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The Florida Senate

HB 4831: Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill

GENERAL BILL by Rules, Resolutions, & Ethics ; Thrasher ; Crady

Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill; amends certain provisions pursuant to directive of Legislature, in s. 4, ch. 97-296, Laws of Florida, to substitute reference to DMS for all references in Florida Statutes to any division, bureau, or other unit of DMS, except for references to Division of Administrative Hearings, Division of Retirement, or commissions. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 06/30/1998
Last Action: 5/28/1998 - Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-279
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    4/22/1998 House • Filed; Introduced -HJ 00997
    4/23/1998 House • Read second and third times -HJ 01017; Passed; YEAS 117 NAYS 0 -HJ 01017
    4/23/1998 Senate • In Messages
    4/24/1998 Senate • Received, referred to Rules and Calendar -SJ 00935
    4/29/1998 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules and Calendar -SJ 01220; Substituted for SB 1300 -SJ 01220; Read second and third times -SJ 01220; Passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0 -SJ 01220
    4/29/1998 House • Ordered enrolled -HJ 01710
    5/12/1998 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/28/1998 • Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No. 98-279

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  • HB 4831, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1300 Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill Bankhead Similar Last Action: 4/29/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01092; House Bill substituted -SJ 01220; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 4831 (Ch. 98-279)

    Citations - Statutes (105)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    110.108 Personnel pilot projects.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    120.57 Additional procedures for particular cases.
    154.04 Personnel of county health departments; duties; compensation.
    215.196 Architects Incidental Trust Fund; creation; assessment.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    217.045 Bureau of Federal Property Assistance; assistance to state agencies.
    217.11 Division of Facilities Management; authority to construct and maintain warehouses and other facilities.
    230.23 Powers and duties of school board.
    255.102 Contractor utilization of minority business enterprises.
    255.249 Division of Facilities Management; responsibility; department rules.
    255.25 Approval required prior to construction or lease of buildings.
    255.25001 Suspension or delay of specified functions, programs, and requirements relating to governmental operations.
    255.253 Definitions; ss. 255.251-255.258.
    255.254 No facility constructed or leased without life-cycle costs.
    255.255 Life-cycle costs.
    255.257 Energy management plan; buildings occupied by state agencies.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.31 Authority to the Division of Building Construction of the Department of Management Services to manage construction projects for state and local governments.
    255.45 Correction of firesafety violations in certain state-owned property.
    255.451 Electronic firesafety and security system.
    255.502 Definitions; ss. 255.501-255.525.
    255.503 Powers of the Division of Facilities Management.
    255.504 Use of facilities.
    255.505 Creation of the pool.
    255.506 Facilities in pool.
    255.507 Determination of qualified facilities.
    255.508 Participation in pool.
    255.509 Request for advisory statement.
    255.51 Determination of rental rates.
    255.511 Factors to be considered in establishing rental rates.
    255.513 Powers of the Division of Bond Finance and the Division of Facilities Management.
    255.514 Division of Bond Finance; revenue bonds.
    255.515 Issuance of obligations by the division.
    255.517 Anticipation obligations.
