CS/HB 3197: Child Protection Act
GENERAL BILL by Governmental Operations ; Wise ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bainter
Child Protection Act; creates said act; specifies circumstances under which agent of CFS Dept. or law enforcement officer may take child into protective custody without court order; requires that court conduct emergency hearing within specified period after child is taken into custody; provides civil cause of action for person falsely named as perpetrator against person who knowingly & willfully made false report, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 5/1/1998 House - Died on Governmental Responsibility Council Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1019 (Ch. 98-403)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 11/14/1997 House • Prefiled
2/16/1998 House • Referred to Governmental Operations (GRC)
3/3/1998 House • Introduced, referred to Governmental Operations (GRC) -HJ 00017
3/6/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Operations (GRC), 03/12/98, 1:30 pm, 413C
3/12/1998 House • Comm. Action:-CS by Governmental Operations (GRC) -HJ 00360
3/25/1998 House • CS read first time on 03/25/98 -HJ 00358; In Governmental Responsibility Council, pending ranking -HJ 00360
4/8/1998 House • Placed on Governmental Responsibility Council Calendar -HJ 00500
5/1/1998 House • Died on Governmental Responsibility Council Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1019 (Ch. 98-403)
CS/HB 3197, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Governmental Operations (Post-Meeting) 3/12/1998 (pdf)
Governmental Operations (Post-Meeting) 3/12/1998 (pdf)
Governmental Operations (Post-Meeting) 3/12/1998 (pdf)
Related Bills (4)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 548 Family Bill of Rights Act Ostalkiewicz Similar Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Ways and Means, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 1019 (Ch. 98-403)
Location:H 1019 (e3) Bloom Compare Last Action: 6/11/1998 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 98-403; See also CS/CS/SB 1024 (Ch. 98-111), CS/SB 1540 (Ch. 98-78)
Location:H 3883 (e2) Protection of Children Lynn Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in returning Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed refer to HB 1019 (Ch. 98-403), CS/CS/SB 1024 (Ch. 98-111), CS/SB 1540 (Ch. 98-78)
Location:S 2170 (c1) Protection of Children Dudley Compare Last Action: 4/30/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01222, -SJ 01522; House Bill substituted -SJ 01355; Laid on Table, Refer to CS/HB 3883 (Died in House Returning Messages); Refer to HB 1019 (Ch. 98-403), CS/CS/SB 1024 (Ch. 98-111), CS/SB 1540 (Ch. 98-78)
Location:Floor Amendments (3)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 485207 - Amendment
Frankel 4/13/1998
8:26 PMWeb Page
PDF410401 - Amendment
Frankel 4/23/1998
8:34 PMWeb Page
PDF512363 - Amendment
Frankel 4/23/1998
8:37 PMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (16)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 39.401 Taking a child alleged to be dependent into custody. 39.402 Placement in a shelter. 39.404 Petition for dependency. 39.408 Hearings for dependency cases. 39.409 Orders of adjudication. 39.415 Appointed counsel; compensation. 57.111 Civil actions and administrative proceedings initiated by state agencies; attorneys' fees and costs. 61.16 Attorney's fees, suit money, and costs. 415.5017 Family services response system; procedures. 415.504 Mandatory reports of child abuse or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline. 415.505 Child protective investigations; institutional child abuse or neglect investigations. 415.51 Confidentiality of reports and records in cases of child abuse or neglect. 415.513 Penalties relating to abuse reporting. 933.18 When warrant may be issued for search of private dwelling. 985.211 Release or delivery from custody. 985.215 Detention. -
HB 3197, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Governmental Operations (Post-Meeting) 3/10/1998 (pdf)
Governmental Operations (Post-Meeting) 3/10/1998 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (16)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 39.401 Taking a child alleged to be dependent into custody. 39.402 Placement in a shelter. 39.404 Petition for dependency. 39.408 Hearings for dependency cases. 39.409 Orders of adjudication. 39.415 Appointed counsel; compensation. 57.111 Civil actions and administrative proceedings initiated by state agencies; attorneys' fees and costs. 61.16 Attorney's fees, suit money, and costs. 415.5017 Family services response system; procedures. 415.504 Mandatory reports of child abuse or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline. 415.505 Child protective investigations; institutional child abuse or neglect investigations. 415.51 Confidentiality of reports and records in cases of child abuse or neglect. 415.513 Penalties relating to abuse reporting. 933.18 When warrant may be issued for search of private dwelling. 985.211 Release or delivery from custody. 985.215 Detention.
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