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The Florida Senate

SB 414: Osteoporosis

GENERAL BILL by Campbell

Osteoporosis; includes osteoporosis education in instruction required for high school graduation; expands groups targeted to receive educational materials under osteoporosis prevention & education program to include women of all ages; expands required insurance coverage for osteoporosis-related matters. Amends 233.061, 381.87, 627.6409,.6691.

Effective Date: 10/01/1998
Last Action: 3/3/1998 Senate - Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Education; Ways and Means -SJ 00031; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/22/98, 1:30 pm, Room-EL --Temporarily postponed; Withdrawn from Banking and Insurance; Education; Ways and Means -SJ 00003; Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 00003
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/3/1997 Senate • Prefiled
1/6/1998 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance; Education; Ways and Means
1/13/1998 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/22/98, 1:30 pm, Room-EL --Temporarily postponed
3/3/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Education; Ways and Means -SJ 00031; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/22/98, 1:30 pm, Room-EL --Temporarily postponed; Withdrawn from Banking and Insurance; Education; Ways and Means -SJ 00003; Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 00003