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The Florida Senate

HB 4681: Regulation of Professions

GENERAL BILL by Health Care Standards & Regulatory Reform ; Jones

Regulation of Professions; revises probable cause provisions & eliminates or revises obsolete references; authorizes Health Dept. & regulatory boards thereunder to refuse to issue initial license under circumstances re ongoing investigations or prosecutions; provides for certain alternative continuing education credit; requires certain applicants for restricted licensure as physician to submit set of fingerprints; corrects cross references, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Contingent
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died in Committee on Health Care, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 2128 (Ch. 98-166), CS/SB 1498 (Ch. 98-202)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/3/1998 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00447
    4/13/1998 House • Referred to Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations -HJ 00555
    4/16/1998 House • Withdrawn from Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations -HJ 00619; In Government Services Council, pending ranking; Placed on Government Services Council Calendar -HJ 00689
    4/20/1998 House • Read second time -HJ 00702
    4/21/1998 House • Read third time -HJ 00749; Passed; YEAS 117 NAYS 0 -HJ 00749
    4/21/1998 Senate • In Messages
    4/22/1998 Senate • Received, referred to Health Care -SJ 00823
    5/1/1998 Senate • Died in Committee on Health Care, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/SB 2128 (Ch. 98-166), CS/SB 1498 (Ch. 98-202)

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  • HB 4681, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Health Care Standards & Regulatory Reform (Post-Meeting) 4/15/1998 (pdf)
    Health Care Standards & Regulatory Reform (Post-Meeting) 4/15/1998 (pdf)

    Related Bills (3)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 2128 (e1) Myers Similar Last Action: 5/22/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-166
    H 4119 (e2) Professional Regulation Ogles Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Messages, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4439 (Ch. 98-419), CS/SB 1716 (Ch. 98-151), CS/SB 2128 (Ch. 98-166)
    S 1498 (e3) Forman Compare Last Action: 5/24/1998 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-202

