide Council on Opioid Abatement enhances the development and coordination of state and local efforts to abate the opioid epidemic and supports the victims and families of the crisis.
- Total Number of Members: 10
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 7
Task Force on the Monitoring Of Children in Out-Of-Home Care
The task force identifies and counters the root causes of why children go missing while in out-of-home care and ensures that prompt and effective action is taken to address such causes; examines and recommends improvements to current policies, procedures, programs, and initiatives to prevent children from going missing while in out-of-home care and to ensure that timely and comprehensive steps are taken to find children who are missing for any reason, including, but not limited to, running away, human trafficking, and abduction by or absconding with a parent or an individual who does not have care or custody of the child.
- Total Number of Members: 13
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 11
The Initiative Technology Advisory Council
To advise the Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative on ways to develop prevention, control, and mitigation technologies and approaches to address the impacts of red tide on coastal environments and communities in this state.
- Total Number of Members: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by other: 2
Tobacco Education and Use Prevention Advisory Council
The Tobacco Education and Use Prevention Advisory Council advises and reviews a statewide program aimed at reducing the prevalence of tobacco usage among youth, adults, and pregnant women. The program includes the funding of educational marketing campaigns, community and youth programs, as well as counseling and referral services to those struggling with tobacco use related habits or diseases.
- Total Number of Members: 23
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 4
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 2
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 2
Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc., Board of Directors
The Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc., Board of Directors administers the Recovery Fund for the benefit of disproportionately affected counties that experienced economic damage from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
- Total Number of Members: 5
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Governor: 0
- Total Number of Members appointed by the President of the Senate: 1
- Total Number of Members appointed by the Speaker of the House: 1
Florida is for Veterans, Inc., Board of Directors
Florida is for Veterans, Inc., is a nonprofit corporation created within the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs. To promote Florida as a veteran-friendly state to retired and recently separated military personnel; to promote the value of military skillsets to businesses in the state; to facilitate workforce training to veterans to meet the needs of employers; and to enhance the entrepreneurial skills of veterans.
Contact the President’s Office at (850) 487-5229 with questions or for information on how to apply.
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