HB 1969: DMS/Efficiency/Workforce 2000 Comm.
GENERAL BILL by Lawson ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Valdes ; Fuller ; Stafford ; Bloom ; Eggelletion ; Westbrook ; Bush ; Logan
DMS/Efficiency/Workforce 2000 Comm.; exempts DMS from certain structural requirements imposed on executive agencies; revises organizational structure of DMS; provides for personnel rules, records, & reports for employees & positions in career service; directs dept. to facilitate statewide planning & implementation of career service broadbanding compensation & classification system; creates Workforce 2000 Study Commission, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $50,000.
Last Action: 3/6/1998 House - Withdrawn from Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC); General Government Appropriations; Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1860 (Ch. 97-296) -HJ 00127
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 4/9/1997 House • Filed
4/11/1997 House • Introduced -HJ 00521
4/14/1997 House • Referred to Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC); General Government Appropriations -HJ 00559
5/2/1997 House • Carried over to 1998 Session pursuant to House Rule 96, In House Committee on Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC)
3/3/1998 House • CARRIED OVER; Referred to Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC); General Government Appropriations
3/6/1998 House • Withdrawn from Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC); General Government Appropriations; Withdrawn from further cons.,Iden/Sim/Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 1860 (Ch. 97-296) -HJ 00127
HB 1969, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Citations - Statutes (23)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 20.04 Structure of executive branch. 20.22 Department of Management Services. 110.1097 110.1127 Employee security checks. 110.1165 Executive branch personnel errors. 110.201 Personnel rules, records, and reports. 110.207 Classification plan. 110.217 Appointments and promotion. 110.403 Powers and duties of the Department of Management Services. 110.406 Senior Management Service; data collection. 110.602 Selected Exempt Service; creation, coverage. 110.606 Selected Exempt Service; data collection. 216.235 Innovation Investment Program; intent; definitions; composition and responsibilities of State Innovation Committee; responsibilities of the Department of Management Services, the Information Resource Commission, and the review board; procedures for innovative project submission, review, evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered. 255.21 Special facilities for physically disabled. 255.28 Department authority to acquire land with or for facility thereon. 255.30 Fixed capital outlay projects; department rules; delegation of supervisory authority; delegation of responsibility for accounting records. 255.507 Determination of qualified facilities. 282.1021 282.105 Use of state SUNCOM Network by nonprofit corporations. 282.307 287.042 Powers, duties, and functions. 364.511 Powers of the Board of Directors of the Florida Distance Learning Network. 957.03 Correctional Privatization Commission.