CS/HB 3245: Fla. Mobile Home Act
GENERAL BILL by Real Property & Probate ; Livingston ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Casey ; Smith ; Byrd ; Kelly ; Heyman ; Ogles ; Arnold ; Culp ; Hafner ; Crow ; Brown ; Fasano ; Bainter ; Cosgrove ; Flanagan ; Prewitt ; Sembler ; Edwards ; Albright ; Morroni ; Jones ; Andrews ; Brennan ; Goode ; Kosmas ; Jacobs ; Dockery ; Harrington ; Wiles ; Pruitt ; Littlefield ; Effman ; Carlton ; Murman
Fla. Mobile Home Act; revises definition of "pass-through charge"; clarifies pass-through charges for vacant lots or undeveloped phases; provides for amendment to prospectus; revises provisions re number of members which constitutes quorum re homeowners' associations, etc. Amends 723.003,.012,.078.
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 12/3/1997 House • Prefiled
1/16/1998 House • Referred to Real Property & Probate (JC)
2/27/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (JC), 03/05/98, 3:15 pm, 413C
3/3/1998 House • Introduced, referred to Real Property & Probate (JC) -HJ 00021; On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (JC), 03/05/98, 3:15 pm, 413C --Temporarily deferred
3/19/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (JC), 03/25/98, 10:00 am, 413C
3/25/1998 House • Comm. Action:-CS by Real Property & Probate (JC) -HJ 00468
4/7/1998 House • CS read first time on 04/07/98 -HJ 00464
4/6/1998 House • In Justice Council, pending ranking -HJ 00468
4/9/1998 House • Placed on Justice Council Calendar -HJ 00521
4/21/1998 House • Temporarily postponed, on Second Reading --Retained on Justice Council Calendar -HJ 00758
5/1/1998 House • Died on Calendar
CS/HB 3245, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 4/3/1998 (pdf)
Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 4/3/1998 (pdf)
Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 4/3/1998 (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 452 (e1) Fla. Mobile Home Act Brown-Waite Similar Last Action: 5/1/1998 H Died in Messages
Location:Floor Amendments (8)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 711089 - Amendment
Littlefield 4/16/1998
12:26 AMWeb Page
PDF290045 - Amendment
Livingston 4/18/1998
9:10 PMWeb Page
PDF864705 - Amendment
Thrasher 4/18/1998
9:14 PMWeb Page
PDF173751 - Amendment
Thrasher 4/23/1998
8:28 PMWeb Page
PDF350183 - Amendment
Thrasher 4/23/1998
8:33 PMWeb Page
PDF353999 - Amendment
Thrasher 4/23/1998
8:33 PMWeb Page
PDF511659 - Amendment
Thrasher 4/23/1998
8:37 PMWeb Page
PDF534951 - Amendment
Livingston 5/1/1998
5:49 AMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (3)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 723.003 Definitions. 723.012 Prospectus or offering circular. 723.078 Bylaws of homeowners' associations. -
HB 3245, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 3/2/1998 (pdf)
Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 3/2/1998 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (2)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 723.003 Definitions. 723.078 Bylaws of homeowners' associations.
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