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/21/1998 2:02 PM House 117 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (247)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    20.43 Department of Health.
    39.01 Definitions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.37 Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the boards to be financed from fees collected; moneys deposited in trust fund; service charge imposed and deposited into the General Revenue Fund; appropriation.
    240.215 Payment of costs of civil action against employees or members of the Board of Regents.
    310.102 Treatment programs for impaired pilots and deputy pilots.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    322.125 Medical Advisory Board.
    337.162 Professional services.
    381.0031 Report of diseases of public health significance to department.
    381.0039 Oversight of acquired immune deficiency syndrome education programs.
    381.026 Florida Patient's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.
    381.0261 Distribution of summary.
    381.0302 Florida Health Services Corps.
    382.002 Definitions.
    383.32 Clinical records.
    391.208 Administrative fines; disposition of fees and fines.
    391.217 Disposition of moneys from fines and fees.
    395.0191 Staff membership and clinical privileges.
    395.0193 Licensed facilities; peer review; disciplinary powers; agency or partnership with physicians.
    395.0195 Access of chiropractors to diagnostic reports.
    395.0197 Internal risk management program.
    395.1041 Access to emergency services and care.
    395.301 Itemized patient bill; form and content prescribed by the agency.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    400.211 Persons employed as nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    400.491 Clinical records.
    400.518 Prohibited referrals to home health agencies.
    400.5575 Disposition of fees and administrative fines.
    404.22 Radiation machines and components; inspection.
    408.061 Data collection; uniform systems of financial reporting; information relating to physician charges; confidentiality of patient records; immunity.
    408.20 Assessments; Health Care Trust Fund.
    408.704 Agency duties and responsibilities related to community health purchasing alliances.
    409.2598 Suspension or denial of new or renewal licenses; registrations; certifications.
    409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
    409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers.
    415.1034 Mandatory reporting of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of disabled adults or elderly persons; mandatory reports of death.
    415.1055 Notification to administrative entities, subjects, and reporters; notification to law enforcement and state attorneys.
    415.503 Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.502-415.514.
    415.504 Mandatory reports of child abuse or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline.
    415.5055 Child protection teams; services; eligible cases.
    415.51 Confidentiality of reports and records in cases of child abuse or neglect.
    440.106 Civil remedies; administrative penalties.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.
    440.15 Compensation for disability.
    455.209 Accountability and liability of board members.
    455.213 General licensing provisions.
    455.218 Foreign-trained professionals; special examination and license provisions.
    455.225 Disciplinary proceedings.
    455.2285 Annual report concerning finances, administrative complaints, disciplinary actions, and recommendations.
    455.564 Department; general licensing provisions.
    455.565 Designated healthcare professionals; information required for licensure.
    455.5651 Practitioner profile; creation.
    455.574 Department of Health; examinations.
    455.641 Unlicensed activities; fees; disposition.
    455.651 Disclosure of confidential information.
    455.654 Financial arrangements between referring health care providers and providers of health care services.
    455.684 Chiropractic and podiatric health care; denial of payment; limitation.
    455.691 Treatment of Medicare beneficiaries; refusal, emergencies, consulting physicians.
    455.694 Boards regulating certain health care practitioners.
    455.697 Health care practitioners; reports on professional liability claims and actions.
    455.698 Reports of professional liability actions; bankruptcies; Department of Health's responsibility to provide.
    455.717 Address of record.
    456.31 Legislative intent.
    456.32 Definitions.
    457.103 Board of Acupuncture; membership; appointment and terms.
    458.307 Board of Medicine.
    458.311 Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.
    458.3115 Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; United States Medical Licensing Examination
    458.3124 Restricted license; certain experienced foreign-trained physicians.
    458.319 Renewal of license.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    458.343 Subpoena of certain records.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    459.002 Chapter not applicable to practice of medicine, surgery, chiropractic, etc.
    459.004 Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
    459.008 Renewal of licenses and certificates.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board.
    459.019 Subpoena of certain records.
    459.022 Physician assistants.
    460.403 Definitions.
    460.404 Board of Chiropractic; membership; appointment; terms.
    460.405 Authority to make rules.
    460.406 Licensure by examination.
    460.4061 Restricted license.
    460.407 Renewal of license.
    460.408 Continuing chiropractic education.
    460.411 Violations and penalties.
    460.412 Sexual misconduct in the practice of chiropractic.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    460.4166 Registered chiropractic assistants.
    461.001 Legislative findings; intent; scope.
    461.002 Exceptions.
    461.003 Definitions.
    461.004 Board of Podiatric Medicine; membership; appointment; terms.
    461.006 Licensure by examination.
    461.007 Renewal of license.
    461.009 Itemized patient billing.
    461.012 Violations and penalties.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    461.0134 Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide
    461.014 Residency.
    461.015 Saving clauses.
    461.018 Limited scope of practice; area of need.
    462.01 Definitions.
    463.002 Definitions.
    463.003 Board of Optometry.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    464.003 Definitions.