    255.518 Obligations; purpose, terms, approval, limitations.
    255.52 Approval by State Board of Administration.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    255.522 State and political subdivisions not liable on obligations.
    255.523 Exemption from taxes.
    265.001 Florida Women's Hall of Fame.
    265.002 Legislative intent; Florida Medal of Honor Wall; duties of the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    265.2865 Florida Artists Hall of Fame.
    272.03 Division of Facilities Management to supervise Capitol Center buildings; title in state.
    272.04 Division to allocate space.
    272.05 Budgets for repair and maintenance; review.
    272.06 Authority to enter into contracts to provide utility services for buildings.
    272.07 Division may provide for parks, drives, and walkways.
    272.08 Duty of repair, maintenance, and supervision.
    272.09 Management, maintenance, and upkeep of Capitol Center.
    272.12 Florida Capitol Center Planning District.
    272.121 Capitol Center long-range planning.
    272.122 Acquisition of land for state buildings and facilities in the Capitol Center.
    272.124 Division of Facilities Management; power to contract.
    272.16 Parking areas within Capitol Center area.
    272.185 Maintenance of Governor's Mansion by Division of Facilities Management.
    273.055 Disposition of state-owned tangible personal property.
    281.02 Powers and duties of the Division of Capitol Police.
    281.03 Investigations by division.
    281.04 Arrests by agents of division.
    281.05 Ex officio agents.
    281.06 Contracts with counties, municipalities, or licensed private security agencies.
    281.08 Equipment.
    281.09 Bonding required of officers and agents.
    282.102 Powers and duties of Division of Communications of the Department of Management Services.
    282.103 SUNCOM Network; exemptions from the required use.
    282.104 Use of state SUNCOM Network by municipalities.
    282.105 Use of state SUNCOM Network by nonprofit corporations.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    282.111 Statewide system of regional law enforcement communications.
    283.30 Definitions.
    283.32 Recycled paper to be used by each agency; printing bids certifying use of recycled paper; percentage preference in awarding contracts.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    287.012 Definitions.
    287.017 Purchasing categories, threshold amounts; procedures for automatic adjustment by division.
    287.022 Purchase of insurance.
    287.032 Purpose of division.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.045 Procurement of products and materials with recycled content.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    287.056 Agency purchases from agreements and contracts executed by the division.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.073 Procurement of information technology resources.
    287.083 Purchase of commodities.
    287.09451 Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.15 Purchase or lease of motor vehicles, watercraft, or aircraft; prior approval of Division of Motor Pool of the Department of Management Services.
    287.16 Powers and duties of division.
    287.161 Executive aircraft pool; assignment of aircraft; charge for transportation.
    287.19 Transfer of funds.
    288.15 Powers of Division of Bond Finance.
    288.18 Planning, promoting, and supervising state building projects.
    318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.
    334.0445 Model career service classification and compensation plan.
    364.515 Infrastructure investment.
    365.171 Emergency telephone number "911."
    376.10 Personnel and equipment.
    395.1031 Emergency medical services; communication.
    401.013 Legislative intent.
    401.015 Statewide regional emergency medical telecommunication system.
    401.018 System coordination.
    401.024 System approval.
    403.7065 Procurement of products or materials with recycled content.
    946.515 Use of goods and services produced in correctional work programs.

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  • HB 4831, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:09 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules, Resolutions, & Ethics (Post-Meeting) 4/22/1998 (pdf)
    Rules, Resolutions, & Ethics (Post-Meeting) 4/22/1998 (pdf)

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/23/1998 10:43 AM House 117 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/29/1998 7:55 PM Senate 40 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (105)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    110.108 Personnel pilot projects.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    120.57 Additional procedures for particular cases.
    154.04 Personnel of county health departments; duties; compensation.
    215.196 Architects Incidental Trust Fund; creation; assessment.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    217.045 Bureau of Federal Property Assistance; assistance to state agencies.
    217.11 Division of Facilities Management; authority to construct and maintain warehouses and other facilities.
    230.23 Powers and duties of school board.
    255.102 Contractor utilization of minority business enterprises.
    255.249 Division of Facilities Management; responsibility; department rules.
    255.25 Approval required prior to construction or lease of buildings.
    255.25001 Suspension or delay of specified functions, programs, and requirements relating to governmental operations.
    255.253 Definitions; ss. 255.251-255.258.
    255.254 No facility constructed or leased without life-cycle costs.
    255.255 Life-cycle costs.
    255.257 Energy management plan; buildings occupied by state agencies.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.31 Authority to the Division of Building Construction of the Department of Management Services to manage construction projects for state and local governments.
    255.45 Correction of firesafety violations in certain state-owned property.
    255.451 Electronic firesafety and security system.
    255.502 Definitions; ss. 255.501-255.525.
    255.503 Powers of the Division of Facilities Management.
    255.504 Use of facilities.
    255.505 Creation of the pool.
    255.506 Facilities in pool.
    255.507 Determination of qualified facilities.
    255.508 Participation in pool.
    255.509 Request for advisory statement.
    255.51 Determination of rental rates.
    255.511 Factors to be considered in establishing rental rates.
    255.513 Powers of the Division of Bond Finance and the Division of Facilities Management.
    255.514 Division of Bond Finance; revenue bonds.
    255.515 Issuance of obligations by the division.
    255.517 Anticipation obligations.
    255.518 Obligations; purpose, terms, approval, limitations.
    255.52 Approval by State Board of Administration.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    255.522 State and political subdivisions not liable on obligations.
    255.523 Exemption from taxes.
    265.001 Florida Women's Hall of Fame.
    265.002 Legislative intent; Florida Medal of Honor Wall; duties of the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    265.2865 Florida Artists Hall of Fame.
    272.03 Division of Facilities Management to supervise Capitol Center buildings; title in state.
    272.04 Division to allocate space.
    272.05 Budgets for repair and maintenance; review.
    272.06 Authority to enter into contracts to provide utility services for buildings.
    272.07 Division may provide for parks, drives, and walkways.
    272.08 Duty of repair, maintenance, and supervision.
    272.09 Management, maintenance, and upkeep of Capitol Center.
    272.12 Florida Capitol Center Planning District.
    272.121 Capitol Center long-range planning.
    272.122 Acquisition of land for state buildings and facilities in the Capitol Center.
    272.124 Division of Facilities Management; power to contract.
    272.16 Parking areas within Capitol Center area.
    272.185 Maintenance of Governor's Mansion by Division of Facilities Management.
    273.055 Disposition of state-owned tangible personal property.
    281.02 Powers and duties of the Division of Capitol Police.
    281.03 Investigations by division.
    281.04 Arrests by agents of division.
    281.05 Ex officio agents.
    281.06 Contracts with counties, municipalities, or licensed private security agencies.
    281.08 Equipment.
    281.09 Bonding required of officers and agents.
    282.102 Powers and duties of Division of Communications of the Department of Management Services.
    282.103 SUNCOM Network; exemptions from the required use.
    282.104 Use of state SUNCOM Network by municipalities.
    282.105 Use of state SUNCOM Network by nonprofit corporations.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    282.111 Statewide system of regional law enforcement communications.
    283.30 Definitions.
    283.32 Recycled paper to be used by each agency; printing bids certifying use of recycled paper; percentage preference in awarding contracts.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    287.012 Definitions.
    287.017 Purchasing categories, threshold amounts; procedures for automatic adjustment by division.
    287.022 Purchase of insurance.
    287.032 Purpose of division.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.045 Procurement of products and materials with recycled content.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    287.056 Agency purchases from agreements and contracts executed by the division.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.073 Procurement of information technology resources.
    287.083 Purchase of commodities.
    287.09451 Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.15 Purchase or lease of motor vehicles, watercraft, or aircraft; prior approval of Division of Motor Pool of the Department of Management Services.
    287.16 Powers and duties of division.
    287.161 Executive aircraft pool; assignment of aircraft; charge for transportation.
    287.19 Transfer of funds.
    288.15 Powers of Division of Bond Finance.
    288.18 Planning, promoting, and supervising state building projects.
    318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.
    334.0445 Model career service classification and compensation plan.
    364.515 Infrastructure investment.
    365.171 Emergency telephone number "911."
    376.10 Personnel and equipment.
    395.1031 Emergency medical services; communication.
    401.013 Legislative intent.
    401.015 Statewide regional emergency medical telecommunication system.
    401.018 System coordination.
    401.024 System approval.
    403.7065 Procurement of products or materials with recycled content.
    946.515 Use of goods and services produced in correctional work programs.

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