    464.004 Board of Nursing; membership; appointment; terms.
    465.004 Board of Pharmacy.
    465.006 Disposition of fees; expenditures.
    466.004 Board of Dentistry.
    466.007 Examination of dental hygienists.
    466.018 Dentist of record; patient records.
    466.022 Peer review; records; immunity.
    466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    467.003 Definitions.
    468.1135 Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
    468.1145 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    468.1185 Licensure.
    468.1295 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1665 Board of Nursing Home Administrators; membership; appointment; terms.
    468.1755 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1756 Statute of limitations.
    468.205 Board of Occupational Therapy Practice.
    468.219 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    468.301 Definitions.
    468.302 Use of radiation; identification of certified persons; limitations; exceptions.
    468.304 Certification examination; admission.
    468.307 Certificate; issuance; possession; display.
    468.314 Advisory Council on Radiation Protection; appointment; terms; powers; duties.
    468.364 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    468.365 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.402 Duties of the department; authority to issue and revoke license; adoption of rules.
    468.4315 Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers.
    468.453 Licensure required; qualifications; examination; bond.
    468.456 Prohibited acts.
    468.4571 Saving clauses.
    468.506 Dietetics and Nutrition Practice Council.
    468.507 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.513 Dietitian
    468.518 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    468.523 Applicability of s. 20.165 and ch. 455.
    468.526 License required; fees.
    468.532 Discipline.
    468.535 Investigations; audits; review.
    468.701 Definitions.
    468.703 Council of Athletic Training.
    468.707 Licensure by examination; requirements.
    468.711 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    468.719 Disciplinary actions.
    468.801 Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists; appointment; membership; terms; headquarters.
    468.811 Disciplinary proceedings.
    469.009 License revocation, suspension, and denial of issuance or renewal.
    470.003 Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers; membership; appointment; terms.
    470.036 Disciplinary proceedings.
    471.008 Rules of the board.
    471.015 Licensure.
    471.033 Disciplinary proceedings.
    471.038 Florida Engineers Management Corporation.
    472.015 Licensure.
    473.3035 Division of Certified Public Accounting.
    473.308 Licensure.
    473.311 Renewal of license.
    473.323 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.204 Board of Veterinary Medicine.
    474.214 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.2145 Subpoena of certain records.
    475.021 Division of Real Estate.
    475.181 Licensure.
    475.25 Discipline.
    475.624 Discipline.
    476.044 Exemptions.
    476.204 Penalties.
    477.0135 Exemptions.
    477.029 Penalty.
    480.044 Fees; disposition.
    481.2055 Authority to make rules.
    481.213 Licensure.
    481.225 Disciplinary proceedings against registered architects.
    481.2251 Disciplinary proceedings against registered interior designers.
    481.306 Authority to make rules.
    481.311 Licensure.
    481.325 Disciplinary proceedings.
    483.805 Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel.
    483.807 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    483.901 Medical physicists; definitions; licensure.
    484.002 Definitions.
    484.003 Board of Opticianry; membership; appointment; terms.
    484.014 Disciplinary actions.
    484.042 Board of Hearing Aid Specialists; membership, appointment, terms.
    484.056 Disciplinary proceedings.
    486.021 Definitions.
    486.023 Board of Physical Therapy Practice.
    486.115 Disposition of fees.
    486.161 Exemptions.
    486.172 Application of s. 455.11.
    489.129 Disciplinary proceedings.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    490.004 Board of Psychology.
    490.00515 Exemptions from public records and meetings requirements.
    490.009 Discipline.
    490.015 Duties of the department.
    491.004 Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling.
    491.0047 Exemptions from public records and meetings requirements.
    491.005 Licensure by examination.
    491.009 Discipline.
    491.015 Duties of the department as to certified master social workers.
    492.103 Board of Professional Geologists.
    492.113 Disciplinary proceedings.
    621.03 Definitions.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.357 Medical malpractice self-insurance.
    627.419 Construction of policies.
    627.6407 Massage.
    627.6482 Definitions.
    627.6619 Massage.
    627.668 Optional coverage for mental and nervous disorders required; exception.
    627.912 Professional liability claims and actions; reports by insurers.
    636.039 Examination by the department.
    641.27 Examination by the department.
    641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.
    641.425 Construction of contracts.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.60 Statewide Managed Care Ombudsman Committee.
    725.01 Promise to pay another's debt, etc.
    766.101 Medical review committee, immunity from liability.
    766.102 Medical negligence; standards of recovery.
    766.103 Florida Medical Consent Law.
    766.105 Florida Patient's Compensation Fund.
    766.106 Notice before filing action for medical malpractice; presuit screening period; offers for admission of liability and for arbitration; informal discovery; review.
    766.110 Liability of health care facilities.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.305 Filing of claims and responses; medical disciplinary review.
    766.308 Medical advisory panel review and recommendations; procedure.
    766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.
    817.234 False and fraudulent insurance claims.
    817.505 Patient brokering prohibited; exceptions; penalties.
    865.09 Fictitious name registration.
    893.02 Definitions.
    937.031 Dental records of missing persons; access and use.
    945.047 Licensing requirements for physicians, osteopathic physicians, and chiropractors employed by the department.
    984.03 Definitions.

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